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Making ML models differentially private: Best practices and open challenges

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Natalia Ponomareva and Alex Kurakin, Staff Software Engineers, Google Research Large machine learning (ML) models are ubiquitous in modern applications: from spam filters to recommender systems and virtual assistants. These models achieve remarkable performance partially due to the abundance of available training data. However, these data can sometimes contain private information, including personal identifiable information, copyright material, etc. Therefore, protecting the privacy of the training data is critical to practical, applied ML. Differential Privacy (DP) is one of the most widely accepted technologies that allows reasoning about data anonymization in a formal way. In the context of an ML model, DP can guarantee that each individual user's contribution will not result in a significantly different model. A model’s privacy guarantees are characterized by a tuple (ε, δ), where smaller values of both represent stronger DP guarantees and better privacy. While there are successful examples of protecting training data using DP, obtaining good utility with differentially private ML (DP-ML) techniques can be challenging. First, there are inherent privacy/computation tradeoffs that may limit a model’s utility. Further, DP-ML models often require architectural and hyperparameter tuning, and guidelines on how to do this effectively are limited or difficult to find. Finally, non-rigorous privacy reporting makes it challenging to compare and choose the best DP methods. In “How to DP-fy ML: A Practical Guide to Machine Learning with Differential Privacy”, to appear in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, we discuss the current state of DP-ML research. We provide an overview of common techniques for obtaining DP-ML models and discuss research, engineering challenges, mitigation techniques and current open questions. We will present tutorials based on this work at ICML 2023 and KDD 2023. DP-ML methods The task of introducing DP gets progressively easier from the left to right. Gradient noise injection methods, like DP-SGD or DP-FTRL, and their extensions are currently the most practical methods for achieving DP guarantees in complex models like large deep neural networks. DP-SGD builds off of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer with two modifications: (1) per-example gradients are clipped to a certain norm to limit sensitivity (the influence of an individual example on the overall model), which is a slow and computationally intensive process, and (2) a noisy gradient update is formed by taking aggregated gradients and adding noise that is proportional to the sensitivity and the strength of privacy guarantees. DP-SGD is a modification of SGD that involves a) clipping per-example gradients to limit the sensitivity and b) adding the noise, calibrated to the sensitivity and privacy guarantees, to the aggregated gradients, before the gradient update step. Existing DP-training challenges memory footprint. Loss of utility: The best method for reducing utility drop is to use more computation. Using larger batch sizes and/or more iterations is one of the most prominent and practical ways of improving a model’s performance. Hyperparameter tuning is also extremely important but often overlooked. The utility of DP-trained models is sensitive to the total amount of noise added, which depends on hyperparameters, like the clipping norm and batch size. Additionally, other hyperparameters like the learning rate should be re-tuned to account for noisy gradient updates. Another option is to obtain more data or use public data of similar distribution. This can be done by leveraging publicly available checkpoints, like ResNet or T5, and fine-tuning them using private data. Slower training: Most gradient noise injection methods limit sensitivity via clipping per-example gradients, considerably slowing down backpropagation. This can be addressed by choosing an efficient DP framework that efficiently implements per-example clipping. Increased memory footprint: DP-training requires significant memory for computing and storing per-example gradients. Additionally, it requires significantly larger batches to obtain better utility. Increasing the computation resources (e.g., the number and size of accelerators) is the simplest solution for extra memory requirements. Alternatively, several works advocate for gradient accumulation where smaller batches are combined to simulate a larger batch before the gradient update is applied. Further, some algorithms (e.g., ghost clipping, which is based on this paper) avoid per-example gradient clipping altogether. Best practices Choosing the right privacy unit: First, we should be clear about a model’s privacy guarantees. This is encoded by selecting the “privacy unit,” which represents the neighboring dataset concept (i.e., datasets where only one row is different). Example-level protection is a common choice in the research literature, but may not be ideal, however, for user-generated data if individual users contributed multiple records to the training dataset. For such a case, user-level protection might be more appropriate. For text and sequence data, the choice of the unit is harder since in most applications individual training examples are not aligned to the semantic meaning embedded in the text. Choosing privacy guarantees: We outline three broad tiers of privacy guarantees and encourage practitioners to choose the lowest possible tier below: Tier 1 — Strong privacy guarantees: Choosing ε ≤ 1 provides a strong privacy guarantee, but frequently results in a significant utility drop for large models and thus may only be feasible for smaller models. Tier 2 — Reasonable privacy guarantees: We advocate for the currently undocumented, but still widely used, goal for DP-ML models to achieve an ε ≤ 10. Tier 3 — Weak privacy guarantees: Any finite ε is an improvement over a model with no formal privacy guarantee. However, for ε > 10, the DP guarantee alone cannot be taken as sufficient evidence of data anonymization, and additional measures (e.g., empirical privacy auditing) may be necessary to ensure the model protects user data. Hyperparameter tuning: Choosing hyperparameters requires optimizing over three inter-dependent objectives: 1) model utility, 2) privacy cost ε, and 3) computation cost. Common strategies take two of the three as constraints, and focus on optimizing the third. We provide methods that will maximize the utility with a limited number of trials, e.g., tuning with privacy and computation constraints. Reporting privacy guarantees: A lot of works on DP for ML report only ε and possibly δ values for their training procedure. However, we believe that practitioners should provide a comprehensive overview of model guarantees that includes: DP setting: Are the results assuming central DP with a trusted service provider, local DP, or some other setting? Instantiating the DP definition: Data accesses covered: Whether the DP guarantee applies (only) to a single training run or also covers hyperparameter tuning etc. Final mechanism’s output: What is covered by the privacy guarantees and can be released publicly (e.g., model checkpoints, the full sequence of privatized gradients, etc.) Unit of privacy: The selected “privacy unit” (example-level, user-level, etc.) Adjacency definition for DP “neighboring” datasets: A description of how neighboring datasets differ (e.g., add-or-remove, replace-one, zero-out-one). Privacy accounting details: Providing accounting details, e.g., composition and amplification, are important for proper comparison between methods and should include: Type of accounting used, e.g., Rényi DP-based accounting, PLD accounting, etc. Accounting assumptions and whether they hold (e.g., Poisson sampling was assumed for privacy amplification but data shuffling was used in training). Formal DP statement for the model and tuning process (e.g., the specific ε, δ-DP or ρ-zCDP values). Transparency and verifiability: When possible, complete open-source code using standard DP libraries for the key mechanism implementation and accounting components. Paying attention to all the components used: Usually, DP-training is a straightforward application of DP-SGD or other algorithms. However, some components or losses that are often used in ML models (e.g., contrastive losses, graph neural network layers) should be examined to ensure privacy guarantees are not violated. Open questions Developing better accounting methods: Our current understanding of DP-training ε, δ guarantees relies on a number of techniques, like Rényi DP composition and privacy amplification. We believe that better accounting methods for existing algorithms will demonstrate that DP guarantees for ML models are actually better than expected. Developing better algorithms: The computational burden of using gradient noise injection for DP-training comes from the need to use larger batches and limit per-example sensitivity. Developing methods that can use smaller batches or identifying other ways (apart from per-example clipping) to limit the sensitivity would be a breakthrough for DP-ML. Better optimization techniques: Directly applying the same DP-SGD recipe is believed to be suboptimal for adaptive optimizers because the noise added to privatize the gradient may accumulate in learning rate computation. Designing theoretically grounded DP adaptive optimizers remains an active research topic. Another potential direction is to better understand the surface of DP loss, since for standard (non-DP) ML models flatter regions have been shown to generalize better. Identifying architectures that are more robust to noise: There's an opportunity to better understand whether we need to adjust the architecture of an existing model when introducing DP. Conclusion survey paper summarizes the current research related to making ML models DP, and provides practical tips on how to achieve the best privacy-utility trade offs. Our hope is that this work will serve as a reference point for the practitioners who want to effectively apply DP to complex ML models. Acknowledgements We thank Hussein Hazimeh, Zheng Xu , Carson Denison , H. Brendan McMahan, Sergei Vassilvitskii, Steve Chien and Abhradeep Thakurta, Badih Ghazi, Chiyuan Zhang for the help preparing this blog post, paper and tutorials content. Thanks to John Guilyard for creating the graphics in this post, and Ravi Kumar for comments.

5/20/2023 1:32 AM
2023-05-20 1:39

Boston Isn’t Afraid of Generative AI

Beth Simone Noveck

The city’s first-of-its-kind policy encourages its public servants to use the technology—and could serve as a blueprint for other governments.

5/20/2023 12:34 AM
2023-05-20 0:35

I Finally Bought a ChatGPT Plus Subscription—and It’s Worth It

Reece Rogers

OpenAI’s new web browsing beta convinced me to upgrade my account. Here’s how to access it and make the most of the paid tier.

5/19/2023 7:30 PM
2023-05-19 19:31

Sparse video tubes for joint video and image vision transformers

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by AJ Piergiovanni and Anelia Angelova, Research Scientists, Google Video understanding is a challenging problem that requires reasoning about both spatial information (e.g., for objects in a scene, including their locations and relations) and temporal information for activities or events shown in a video. There are many video understanding applications and tasks, such as understanding the semantic content of web videos and robot perception. However, current works, such as ViViT and TimeSFormer, densely process the video and require significant compute, especially as model size plus video length and resolution increase. In “Rethinking Video ViTs: Sparse Video Tubes for Joint Image and Video Learning”, to be presented at CVPR 2023, we introduce a simple technique that turns a Vision Transformer (ViT) model image encoder into an efficient video backbone using sparse video tubes (learnable visual representations of samples from the video) to reduce the model’s compute needs. This approach can seamlessly process both images and videos, which allows it to leverage both image and video data sources during training. This training further enables our sparse tubes ViT model to coalesce image and video backbones together to serve a dual role as either an image or video backbone (or both), depending on the input. We demonstrate that this model is scalable, can be adapted to large pre-trained ViTs without requiring full fine-tuning, and achieves state-of-the-art results across many video classification benchmarks. Using sparse video tubes to sample a video, combined with a standard ViT encoder, leads to an efficient visual representation that can be seamlessly shared with image inputs. Building a joint image-video backbone Transformer layers, that processes video information. Previous methods, such as ViViT, densely tokenize the video and then apply factorized attention, i.e., the attention weights for each token are computed separately for the temporal and spatial dimensions. In the standard ViT architecture, self-attention is computed over the whole token sequence. When using videos as input, token sequences become quite long, which can make this computation slow. Instead, in the method we propose, the video is sparsely sampled using video tubes, which are 3D learnable visual representations of various shapes and sizes (described in more detail below) from the video. These tubes are used to sparsely sample the video using a large temporal stride, i.e., when a tube kernel is only applied to a few locations in the video, rather than every pixel. By sparsely sampling the video tubes, we can use the same global self-attention module, rather than factorized attention like ViViT. We experimentally show that the addition of factorized attention layers can harm the performance due to the uninitialized weights. This single stack of transformer layers in the ViT backbone also enables better sharing of the weights and improves performance. Sparse video tube sampling is done by using a large spatial and temporal stride that selects tokens on a fixed grid. The large stride reduces the number of tokens in the full network, while still capturing both spatial and temporal information and enabling the efficient processing of all tokens. Sparse video tubes N tokens. These tokens are processed by a standard ViT encoder. Finally, we apply an attention pooling to compress all the tokens into a single representation and input to a fully connected (FC) layer to make the classification (e.g., playing soccer, swimming, etc.). Our video ViT model works by sampling sparse video tubes from the video (shown at the bottom) to enable either or both image or video inputs to be seamlessly processed. These tubes have different shapes and capture different video features. Tube 1 (yellow) only captures spatial information, resulting in a set of 2D patches that can be applied to image inputs. Tube 2 (red) captures temporal information and some spatial information and tube 3 (green) equally captures both temporal and spatial information (i.e., the spatial size of the tube x and y are the same as the number of frames t). Tubes 2 and 3 can only be applied to video inputs. The position embedding is added to all the tube features. Scaling video ViTs The process of building video backbones is computationally intensive, but our sparse tube ViT model enables computationally efficient scaling of video models, leveraging previously trained image backbones. Since image backbones can be adapted to a video backbone, large image backbones can be turned into large video backbones. More specifically, one can transfer the learned video feature representations from a small tube ViT to a large pre-trained image ViT and train the resulting model with video data for only a few steps, as opposed to a full training from scratch. Our approach enables scaling a sparse tube ViT in a more efficient way. Specifically, the video features from a small video ViT (top network) can be transferred to a large, pre-trained image ViT (bottom network), and further fine-tuned. This requires fewer training steps to achieve strong performance with the large model. This is beneficial as large video models might be prohibitively expensive to train from scratch. Results We evaluate our sparse tube ViT approach using Kinetics-400 (shown below), Kinetics-600 and Kinetics-700 datasets and compare its performance to a long list of prior methods. We find that our approach outperforms all prior methods. Importantly, it outperforms all state-of-the-art methods trained jointly on image+video datasets. Performance compared to several prior works on the popular Kinetics-400 video dataset. Our sparse tube ViT outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Something-Something V2 dataset, which is commonly used to evaluate more dynamic activities, and also report that it outperforms all prior state-of-the-art approaches. Performance on the Something-Something V2 video dataset. Visualizing some learned kernels Visualizations of patches and tubes learned the sparse tube ViT model. Top row are the 2D patches and the remaining two rows are snapshots from the learned video tubes. The tubes show each patch for the 8 or 4 frames to which they are applied. Conclusions Acknowledgements This work is conducted by AJ Piergiovanni, Weicheng Kuo and Anelia Angelova, who are now at Google DeepMind. We thank Abhijit Ogale, Luowei Zhou, Claire Cui and our colleagues in Google Research for their helpful discussions, comments, and support.

5/19/2023 5:52 AM
2023-05-19 5:52

Responsible AI at Google Research: PAIR

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Lucas Dixon and Michael Terry, co-leads, PAIR, Google Research PAIR (People + AI Research) first launched in 2017 with the belief that “AI can go much further — and be more useful to all of us — if we build systems with people in mind at the start of the process.” We continue to focus on making AI more understandable, interpretable, fun, and usable by more people around the world. It’s a mission that is particularly timely given the emergence of generative AI and chatbots. Today, PAIR is part of the Responsible AI and Human-Centered Technology team within Google Research, and our work spans this larger research space: We advance foundational research on human-AI interaction (HAI) and machine learning (ML); we publish educational materials, including the PAIR Guidebook and Explorables (such as the recent Explorable looking at how and why models sometimes make incorrect predictions confidently); and we develop software tools like the Learning Interpretability Tool to help people understand and debug ML behaviors. Our inspiration this year is "changing the way people think about what THEY can do with AI.” This vision is inspired by the rapid emergence of generative AI technologies, such as large language models (LLMs) that power chatbots like Bard, and new generative media models like Google's Imagen, Parti, and MusicLM. In this blog post, we review recent PAIR work that is changing the way we engage with AI. Generative AI research using language models to simulate complex community behaviors to studying how artists adopted generative image models like Imagen and Parti. These latter "text-to-image" models let a person input a text-based description of an image for the model to generate (e.g., "a gingerbread house in a forest in a cartoony style"). In a forthcoming paper titled “The Prompt Artists” (to appear in Creativity and Cognition 2023), we found that users of generative image models strive not only to create beautiful images, but also to create unique, innovative styles. To help achieve these styles, some would even seek unique vocabulary to help develop their visual style. For example, they may visit architectural blogs to learn what domain-specific vocabulary they can adopt to help produce distinctive images of buildings. We are also researching solutions to challenges faced by prompt creators who, with generative AI, are essentially programming without using a programming language. As an example, we developed new methods for extracting semantically meaningful structure from natural language prompts. We have applied these structures to prompt editors to provide features similar to those found in other programming environments, such as semantic highlighting, autosuggest, and structured data views. The growth of generative LLMs has also opened up new techniques to solve important long-standing problems. Agile classifiers are one approach we’re taking to leverage the semantic and syntactic strengths of LLMs to solve classification problems related to safer online discourse, such as nimbly blocking newer types of toxic language as quickly as it may evolve online. The big advance here is the ability to develop high quality classifiers from very small datasets — as small as 80 examples. This suggests a positive future for online discourse and better moderation of it: instead of collecting millions of examples to attempt to create universal safety classifiers for all use cases over months or years, more agile classifiers might be created by individuals or small organizations and tailored for their specific use cases, and iterated on and adapted in the time-span of a day (e.g., to block a new kind of harassment being received or to correct unintended biases in models). As an example of their utility, these methods recently won a SemEval competition to identify and explain sexism. We've also developed new state-of-the-art explainability methods to identify the role of training data on model behaviors and misbehaviours. By combining training data attribution methods with agile classifiers, we also found that we can identify mislabelled training examples. This makes it possible to reduce the noise in training data, leading to significant improvements on model accuracy. Collectively, these methods are critical to help the scientific community improve generative models. They provide techniques for fast and effective content moderation and dialogue safety methods that help support creators whose content is the basis for generative models' amazing outcomes. In addition, they provide direct tools to help debug model misbehavior which leads to better generation. Visualization and education AI Explorables, that provide accessible, hands-on ways to learn about key ideas in ML. For example, we recently published new AI Explorables on the topics of model confidence and unintended biases. In our latest Explorable, “From Confidently Incorrect Models to Humble Ensembles,” we discuss the problem with model confidence: models can sometimes be very confident in their predictions… and yet completely incorrect. Why does this happen and what can be done about it? Our Explorable walks through these issues with interactive examples and shows how we can build models that have more appropriate confidence in their predictions by using a technique called ensembling, which works by averaging the outputs of multiple models. Another Explorable, “Searching for Unintended Biases with Saliency”, shows how spurious correlations can lead to unintended biases — and how techniques such as saliency maps can detect some biases in datasets, with the caveat that it can be difficult to see bias when it’s more subtle and sporadic in a training set. PAIR designs and publishes AI Explorables, interactive essays on timely topics and new methods in ML research, such as “From Confidently Incorrect Models to Humble Ensembles,” which looks at how and why models offer incorrect predictions with high confidence, and how “ensembling” the outputs of many models can help avoid this. Transparency and the Data Cards Playbook model cards. Most recently, we presented our work on Data Cards at ACM FAccT’22 and open-sourced the Data Cards Playbook, a joint effort with the Technology, AI, Society, and Culture team (TASC). The Data Cards Playbook is a toolkit of participatory activities and frameworks to help teams and organizations overcome obstacles when setting up a transparency effort. It was created using an iterative, multidisciplinary approach rooted in the experiences of over 20 teams at Google, and comes with four modules: Ask, Inspect, Answer and Audit. These modules contain a variety of resources that can help you customize Data Cards to your organization’s needs: 18 Foundations: Scalable frameworks that anyone can use on any dataset type 19 Transparency Patterns: Evidence-based guidance to produce high-quality Data Cards at scale 33 Participatory Activities: Cross-functional workshops to navigate transparency challenges for teams Interactive Lab: Generate interactive Data Cards from markdown in the browser The Data Cards Playbook is accessible as a learning pathway for startups, universities, and other research groups. Software Tools Know Your Data, which allows researchers to test a model’s performance for various scenarios through interactive qualitative exploration of datasets that they can use to find and fix unintended dataset biases. Recently, PAIR released a new version of the Learning Interpretability Tool (LIT) for model debugging and understanding. LIT v0.5 provides support for image and tabular data, new interpreters for tabular feature attribution, a "Dive" visualization for faceted data exploration, and performance improvements that allow LIT to scale to 100k dataset entries. You can find the release notes and code on GitHub. PAIR’s Learning Interpretability Tool (LIT), an open-source platform for visualization and understanding of ML models. MakerSuite, a tool for rapid prototyping with LLMs using prompt programming. MakerSuite builds on our earlier research on PromptMaker, which won an honorable mention at CHI 2022. MakerSuite lowers the barrier to prototyping ML applications by broadening the types of people who can author these prototypes and by shortening the time spent prototyping models from months to minutes. A screenshot of MakerSuite, a tool for rapidly prototyping new ML models using prompt-based programming, which grew out of PAIR's prompt programming research. Ongoing work an exploratory study with five designers (presented at CHI this year) that looks at how people with no ML programming experience or training can use prompt programming to quickly prototype functional user interface mock-ups. This prototyping speed can help inform designers on how to integrate ML models into products, and enables them to conduct user research sooner in the product design process. Based on this study, PAIR’s researchers built PromptInfuser, a design tool plugin for authoring LLM-infused mock-ups. The plug-in introduces two novel LLM-interactions: input-output, which makes content interactive and dynamic, and frame-change, which directs users to different frames depending on their natural language input. The result is more tightly integrated UI and ML prototyping, all within a single interface. Recent advances in AI represent a significant shift in how easy it is for researchers to customize and control models for their research objectives and goals.These capabilities are transforming the way we think about interacting with AI, and they create lots of new opportunities for the research community. PAIR is excited about how we can leverage these capabilities to make AI easier to use for more people. Acknowledgements Thanks to everyone in PAIR and to all our collaborators.

5/19/2023 2:12 AM
2023-05-19 2:12

ChatGPT Now Has an iPhone App

Lauren Goode

Six months after OpenAI’s silver-tongued chatbot launched on the web and set off an AI arms race, you can put it in your pocket.

5/19/2023 1:11 AM
2023-05-19 1:12

Introducing the ChatGPT app for iOS


The ChatGPT app syncs your conversations, supports voice input, and brings our latest model improvements to your fingertips.

5/19/2023 12:51 AM
2023-05-19 0:52

Politicians Need to Learn How AI Works—Fast

Will Knight

Tech regulation has often disappointed. Automation expert Missy Cummings hopes a course to teach policymakers about artificial intelligence can help.

5/19/2023 12:34 AM
2023-05-19 0:35

Spooked by ChatGPT, US Lawmakers Want to Create an AI Regulator

Khari Johnson

At a congressional hearing senators from both parties and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said a new federal agency was needed to protect people from AI gone bad.

5/17/2023 8:31 PM
2023-05-17 20:32

How Humanity Can Avoid an AI Takeover

Gideon Lichfield, Lauren Goode

We talk to MIT professor Daron Acemoglu about his book Power and Progress and unpack why making direct human-to-AI comparisons isn't necessarily helpful in determining our relationship with technology.

5/17/2023 7:31 PM
2023-05-17 19:32

CNET Published AI-Generated Stories. Then Its Staff Pushed Back

Caitlin Harrington

Like Hollywood's striking screenwriters, the outlet's employees want protections against potentially job-killing automation.

5/17/2023 4:51 AM
2023-05-17 4:52

Using reinforcement learning for dynamic planning in open-ended conversations

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Deborah Cohen, Staff Research Scientist, and Craig Boutilier, Principal Scientist, Google Research As virtual assistants become ubiquitous, users increasingly interact with them to learn about new topics or obtain recommendations and expect them to deliver capabilities beyond narrow dialogues of one or two turns. Dynamic planning, namely the capability to look ahead and replan based on the flow of the conversation, is an essential ingredient for the making of engaging conversations with the deeper, open-ended interactions that users expect. While large language models (LLMs) are now beating state-of-the-art approaches in many natural language processing benchmarks, they are typically trained to output the next best response, rather than planning ahead, which is required for multi-turn interactions. However, in the past few years, reinforcement learning (RL) has delivered incredible results addressing specific problems that involve dynamic planning, such as winning games and protein folding. Today, we are sharing our recent advances in dynamic planning for human-to-assistant conversations, in which we enable an assistant to plan a multi-turn conversation towards a goal and adapt that plan in real-time by adopting an RL-based approach. Here we look at how to improve long interactions by applying RL to compose answers based on information extracted from reputable sources, rather than relying on content generated by a language model. We expect that future versions of this work could combine LLMs and RL in multi-turn dialogues. The deployment of RL “in the wild” in a large-scale dialogue system proved a formidable challenge due to the modeling complexity, tremendously large state and action spaces, and significant subtlety in designing reward functions. What is dynamic planning? dynamic planning, as opposed to static planning, which refers to a more fixed approach. In the conversation below, for example, the goal is to engage the user by sharing interesting facts about cool animals. To begin, the assistant steers the conversation to sharks via a sound quiz. Given the user's lack of interest in sharks, the assistant then develops an updated plan and pivots the conversation to sea lions, lions, and then cheetahs. The assistant dynamically modifies its original plan to talk about sharks and shares facts about other animals. Dynamic composition content generation, which extracts relevant information from reputable sources, and 2) flexible composition of such content into assistant responses. We refer to this two-part approach as dynamic composition. Unlike LLM methods, this approach gives the assistant the ability to fully control the source, correctness, and quality of the content that it may offer. At the same time, it can achieve flexibility via a learned dialogue manager that selects and combines the most appropriate content. In an earlier paper, “Dynamic Composition for Conversational Domain Exploration”, we describe a novel approach which consists of: (1) a collection of content providers, which offer candidates from different sources, such as news snippets, knowledge graph facts, and questions; (2) a dialogue manager; and (3) a sentence fusion module. Each assistant response is incrementally constructed by the dialogue manager, which selects candidates proposed by the content providers. The selected sequence of utterances is then fused into a cohesive response. Dynamic planning using RL off-policy RL, namely an algorithm that evaluates and improves a policy that is different from the policy used by the agent (in our case, the latter is based on a supervised model). Applying RL to dialogue management presents several challenges, including a large state space (as the state represents the conversation state, which needs to account for the whole conversation history) and an effectively unbounded action space (that may include all existing words or sentences in natural language). We address these challenges using a novel RL construction. First, we leverage powerful supervised models — specifically, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers — to provide a succinct and effective dialogue state representation. These state encoders are fed with the dialogue history, composed of a sequence of user and assistant turns, and output a representation of the dialogue state in the form of a latent vector. Second, we use the fact that a relatively small set of reasonable candidate utterances or actions can be generated by content providers at each conversation turn, and limit the action space to these. Whereas the action space is typically fixed in RL settings, because all states share the same action space, ours is a non-standard space in which the candidate actions may differ with each state, since content providers generate different actions depending on the dialogue context. This puts us in the realm of stochastic action sets, a framework that formalizes cases where the set of actions available in each state is governed by an exogenous stochastic process, which we address using Stochastic Action Q-Learning, a variant of the Q-learning approach. Q-learning is a popular off-policy RL algorithm, which does not require a model of the environment to evaluate and improve the policy. We trained our model on a corpus of crowd-compute–rated conversations obtained using a supervised dialogue manager. Given the current dialogue history and a new user query, content providers generate candidates from which the assistant selects one. This process runs in a loop, and at the end the selected utterances are fused into a cohesive response. Reinforcement learning model evaluation A/B testing protocol, in which a small percentage of Assistant users were randomly sampled to interact with our RL-based assistant while other users interacted with the standard assistant. We found that the RL dialogue manager conducts longer, more engaging conversations. It increases conversation length by 30% while improving user engagement metrics. We see an increase of 8% in cooperative responses to the assistant’s questions — e.g., “Tell me about lions,” in response to “Which animal do you want to hear about next?” Although there is also a large increase in nominally “non-cooperative” responses (e.g., “No,” as a reply to a question proposing additional content, such as “Do you want to hear more?”), this is expected as the RL agent takes more risks by asking pivoting questions. While a user may not be interested in the conversational direction proposed by the assistant (e.g., pivoting to another animal), the user will often continue to engage in a dialogue about animals. From the non-cooperative user response in the 3rd turn (“No.”) and the query “Make a dog sound,” in the 5th turn, the assistant recognizes that the user is mostly interested in animal sounds and modifies its plan, providing sounds and sound quizzes. Learned dynamic planning characteristics and strategies In the left conversation, conducted by the supervised model, the assistant maximizes the immediate user satisfaction. The right conversation, conducted by the RL model, shows different planning strategies to optimize the overall user engagement. Future research and challenges Acknowledgements The work described is co-authored by: Moonkyung Ryu, Yinlam Chow, Orgad Keller, Ido Greenberg, Avinatan Hassidim, Michael Fink, Yossi Matias, Idan Szpektor and Gal Elidan. We would like to thank: Roee Aharoni, Moran Ambar, John Anderson, Ido Cohn, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Lotem Golany, Ziv Hodak, Adva Levin, Fernando Pereira, Shimi Salant, Shachar Shimoni, Ronit Slyper, Ariel Stolovich, Hagai Taitelbaum, Noam Velan, Avital Zipori and the CrowdCompute team led by Ashwin Kakarla. We thank Sophie Allweis for her feedback on this blogpost and Tom Small for the visualization.

5/17/2023 3:52 AM
2023-05-17 3:52

Larger language models do in-context learning differently

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Jerry Wei, Student Researcher, and Denny Zhou, Principal Scientist, Google Research There have recently been tremendous advances in language models, partly because they can perform tasks with strong performance via in-context learning (ICL), a process whereby models are prompted with a few examples of input-label pairs before performing the task on an unseen evaluation example. In general, models’ success at in-context learning is enabled by: Their use of semantic prior knowledge from pre-training to predict labels while following the format of in-context examples (e.g., seeing examples of movie reviews with “positive sentiment” and “negative sentiment” as labels and performing sentiment analysis using prior knowledge). Learning the input-label mappings in context from the presented examples (e.g., finding a pattern that positive reviews should be mapped to one label, and negative reviews should be mapped to a different label). In “Larger language models do in-context learning differently”, we aim to learn about how these two factors (semantic priors and input-label mappings) interact with each other in ICL settings, especially with respect to the scale of the language model that’s used. We investigate two settings to study these two factors — ICL with flipped labels (flipped-label ICL) and ICL with semantically-unrelated labels (SUL-ICL). In flipped-label ICL, labels of in-context examples are flipped so that semantic priors and input-label mappings disagree with each other. In SUL-ICL, labels of in-context examples are replaced with words that are semantically unrelated to the task presented in-context. We found that overriding prior knowledge is an emergent ability of model scale, as is the ability to learn in-context with semantically-unrelated labels. We also found that instruction tuning strengthens the use of prior knowledge more than it increases the capacity to learn input-label mappings. An overview of flipped-label ICL and semantically-unrelated label ICL (SUL-ICL), compared with regular ICL, for a sentiment analysis task. Flipped-label ICL uses flipped labels, forcing the model to override semantic priors in order to follow the in-context examples. SUL-ICL uses labels that are not semantically related to the task, which means that models must learn input-label mappings in order to perform the task because they can no longer rely on the semantics of natural language labels. Experiment design natural language processing (NLP) tasks that have been widely used: sentiment analysis, subjective/objective classification, question classification, duplicated-question recognition, entailment recognition, financial sentiment analysis, and hate speech detection. We test five language model families, PaLM, Flan-PaLM, GPT-3, InstructGPT, and Codex. Flipped labels The ability to override semantic priors when presented with flipped in-context example labels emerges with model scale. Smaller models cannot flip predictions to follow flipped labels (performance only decreases slightly), while larger models can do so (performance decreases to well below 50%). Semantically-unrelated labels Small models rely more on semantic priors than large models do, as indicated by the greater decrease in performance for small models than for large models when using semantically-unrelated labels (i.e., targets) instead of natural language labels. For each plot, models are shown in order of increasing model size (e.g., for GPT-3 models, a is smaller than b, which is smaller than c). In the SUL-ICL setup, larger models benefit more from additional examples than smaller models do. Instruction tuning Instruction tuning is a popular technique for improving model performance, which involves tuning models on various NLP tasks that are phrased as instructions (e.g., “Question: What is the sentiment of the following sentence, ‘This movie is great.’ Answer: Positive”). Since the process uses natural language labels, however, an open question is whether it improves the ability to learn input-label mappings or whether it strengthens the ability to recognize and apply semantic prior knowledge. Both of these would lead to an improvement in performance on standard ICL tasks, so it’s unclear which of these occur. We study this question by running the same two setups as before, only this time we focus on comparing standard language models (specifically, PaLM) with their instruction-tuned variants (Flan-PaLM). First, we find that Flan-PaLM is better than PaLM when we use semantically-unrelated labels. This effect is very prominent in small models, as Flan-PaLM-8B outperforms PaLM-8B by 9.6% and almost catches up to PaLM-62B. This trend suggests that instruction tuning strengthens the ability to learn input-label mappings, which isn’t particularly surprising. Instruction-tuned language models are better at learning input–label mappings than pre-training–only language models are. Instruction-tuned models are worse than pre-training–only models at learning to override semantic priors when presented with flipped labels in-context. Conclusion Future work Acknowledgements This work was conducted by Jerry Wei, Jason Wei, Yi Tay, Dustin Tran, Albert Webson, Yifeng Lu, Xinyun Chen, Hanxiao Liu, Da Huang, Denny Zhou, and Tengyu Ma. We would like to thank Sewon Min and our fellow collaborators at Google Research for their advice and helpful discussions.

5/16/2023 6:52 AM
2023-05-16 7:00

Larger language models do in-context learning differently

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Jerry Wei, Student Researcher, and Denny Zhou, Principal Scientist, Google Research There have recently been tremendous advances in language models, partly because they can perform tasks with strong performance via in-context learning (ICL), a process whereby models are prompted with a few examples of input-label pairs before performing the task on an unseen evaluation example. In general, models’ success at in-context learning is enabled by: Their use of semantic prior knowledge from pre-training to predict labels while following the format of in-context examples (e.g., seeing examples of movie reviews with “positive sentiment” and “negative sentiment” as labels and performing sentiment analysis using prior knowledge). Learning the input-label mappings in context from the presented examples (e.g., finding a pattern that positive reviews should be mapped to one label, and negative reviews should be mapped to a different label). In “Larger language models do in-context learning differently”, we aim to learn about how these two factors (semantic priors and input-label mappings) interact with each other in ICL settings, especially with respect to the scale of the language model that’s used. We investigate two settings to study these two factors — ICL with flipped labels (flipped-label ICL) and ICL with semantically-unrelated labels (SUL-ICL). In flipped-label ICL, labels of in-context examples are flipped so that semantic priors and input-label mappings disagree with each other. In SUL-ICL, labels of in-context examples are replaced with words that are semantically unrelated to the task presented in-context. We found that overriding prior knowledge is an emergent ability of model scale, as is the ability to learn in-context with semantically-unrelated labels. We also found that instruction tuning strengthens the use of prior knowledge more than it increases the capacity to learn input-label mappings. An overview of flipped-label ICL and semantically-unrelated label ICL (SUL-ICL), compared with regular ICL, for a sentiment analysis task. Flipped-label ICL uses flipped labels, forcing the model to override semantic priors in order to follow the in-context examples. SUL-ICL uses labels that are not semantically related to the task, which means that models must learn input-label mappings in order to perform the task because they can no longer rely on the semantics of natural language labels. Experiment design natural language processing (NLP) tasks that have been widely used: sentiment analysis, subjective/objective classification, question classification, duplicated-question recognition, entailment recognition, financial sentiment analysis, and hate speech detection. We test five language model families, PaLM, Flan-PaLM, GPT-3, InstructGPT, and Codex. Flipped labels The ability to override semantic priors when presented with flipped in-context example labels emerges with model scale. Smaller models cannot flip predictions to follow flipped labels (performance only decreases slightly), while larger models can do so (performance decreases to well below 50%). Semantically-unrelated labels Small models rely more on semantic priors than large models do, as indicated by the greater decrease in performance for small models than for large models when using semantically-unrelated labels (i.e., targets) instead of natural language labels. For each plot, models are shown in order of increasing model size (e.g., for GPT-3 models, a is smaller than b, which is smaller than c). In the SUL-ICL setup, larger models benefit more from additional examples than smaller models do. Instruction tuning Instruction tuning is a popular technique for improving model performance, which involves tuning models on various NLP tasks that are phrased as instructions (e.g., “Question: What is the sentiment of the following sentence, ‘This movie is great.’ Answer: Positive”). Since the process uses natural language labels, however, an open question is whether it improves the ability to learn input-label mappings or whether it strengthens the ability to recognize and apply semantic prior knowledge. Both of these would lead to an improvement in performance on standard ICL tasks, so it’s unclear which of these occur. We study this question by running the same two setups as before, only this time we focus on comparing standard language models (specifically, PaLM) with their instruction-tuned variants (Flan-PaLM). First, we find that Flan-PaLM is better than PaLM when we use semantically-unrelated labels. This effect is very prominent in small models, as Flan-PaLM-8B outperforms PaLM-8B by 9.6% and almost catches up to PaLM-62B. This trend suggests that instruction tuning strengthens the ability to learn input-label mappings, which isn’t particularly surprising. Instruction-tuned language models are better at learning input–label mappings than pre-training–only language models are. Instruction-tuned models are worse than pre-training–only models at learning to override semantic priors when presented with flipped labels in-context. Conclusion Future work These results underscore how the ICL behavior of language models can change depending on their scale, and that larger language models have an emergent ability to map inputs to many types of labels, a form of reasoning in which input-label mappings can potentially be learned for arbitrary symbols. Future research could help provide insights on why these phenomena occur with respect to model scale.

5/16/2023 5:12 AM
2023-05-16 5:20

Consensus and subjectivity of skin tone annotation for ML fairness

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Candice Schumann, Software Engineer, and Gbolahan O. Olanubi, User Experience Researcher, Google Research Skin tone is an observable characteristic that is subjective, perceived differently by individuals (e.g., depending on their location or culture) and thus is complicated to annotate. That said, the ability to reliably and accurately annotate skin tone is highly important in computer vision. This became apparent in 2018, when the Gender Shades study highlighted that computer vision systems struggled to detect people with darker skin tones, and performed particularly poorly for women with darker skin tones. The study highlights the importance for computer researchers and practitioners to evaluate their technologies across the full range of skin tones and at intersections of identities. Beyond evaluating model performance on skin tone, skin tone annotations enable researchers to measure diversity and representation in image retrieval systems, dataset collection, and image generation. For all of these applications, a collection of meaningful and inclusive skin tone annotations is key. Monk Skin Tone (MST) Scale See more at Responsible AI and Human-Centered Technology team in Research partnered with Dr. Ellis Monk to openly release the Monk Skin Tone (MST) Scale, a skin tone scale that captures a broad spectrum of skin tones. In comparison to an industry standard scale like the Fitzpatrick Skin-Type Scale designed for dermatological use, the MST offers a more inclusive representation across the range of skin tones and was designed for a broad range of applications, including computer vision. Today we’re announcing the Monk Skin Tone Examples (MST-E) dataset to help practitioners understand the MST scale and train their human annotators. This dataset has been made publicly available to enable practitioners everywhere to create more consistent, inclusive, and meaningful skin tone annotations. Along with this dataset, we’re providing a set of recommendations, noted below, around the MST scale and MST-E dataset so we can all create products that work well for all skin tones. Since we launched the MST, we’ve been using it to improve Google’s computer vision systems to make equitable image tools for everyone and to improve representation of skin tone in Search. Computer vision researchers and practitioners outside of Google, like the curators of MetaAI’s Casual Conversations dataset, are recognizing the value of MST annotations to provide additional insight into diversity and representation in datasets. Incorporation into widely available datasets like these are essential to give everyone the ability to ensure they are building more inclusive computer vision technologies and can test the quality of their systems and products across a wide range of skin tones. Our team has continued to conduct research to understand how we can continue to advance our understanding of skin tone in computer vision. One of our core areas of focus has been skin tone annotation, the process by which human annotators are asked to review images of people and select the best representation of their skin tone. MST annotations enable a better understanding of the inclusiveness and representativeness of datasets across a wide range of skin tones, thus enabling researchers and practitioners to evaluate quality and fairness of their datasets and models. To better understand the effectiveness of MST annotations, we've asked ourselves the following questions: How do people think about skin tone across geographic locations? What does global consensus of skin tone look like? How do we effectively annotate skin tone for use in inclusive machine learning (ML)? The MST-E dataset MST-E dataset contains 1,515 images and 31 videos of 19 subjects spanning the 10 point MST scale, where the subjects and images were sourced through TONL, a stock photography company focusing on diversity. The 19 subjects include individuals of different ethnicities and gender identities to help human annotators decouple the concept of skin tone from race. The primary goal of this dataset is to enable practitioners to train their human annotators and test for consistent skin tone annotations across various environment capture conditions. The MST-E image set contains 1,515 images and 31 videos featuring 19 models taken under various lighting conditions and facial expressions. Images by TONL. Copyright TONL.CO 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Used with permission. Terms of use Challenges with forming consensus of MST annotations The distribution of Monk Skin Tone Scale annotations for this image from a sample of 5 photographers in the U.S. and 5 photographers in India. p<0.05). This suggests that people from the same geographic region may have a similar mental model of skin tone, but this mental model is not universal. However, even with these regional differences, we also find that the consensus between all five regions falls close to the MST values supplied by Dr. Monk. This suggests that a geographically diverse group of annotators can get close to the MST value annotated by an MST expert. In addition, after training, we find no significant difference between annotations on well-lit images, versus poorly-lit images, suggesting that annotators can become invariant to different lighting conditions in an image — a non-trivial task for ML models. The MST-E dataset allows researchers to study annotator behavior across curated subsets controlling for potential confounders. We observed similar regional variation when annotating much larger datasets with many more subjects. Skin Tone annotation recommendations Having a geographically diverse set of annotators is important to gain accurate, or close to ground truth, estimates of skin tone. Train human annotators using the MST-E dataset, which spans the entire MST spectrum and contains images in a variety of lighting conditions. This will help annotators become invariant to lighting conditions and appreciate the nuance and differences between the MST points. Given the wide range of annotations we suggest having at least two annotators in at least five different geographical regions (10 ratings per image). Skin tone annotation, like other subjective annotation tasks, is difficult but possible. These types of annotations allow for a more nuanced understanding of model performance, and ultimately help us all to create products that work well for every person across the broad and diverse spectrum of skin tones. Acknowledgements We wish to thank our colleagues across Google working on fairness and inclusion in computer vision for their contributions to this work, especially Marco Andreetto, Parker Barnes, Ken Burke, Benoit Corda, Tulsee Doshi, Courtney Heldreth, Rachel Hornung, David Madras, Ellis Monk, Shrikanth Narayanan, Utsav Prabhu, Susanna Ricco, Sagar Savla, Alex Siegman, Komal Singh, Biao Wang, and Auriel Wright. We also would like to thank Annie Jean-Baptiste, Florian Koenigsberger, Marc Repnyek, Maura O'Brien, and Dominique Mungin and the rest of the team who help supervise, fund, and coordinate our data collection.

5/16/2023 2:52 AM
2023-05-16 3:00

Unfair Automated Hiring Systems Are Everywhere

Ifeoma Ajunwa

Algorithms can exacerbate employment discrimination. It's time for the US Federal Trade Commission to regulate them.

5/15/2023 11:51 PM
2023-05-15 23:52

The Fanfic Sex Trope That Caught a Plundering AI Red-Handed

Rose Eveleth

Sudowrite, a tool that uses OpenAI’s GPT-3, was found to have understood a sexual act known only to a specific online community of Omegaverse writers.

5/15/2023 6:31 PM
2023-05-15 18:32

More Penguins Than Europeans Can Use Google Bard

Morgan Meaker, Matt Burgess

Nobody in the EU can access Google’s Bard chatbot. But the 50,000 penguins who live on a dormant volcano in the South Atlantic can sign up right now.

5/15/2023 2:31 PM
2023-05-15 14:32

The Curious Case of the Missing Google Assistant

Khari Johnson

Google’s generative AI chatbot Bard took center stage at the company’s I/O conference. The company’s answer to Siri was left backstage.

5/14/2023 7:11 PM
2023-05-14 19:12

F-VLM: Open-vocabulary object detection upon frozen vision and language models

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Weicheng Kuo and Anelia Angelova, Research Scientists, Google Research Detection is a fundamental vision task that aims to localize and recognize objects in an image. However, the data collection process of manually annotating bounding boxes or instance masks is tedious and costly, which limits the modern detection vocabulary size to roughly 1,000 object classes. This is orders of magnitude smaller than the vocabulary people use to describe the visual world and leaves out many categories. Recent vision and language models (VLMs), such as CLIP, have demonstrated improved open-vocabulary visual recognition capabilities through learning from Internet-scale image-text pairs. These VLMs are applied to zero-shot classification using frozen model weights without the need for fine-tuning, which stands in stark contrast to the existing paradigms used for retraining or fine-tuning VLMs for open-vocabulary detection tasks. Intuitively, to align the image content with the text description during training, VLMs may learn region-sensitive and discriminative features that are transferable to object detection. Surprisingly, features of a frozen VLM contain rich information that are both region sensitive for describing object shapes (second column below) and discriminative for region classification (third column below). In fact, feature grouping can nicely delineate object boundaries without any supervision. This motivates us to explore the use of frozen VLMs for open-vocabulary object detection with the goal to expand detection beyond the limited set of annotated categories. We explore the potential of frozen vision and language features for open-vocabulary detection. The K-Means feature grouping reveals rich semantic and region-sensitive information where object boundaries are nicely delineated (column 2). The same frozen features can classify groundtruth (GT) regions well without fine-tuning (column 3). F-VLM: Open-Vocabulary Object Detection upon Frozen Vision and Language Models”, presented at ICLR 2023, we introduce a simple and scalable open-vocabulary detection approach built upon frozen VLMs. F-VLM reduces the training complexity of an open-vocabulary detector to below that of a standard detector, obviating the need for knowledge distillation, detection-tailored pre-training, or weakly supervised learning. We demonstrate that by preserving the knowledge of pre-trained VLMs completely, F-VLM maintains a similar philosophy to ViTDet and decouples detector-specific learning from the more task-agnostic vision knowledge in the detector backbone. We are also releasing the F-VLM code along with a demo on our project page. Learning upon frozen vision and language models detector head, which predicts object regions for localization and outputs detection scores that indicate the probability of a detected box being of a certain category. The detection scores are the cosine similarity of region features (a set of bounding boxes that the detector head outputs) and category text embeddings. The category text embeddings are obtained by feeding the category names through the text model of pretrained VLM (which has both image and text models)r. The VLM image encoder consists of two parts: 1) a feature extractor and 2) a feature pooling layer. We adopt the feature extractor for detector head training, which is the only step we train (on standard detection data), to allow us to directly use frozen weights, inheriting rich semantic knowledge (e.g., long-tailed categories like martini, fedora hat, pennant) from the VLM backbone. The detection losses include box regression and classification losses. At training time, F-VLM is simply a detector with the last classification layer replaced by base-category text embeddings. Region-level open-vocabulary recognition ResNet50 (R50) CLIP backbone, we crop and resize the region features with the ROI-Align layer (shown below). Unlike existing open-vocabulary detection approaches, we do not crop and resize the RGB image regions and cache their embeddings in a separate offline process, but train the detector head in one stage. This is simpler and makes more efficient use of disk storage space.. In addition, we do not crop VLM region features during training because the backbone features are frozen. Despite never being trained on regions, the cropped region features maintain good open-vocabulary recognition capability. However, we observe the cropped region features are not sensitive enough to the localization quality of the regions, i.e., a loosely vs. tightly localized box both have similar features. This may be good for classification, but is problematic for detection because we need the detection scores to reflect localization quality as well. To remedy this, we apply the geometric mean to combine the VLM scores with the detection scores for each region and category. The VLM scores indicate the probability of a detection box being of a certain category according to the pretrained VLM. The detection scores indicate the class probability distribution of each box based on the similarity of region features and input text embeddings. At test time, F-VLM uses the region proposals to crop out the top-level features of the VLM backbone and compute the VLM score per region. The trained detector head provides the detection boxes and masks, while the final detection scores are a combination of detection and VLM scores. Evaluation LVIS open-vocabulary detection benchmark. At the system-level, the best F-VLM achieves 32.8 average precision (AP) on rare categories (APr), which outperforms the state of the art by 6.5 mask APr and many other approaches based on knowledge distillation, pre-training, or joint training with weak supervision. F-VLM shows strong scaling property with frozen model capacity, while the number of trainable parameters is fixed. Moreover, F-VLM generalizes and scales well in the transfer detection tasks (e.g., Objects365 and Ego4D datasets) by simply replacing the vocabularies without fine-tuning the model. We test the LVIS-trained models on the popular Objects365 datasets and demonstrate that the model can work very well without training on in-domain detection data. F-VLM outperforms the state of the art (SOTA) on LVIS open-vocabulary detection benchmark and transfer object detection. On the x-axis, we show the LVIS metric mask AP on rare categories (APr), and the Objects365 (O365) metric box AP on all categories. The sizes of the detector backbones are as follows: Small(R50), Base (R50x4), Large(R50x16), Huge(R50x64). The naming follows CLIP convention. LVIS, Objects365 and Ego4D datasets. F-VLM open-vocabulary and transfer detections. Top: Open-vocabulary detection on LVIS. We only show the novel categories for clarity. Bottom: Transfer to Objects365 dataset shows accurate detection of many categories. Novel categories detected: fedora, martini, pennant, football helmet (LVIS); slide (Objects365). Training efficiency approach, F-VLM can achieve better performance with 226x fewer resources and 57x faster wall clock time. Apart from training resource savings, F-VLM has potential for substantial memory savings at training time by running the backbone in inference mode. The F-VLM system runs almost as fast as a standard detector at inference time, because the only addition is a single attention pooling layer on the detected region features. Method APr Training Epochs Training Cost (per-core-hour) Training Cost Savings SOTA 26.3 460 8,000 1x F-VLM 32.8 118 565 14x F-VLM 31.0 14.7 71 113x F-VLM 27.7 7.4 35 226x We provide additional results using the shorter Detectron2 training recipes (12 and 36 epochs), and show similarly strong performance by using a frozen backbone. The default setting is marked in gray. Backbone Large Scale Jitter #Epochs Batch Size APr R50 12 16 18.1 R50 36 64 18.5 R50 ✓ 100 256 18.6 R50x64 12 16 31.9 R50x64 36 64 32.6 R50x64 ✓ 100 256 32.8 Conclusion Acknowledgements This work is conducted by Weicheng Kuo, Yin Cui, Xiuye Gu, AJ Piergiovanni, and Anelia Angelova. We would like to thank our colleagues at Google Research for their advice and helpful discussions.

5/13/2023 6:12 AM
2023-05-13 6:12

Enabling conversational interaction on mobile with LLMs

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Bryan Wang, Student Researcher, and Yang Li, Research Scientist, Google Research Intelligent assistants on mobile devices have significantly advanced language-based interactions for performing simple daily tasks, such as setting a timer or turning on a flashlight. Despite the progress, these assistants still face limitations in supporting conversational interactions in mobile user interfaces (UIs), where many user tasks are performed. For example, they cannot answer a user's question about specific information displayed on a screen. An agent would need to have a computational understanding of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to achieve such capabilities. Prior research has investigated several important technical building blocks to enable conversational interaction with mobile UIs, including summarizing a mobile screen for users to quickly understand its purpose, mapping language instructions to UI actions and modeling GUIs so that they are more amenable for language-based interaction. However, each of these only addresses a limited aspect of conversational interaction and requires considerable effort in curating large-scale datasets and training dedicated models. Furthermore, there is a broad spectrum of conversational interactions that can occur on mobile UIs. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a lightweight and generalizable approach to realize conversational interaction. In “Enabling Conversational Interaction with Mobile UI using Large Language Models”, presented at CHI 2023, we investigate the viability of utilizing large language models (LLMs) to enable diverse language-based interactions with mobile UIs. Recent pre-trained LLMs, such as PaLM, have demonstrated abilities to adapt themselves to various downstream language tasks when being prompted with a handful of examples of the target task. We present a set of prompting techniques that enable interaction designers and developers to quickly prototype and test novel language interactions with users, which saves time and resources before investing in dedicated datasets and models. Since LLMs only take text tokens as input, we contribute a novel algorithm that generates the text representation of mobile UIs. Our results show that this approach achieves competitive performance using only two data examples per task. More broadly, we demonstrate LLMs’ potential to fundamentally transform the future workflow of conversational interaction design. Animation showing our work on enabling various conversational interactions with mobile UI using LLMs. Prompting LLMs with UIs few-shot prompting performs competitively with benchmark approaches that train a model specific to each task. However, language models can only take text input, while mobile UIs are multimodal, containing text, image, and structural information in their view hierarchy data (i.e., the structural data containing detailed properties of UI elements) and screenshots. Moreover, directly inputting the view hierarchy data of a mobile screen into LLMs is not feasible as it contains excessive information, such as detailed properties of each UI element, which can exceed the input length limits of LLMs. To address these challenges, we developed a set of techniques to prompt LLMs with mobile UIs. We contribute an algorithm that generates the text representation of mobile UIs using depth-first search traversal to convert the Android UI's view hierarchy into HTML syntax. We also utilize chain of thought prompting, which involves generating intermediate results and chaining them together to arrive at the final output, to elicit the reasoning ability of the LLM. Animation showing the process of few-shot prompting LLMs with mobile UIs. Experiments Task 1: Screen question generation Example screen questions generated by the LLM. The LLM can utilize screen contexts to generate grammatically correct questions relevant to each input field on the mobile UI, while the template approach falls short. We observed that the LLM could use its prior knowledge to combine multiple related input fields to ask a single question. F1). We found that the questions generated by LLM had almost perfect grammar (4.98/5) and were highly relevant to the input fields displayed on the screen (92.8%). Additionally, LLM performed well in terms of covering the input fields comprehensively (95.8%). Template 2-shot LLM Grammar 3.6 (out of 5) 4.98 (out of 5) Relevance 84.1% 92.8% Coverage F1 100% 95.8% Task 2: Screen summarization Screen2Words benchmark model that we previously introduced using UI-specific text, as highlighted in the colored text and boxes below. Example summary generated by 2-shot LLM. We found the LLM is able to use specific text on the screen to compose more accurate summaries. LLM uses its prior knowledge to help summarize the screens. BLEU. The mismatch between perceived quality and metric scores echoes recent work showing LLMs write better summaries despite automatic metrics not reflecting it. Left: Screen summarization performance on automatic metrics. Right: Screen summarization accuracy voted by human evaluators. Task 3: Screen question-answering Example results from the screen QA experiment. The LLM significantly outperforms the off-the-shelf QA baseline model. Micro-F1 score based on shared words between the predicted answer and ground truth across the entire dataset. Our results showed that LLMs can correctly answer UI-related questions, such as "what's the headline?". The LLM performed significantly better than baseline QA model DistillBERT, achieving a 66.7% fully correct answer rate. Notably, the 0-shot LLM achieved an exact match score of 30.7%, indicating the model's intrinsic question answering capability. Models Exact Matches Contains GT Sub-String of GT Micro-F1 0-shot LLM 30.7% 6.5% 5.6% 31.2% 1-shot LLM 65.8% 10.0% 7.8% 62.9% 2-shot LLM 66.7% 12.6% 5.2% 64.8% DistillBERT 36.0% 8.5% 9.9% 37.2% Task 4: Mapping instruction to UI action benchmark task previously. Example using data from the PixelHelp dataset. The dataset contains interaction traces for common UI tasks such as turning on wifi. Each trace contains multiple steps and corresponding instructions. Seq2Act paper. Partial refers to the percentage of correctly predicted individual steps, while Complete measures the portion of accurately predicted entire interaction traces. Although our LLM-based method did not surpass the benchmark trained on massive datasets, it still achieved remarkable performance with just two prompted data examples. Models Partial Complete 0-shot LLM 1.29 0.00 1-shot LLM (cross-app) 74.69 31.67 2-shot LLM (cross-app) 75.28 34.44 1-shot LLM (in-app) 78.35 40.00 2-shot LLM (in-app) 80.36 45.00 Seq2Act 89.21 70.59 Takeaways and conclusion Acknowledgements We thank our paper co-author Gang Li, and appreciate the discussions and feedback from our colleagues Chin-Yi Cheng, Tao Li, Yu Hsiao, Michael Terry and Minsuk Chang. Special thanks to Muqthar Mohammad and Ashwin Kakarla for their invaluable assistance in coordinating data collection. We thank John Guilyard for helping create animations and graphics in the blog.

5/13/2023 1:52 AM
2023-05-13 1:52

'Elvis' Director Baz Luhrmann Doesn't Think AI Will Conquer Movies

Angela Watercutter

Taking over the rest of the world is another matter.

5/12/2023 9:11 PM
2023-05-12 21:12

You’re Probably Underestimating AI Chatbots

Steven Levy

Just as the first iPhone reviews mostly missed the device’s huge potential, it’s folly to draw conclusions from today’s unrefined technology.

5/12/2023 9:11 PM
2023-05-12 21:12

Building better pangenomes to improve the equity of genomics

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Andrew Carroll, Product Lead, and Kishwar Shafin, Research Scientist, Genomics For decades, researchers worked together to assemble a complete copy of the molecular instructions for a human — a map of the human genome. The first draft was finished in 2000, but with several missing pieces. Even when a complete reference genome was achieved in 2022, their work was not finished. A single reference genome can’t incorporate known genetic variations, such as the variants for the gene determining whether a person has a blood type A, B, AB or O. Furthermore, the reference genome didn’t represent the vast diversity of human ancestries, making it less useful for detecting disease or finding cures for people from some backgrounds than others. For the past three years, we have been part of an international collaboration with 119 scientists across 60 institutions, called the Human Pangenome Research Consortium, to address these challenges by creating a new and more representative map of the human genome, a pangenome. We are excited to share that today, in “A draft human pangenome reference”, published in Nature, this group is announcing the completion of the first human pangenome reference. The pangenome combines 47 individual genome reference sequences and better represents the genomic diversity of global populations. Building on Google’s deep learning technologies and past advances in genomics, we used tools based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformers to tackle the challenges of building accurate pangenome sequences and using them for genome analysis. These contributions helped the consortium build an information-rich resource for geneticists, researchers and clinicians around the world. Using graphs to build pangenomes sequencing instrument reads millions of short pieces of an individual’s genome, and a program called a mapper or aligner then estimates where those pieces best fit relative to the single, linear human reference sequence. Next, variant caller software identifies the unique parts of the individual’s sequence relative to the reference. But because humans carry a diverse set of sequences, sections that are present in an individual’s DNA but are not in the reference genome can’t be analyzed. One study of 910 African individuals found that a total of 300 million DNA base pairs — 10% of the roughly three billion base pair reference genome — are not present in the previous linear reference but occur in at least one of the 910 individuals. To address this issue, the consortium used graph data structures, which are powerful for genomics because they can represent the sequences of many people simultaneously, which is needed to create a pangenome. Nodes in a graph genome contain the known set of sequences in a population, and paths through those nodes compactly describe the unique sequences of an individual’s DNA. Schematic of a graph genome. Each color represents the sequence path of a different individual. Multiple paths passing through the same node indicate multiple individuals share that sequence, but some paths also show a single nucleotide variant (SNV), insertions, or deletions. Illustration credit Darryl Leja, National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Actual graph genome for the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region of the genome. Genes in MHC regions are essential to immune function and are associated with a person’s resistance and susceptibility to infectious disease and autoimmune disorders (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis and lupus). The graph shows the linear human genome reference (green) and different individual person’s sequence (gray). Using graphs creates numerous challenges. They require reference sequences to be highly accurate and the development of new methods that can use their data structure as an input. However, new sequencing technologies (such as consensus sequencing and phased assembly methods) have driven exciting progress towards solving these problems. Long-read sequencing technology, which reads larger pieces of the genome (10,000 to millions of DNA characters long) at a time, are essential to the creation of high quality reference sequences because larger pieces can be stitched together into assembled genomes more easily than the short pieces read out by earlier technologies. Short read sequencing reads pieces of the genome that are only 100 to 300 DNA characters long, but has been the highly scalable basis for high-throughput sequencing methods developed in the 2000s. Though long-read sequencing is newer and has advantages for reference genome creation, many informatics methods for short reads hadn’t been developed for long read technologies. Evolving DeepVariant for error correction DeepVariant, an open-source CNN variant caller framework that analyzes the short-read sequencing evidence of local regions of the genome. However, we were able to re-train DeepVariant to yield accurate analysis of Pacific Bioscience’s long-read data. Training and evaluation schematic for DeepVariant. Genomics Institute to participate in a United States Food and Drug Administration competition for another long-read sequencing technology from Oxford Nanopore. Together, we won the award for highest accuracy in the nanopore category, with a single nucleotide variants (SNVs) accuracy that matched short-read sequencing. This work has been used to detect and treat genetic diseases in critically ill newborns. The use of DeepVariant on long-read technologies provided the foundation for the consortium’s use of DeepVariant for error correction of pangenomes. DeepVariant’s ability to use multiple long-read sequencing modalities proved useful for error correction in the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium’s effort that generated the first complete assembly of a human genome. Completing this first genome set the stage to build the multiple reference genomes required for pangenomes, and T2T was already working closely with the Human Pangenome Project (with many shared members) to scale those practices. With a set of high-quality human reference genomes on the horizon, developing methods that could use those assemblies grew in importance. We worked to adapt DeepVariant to use the pangenome developed by the consortium. In partnership with UCSC, we built an end-to-end analysis workflow for graph-based variant detection, and demonstrated improved accuracy across several thousand samples. The use of the pangenome allows many previously missed variants to be correctly identified. Visualization of variant calls in the KCNE1 gene (a gene with variants associated with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death) using a pangenome reference versus the prior linear reference. Each dot represents a variant call that is either correct (blue dot), incorrect (green dot) — when a variant is identified but is not really there —or a missed variant call (red dot). The top box shows variant calls made by DeepVariant using the pangenome reference while the bottom shows variant calls made by using the linear reference. Figure adapted from A Draft Human Pangenome Reference. Improving pangenome sequences using transformers DeepConsensus. A key enabler for this was the development of a differentiable loss function that could handle the insertions and deletions common in sequencing data. This enabled us to have high accuracy without needing a decoder, allowing the speed required to keep up with terabytes of sequencer output. Transformer architecture for DeepConsensus. DeepConsensus takes as input the repeated sequence of the DNA molecule, measured from fluorescent light detected by the addition of each base. DeepConsensus also uses as input the more detailed information about the sequencing process, including the duration of the light pulse (referred to here as pulse width or PW), the time between pulses (IP) the signal-to-noise ratio (SN) and which side of the double helix is being measured (strand). Effect of alignment loss function in training evaluation of model output. Better accounting of insertions and deletions by a differentiable alignment function enables the model training process to better estimate errors. DeepConsensus improves the yield and accuracy of instrument data. Because PacBio sequencing provides the primary sequence information for the 47 genome assemblies, we could apply DeepConsensus to improve those assemblies. With application of DeepConsensus, consortium members built a genome assembler that was able to reach 99.9997% assembly base-level accuracies. Conclusion Every base, everywhere, all at once.” Read our post on the Keyword Blog to learn more about the human pangenome reference announcement. Acknowledgements Many people were involved in creating the pangenome reference, including 119 authors across 60 organizations, with the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. This blog post highlights Google’s contributions to the broader work. We thank the research groups at UCSC Genomics Institute (GI) under Professors Benedict Paten and Karen Miga, genome polishing efforts of Arang Rhie at National Institute of Health (NIH), Genome Assembly and Polishing of Adam Phillipy’s group, and the standards group at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of Justin Zook. We thank Google contributors: Pi-Chuan Chang, Maria Nattestad, Daniel Cook, Alexey Kolesnikov, Anastaysia Belyaeva, and Gunjan Baid. We thank John Guilyard for his illustrative animation, and Lizzie Dorfman, Elise Kleeman, Erika Hayden, Cory McLean, Shravya Shetty, Greg Corrado, Katherine Chou, and Yossi Matias for their support, coordination, and leadership. Last but not least, thanks to the research participants that provided their DNA to help build the pangenome resource.

5/12/2023 1:32 AM
2023-05-12 1:33

The Boring Future of Generative AI

Will Knight

ChatGPT’s chaotic streak can be charming. Google’s new chat-style search shows text-generation technology is headed in a much tamer direction.

5/12/2023 12:35 AM
2023-05-12 0:36

Spotify Has an AI Music Problem—but Bots Love It

Amanda Hoover

Fake listeners are flocking to AI-made songs on streaming platforms, taking much needed money away from human artists.

5/11/2023 11:32 PM
2023-05-11 23:33

The Surprising Synergy Between Acupuncture and AI

Saffron Huang

Now that I work in machine learning, I’m often struck by the parallels between this cutting-edge technology and traditional Chinese medicine.

5/11/2023 7:31 PM
2023-05-11 19:33

Everything Google Announced at I/O 2023


From new mobile hardware and AI enhancements to search and productivity tools, here are the key takeaways from Wednesday's presentation.

5/11/2023 5:11 AM
2023-05-11 5:12

Google Is Racing to Bring More AI to Android

Lauren Goode

From generative wallpapers to chatbot-enabled text messaging, your next Android phone will get a boost from Google's tools powered by artificial intelligence.

5/11/2023 4:31 AM
2023-05-11 4:33

Google I/O 2023: Google Adds Generative AI to Search

Will Knight

Challenged by ChatGPT, the king of search launches a feature that can answer queries with text summarizing information found online.

5/11/2023 2:32 AM
2023-05-11 2:33

Building better pangenomes to improve the equity of genomics

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Andrew Carroll, Product Lead, and Kishwar Shafin, Research Scientist, Genomics For decades, researchers worked together to assemble a complete copy of the molecular instructions for a human — a map of the human genome. The first draft was finished in 2000, but with several missing pieces. Even when a complete reference genome was achieved in 2022, their work was not finished. A single reference genome can’t incorporate known genetic variations, such as the variants for the gene determining whether a person has a blood type A, B, AB or O. Furthermore, the reference genome didn’t represent the vast diversity of human ancestries, making it less useful for detecting disease or finding cures for people from some backgrounds than others. For the past three years, we have been part of an international collaboration with 119 scientists across 60 institutions, called the Human Pangenome Research Consortium, to address these challenges by creating a new and more representative map of the human genome, a pangenome. We are excited to share that today, in “A draft human pangenome reference”, published in Nature, this group is announcing the completion of the first human pangenome reference. The pangenome combines 47 individual genome reference sequences and better represents the genomic diversity of global populations. Building on Google’s deep learning technologies and past advances in genomics, we used tools based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformers to tackle the challenges of building accurate pangenome sequences and using them for genome analysis. These contributions helped the consortium build an information-rich resource for geneticists, researchers and clinicians around the world. Using graphs to build pangenomes sequencing instrument reads millions of short pieces of an individual’s genome, and a program called a mapper or aligner then estimates where those pieces best fit relative to the single, linear human reference sequence. Next, variant caller software identifies the unique parts of the individual’s sequence relative to the reference. But because humans carry a diverse set of sequences, sections that are present in an individual’s DNA but are not in the reference genome can’t be analyzed. One study of 910 African individuals found that a total of 300 million DNA base pairs — 10% of the roughly three billion base pair reference genome — are not present in the previous linear reference but occur in at least one of the 910 individuals. To address this issue, the consortium used graph data structures, which are powerful for genomics because they can represent the sequences of many people simultaneously, which is needed to create a pangenome. Nodes in a graph genome contain the known set of sequences in a population, and paths through those nodes compactly describe the unique sequences of an individual’s DNA. Schematic of a graph genome. Each color represents the sequence path of a different individual. Multiple paths passing through the same node indicate multiple individuals share that sequence, but some paths also show a single nucleotide variant (SNV), insertions, or deletions. Illustration credit Darryl Leja, National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Actual graph genome for the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region of the genome. Genes in MHC regions are essential to immune function and are associated with a person’s resistance and susceptibility to infectious disease and autoimmune disorders (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis and lupus). The graph shows the linear human genome reference (green) and different individual person’s sequence (gray). Using graphs creates numerous challenges. They require reference sequences to be highly accurate and the development of new methods that can use their data structure as an input. However, new sequencing technologies (such as consensus sequencing and phased assembly methods) have driven exciting progress towards solving these problems. Long-read sequencing technology, which reads larger pieces of the genome (10,000 to millions of DNA characters long) at a time, are essential to the creation of high quality reference sequences because larger pieces can be stitched together into assembled genomes more easily than the short pieces read out by earlier technologies. Short read sequencing reads pieces of the genome that are only 100 to 300 DNA characters long, but has been the highly scalable basis for high-throughput sequencing methods developed in the 2000s. Though long-read sequencing is newer and has advantages for reference genome creation, many informatics methods for short reads hadn’t been developed for long read technologies. Evolving DeepVariant for error correction DeepVariant, an open-source CNN variant caller framework that analyzes the short-read sequencing evidence of local regions of the genome. However, we were able to re-train DeepVariant to yield accurate analysis of Pacific Bioscience’s long-read data. Training and evaluation schematic for DeepVariant. Genomics Institute to participate in a United States Food and Drug Administration competition for another long-read sequencing technology from Oxford Nanopore. Together, we won the award for highest accuracy in the nanopore category, with a single nucleotide variants (SNVs) accuracy that matched short-read sequencing. This work has been used to detect and treat genetic diseases in critically ill newborns. The use of DeepVariant on long-read technologies provided the foundation for the consortium’s use of DeepVariant for error correction of pangenomes. DeepVariant’s ability to use multiple long-read sequencing modalities proved useful for error correction in the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium’s effort that generated the first complete assembly of a human genome. Completing this first genome set the stage to build the multiple reference genomes required for pangenomes, and T2T was already working closely with the Human Pangenome Project (with many shared members) to scale those practices. With a set of high-quality human reference genomes on the horizon, developing methods that could use those assemblies grew in importance. We worked to adapt DeepVariant to use the pangenome developed by the consortium. In partnership with UCSC, we built an end-to-end analysis workflow for graph-based variant detection, and demonstrated improved accuracy across several thousand samples. The use of the pangenome allows many previously missed variants to be correctly identified. Visualization of variant calls in the KCNE1 gene (a gene with variants associated with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death) using a pangenome reference versus the prior linear reference. Each dot represents a variant call that is either correct (blue dot), incorrect (green dot) — when a variant is identified but is not really there —or a missed variant call (red dot). The top box shows variant calls made by DeepVariant using the pangenome reference while the bottom shows variant calls made by using the linear reference. Figure adapted from A Draft Human Pangenome Reference. Improving pangenome sequences using transformers DeepConsensus. A key enabler for this was the development of a differentiable loss function that could handle the insertions and deletions common in sequencing data. This enabled us to have high accuracy without needing a decoder, allowing the speed required to keep up with terabytes of sequencer output. Transformer architecture for DeepConsensus. DeepConsensus takes as input the repeated sequence of the DNA molecule, measured from fluorescent light detected by the addition of each base. DeepConsensus also uses as input the more detailed information about the sequencing process, including the duration of the light pulse (referred to here as pulse width or PW), the time between pulses (IP) the signal-to-noise ratio (SN) and which side of the double helix is being measured (strand). Effect of alignment loss function in training evaluation of model output. Better accounting of insertions and deletions by a differentiable alignment function enables the model training process to better estimate errors. DeepConsensus improves the yield and accuracy of instrument data. Because PacBio sequencing provides the primary sequence information for the 47 genome assemblies, we could apply DeepConsensus to improve those assemblies. With application of DeepConsensus, consortium members built a genome assembler that was able to reach 99.9997% assembly base-level accuracies. Conclusion Every base, everywhere, all at once.” Read our post on the Keyword Blog to learn more about the human pangenome reference announcement. Acknowledgements Many people were involved in creating the pangenome reference, including 119 authors across 60 organizations, with the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. This blog post highlights Google’s contributions to the broader work. We thank the research groups at UCSC Genomics Institute (GI) under Professors Benedict Paten and Karen Miga, genome polishing efforts of Arang Rhie at National Institute of Health (NIH), Genome Assembly and Polishing of Adam Phillipy’s group, and the standards group at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of Justin Zook. We thank Google contributors: Pi-Chuan Chang, Maria Nattestad, Daniel Cook, Alexey Kolesnikov, Anastaysia Belyaeva, and Gunjan Baid. We thank Lizzie Dorfman, Elise Kleeman, Erika Hayden, Cory McLean, Shravya Shetty, Greg Corrado, Katherine Chou, and Yossi Matias for their support, coordination, and leadership. Last but not least, thanks to the research participants that provided their DNA to help build the pangenome resource.

5/11/2023 12:36 AM
2023-05-11 0:41

Building better pangenomes to improve the equity of genomics

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Andrew Carroll, Product Lead, and Kishwar Shafin, Research Scientist, Genomics For decades, researchers worked together to assemble a complete copy of the molecular instructions for a human — a map of the human genome. The first draft was finished in 2000, but with several missing pieces. Even when a complete reference genome was achieved in 2022, their work was not finished. A single reference genome can’t incorporate known genetic variations, such as the variants for the gene determining whether a person has a blood type A, B, AB or O. Furthermore, the reference genome didn’t represent the vast diversity of human ancestries, making it less useful for detecting disease or finding cures for people from some backgrounds than others. For the past three years, we have been part of an international collaboration with 119 scientists across 60 institutions, called the Human Pangenome Research Consortium, to address these challenges by creating a new and more representative map of the human genome, a pangenome. We are excited to share that today, in “A draft human pangenome reference”, published in Nature, this group is announcing the completion of the first human pangenome reference. The pangenome combines 47 individual genome reference sequences and better represents the genomic diversity of global populations. Building on Google’s deep learning technologies and past advances in genomics, we used tools based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformers to tackle the challenges of building accurate pangenome sequences and using them for genome analysis. These contributions helped the consortium build an information-rich resource for geneticists, researchers and clinicians around the world. Using graphs to build pangenomes sequencing instrument reads millions of short pieces of an individual’s genome, and a program called a mapper or aligner then estimates where those pieces best fit relative to the single, linear human reference sequence. Next, variant caller software identifies the unique parts of the individual’s sequence relative to the reference. But because humans carry a diverse set of sequences, sections that are present in an individual’s DNA but are not in the reference genome can’t be analyzed. One study of 910 African individuals found that a total of 300 million DNA base pairs — 10% of the roughly three billion base pair reference genome — are not present in the previous linear reference but occur in at least one of the 910 individuals. To address this issue, the consortium used graph data structures, which are powerful for genomics because they can represent the sequences of many people simultaneously, which is needed to create a pangenome. Nodes in a graph genome contain the known set of sequences in a population, and paths through those nodes compactly describe the unique sequences of an individual’s DNA. Schematic of a graph genome. Each color represents the sequence path of a different individual. Multiple paths passing through the same node indicate multiple individuals share that sequence, but some paths also show a single nucleotide variant (SNV), insertions, or deletions. Illustration credit Darryl Leja, National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Actual graph genome for the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region of the genome. Genes in MHC regions are essential to immune function and are associated with a person’s resistance and susceptibility to infectious disease and autoimmune disorders (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis and lupus). The graph shows the linear human genome reference (green) and different individual person’s sequence (gray). Using graphs creates numerous challenges. They require reference sequences to be highly accurate and the development of new methods that can use their data structure as an input. However, new sequencing technologies (such as consensus sequencing and phased assembly methods) have driven exciting progress towards solving these problems. Long-read sequencing technology, which reads larger pieces of the genome (10,000 to millions of DNA characters long) at a time, are essential to the creation of high quality reference sequences because larger pieces can be stitched together into assembled genomes more easily than the short pieces read out by earlier technologies. Short read sequencing reads pieces of the genome that are only 100 to 300 DNA characters long, but has been the highly scalable basis for high-throughput sequencing methods developed in the 2000s. Though long-read sequencing is newer and has advantages for reference genome creation, many informatics methods for short reads hadn’t been developed for long read technologies. Evolving DeepVariant for error correction DeepVariant, an open-source CNN variant caller framework that analyzes the short-read sequencing evidence of local regions of the genome. However, we were able to re-train DeepVariant to yield accurate analysis of Pacific Bioscience’s long-read data. Training and evaluation schematic for DeepVariant. Genomics Institute to participate in a United States Food and Drug Administration competition for another long-read sequencing technology from Oxford Nanopore. Together, we won the award for highest accuracy in the nanopore category, with a single nucleotide variants (SNVs) accuracy that matched short-read sequencing. This work has been used to detect and treat genetic diseases in critically ill newborns. The use of DeepVariant on long-read technologies provided the foundation for the consortium’s use of DeepVariant for error correction of pangenomes. DeepVariant’s ability to use multiple long-read sequencing modalities proved useful for error correction in the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium’s effort that generated the first complete assembly of a human genome. Completing this first genome set the stage to build the multiple reference genomes required for pangenomes, and T2T was already working closely with the Human Pangenome Project (with many shared members) to scale those practices. With a set of high-quality human reference genomes on the horizon, developing methods that could use those assemblies grew in importance. We worked to adapt DeepVariant to use the pangenome developed by the consortium. In partnership with UCSC, we built an end-to-end analysis workflow for graph-based variant detection, and demonstrated improved accuracy across several thousand samples. The use of the pangenome allows many previously missed variants to be correctly identified. Visualization of variant calls in the KCNE1 gene (a gene with variants associated with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death) using a pangenome reference versus the prior linear reference. Each dot represents a variant call that is either correct (blue dot), incorrect (green dot) — when a variant is identified but is not really there —or a missed variant call (red dot). The top box shows variant calls made by DeepVariant using the pangenome reference while the bottom shows variant calls made by using the linear reference. Figure adapted from A Draft Human Pangenome Reference. Improving pangenome sequences using transformers DeepConsensus. A key enabler for this was the development of a differentiable loss function that could handle the insertions and deletions common in sequencing data. This enabled us to have high accuracy without needing a decoder, allowing the speed required to keep up with terabytes of sequencer output. Transformer architecture for DeepConsensus. DeepConsensus takes as input the repeated sequence of the DNA molecule, measured from fluorescent light detected by the addition of each base. DeepConsensus also uses as input the more detailed information about the sequencing process, including the duration of the light pulse (referred to here as pulse width or PW), the time between pulses (IP) the signal-to-noise ratio (SN) and which side of the double helix is being measured (strand). Effect of alignment loss function in training evaluation of model output. Better accounting of insertions and deletions by a differentiable alignment function enables the model training process to better estimate errors. DeepConsensus improves the yield and accuracy of instrument data. Because PacBio sequencing provides the primary sequence information for the 47 genome assemblies, we could apply DeepConsensus to improve those assemblies. With application of DeepConsensus, consortium members built a genome assembler that was able to reach 99.9997% assembly base-level accuracies. Conclusion Every base, everywhere, all at once.” Read our post on the Keyword Blog to learn more about the human pangenome reference announcement. Acknowledgements Many people were involved in creating the pangenome reference, including 119 authors across 60 organizations, with the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. This blog post highlights Google’s contributions to the broader work. We thank the research groups at UCSC Genomics Institute (GI) under Professors Benedict Paten and Karen Miga, genome polishing efforts of Arang Rhie at National Institute of Health (NIH), Genome Assembly and Polishing of Adam Phillipy’s group, and the standards group at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of Justin Zook. We thank Google contributors: Pi-Chuan Chang, Maria Nattestad, Daniel Cook, Alexey Kolesnikov, Anastaysia Belyaeva, and Gunjan Baid. We thank Lizzie Dorfman, Elise Kleeman, Erika Hayden, Cory McLean, Shravya Shetty, Greg Corrado, Katherine Chou, and Yossi Matias for their support, coordination, and leadership. Last but not least, thanks to the research participants that provided their DNA to help build the pangenome resource.

5/10/2023 11:33 PM
2023-05-10 23:33

How to Reclaim Your Online Privacy

Gideon Lichfield, Lauren Goode

We talk to the Signal Foundation’s Meredith Whittaker about how the surveillance economy is newer than we all might realize—and what we can do to fight back.

5/10/2023 7:31 PM
2023-05-10 19:33

Language models can explain neurons in language models


We use GPT-4 to automatically write explanations for the behavior of neurons in large language models and to score those explanations. We release a dataset of these (imperfect) explanations and scores for every neuron in GPT-2.

5/10/2023 1:12 AM
2023-05-10 1:13

A Radical Plan to Make AI Good, Not Evil

Will Knight

OpenAI competitor Anthropic says its Claude chatbot has a built-in “constitution” that can instill ethical principles and keep systems from going rogue.

5/10/2023 12:35 AM
2023-05-10 0:36

AI Wrote 95 Percent of This Murder Mystery

Aidan Marchine

Stephen Marche composed Death of an Author using three AI tools, under the shared pen name Aidan Marchine. Here's a look at the result.

5/9/2023 9:32 PM
2023-05-09 21:33

'Death of an Author' Prophesies the Future of AI Novels

Tom Comitta

Stephen Marche composed this novella with extensive input from large language models. It’s required reading for anyone who's thinking about doing the same.

5/9/2023 9:32 PM
2023-05-09 21:33

Should You Get Paid for Teaching a Chatbot to Do Your Job?

Caitlin Harrington

Data from top-performing employees can create AI helpers that boost everyone’s productivity—but also create new concerns over fair pay.

5/9/2023 8:32 PM
2023-05-09 20:33

How To Delete Your Data From ChatGPT

Matt Burgess

OpenAI has new tools that give you more control over your information—although they may not go far enough.

5/9/2023 2:32 PM
2023-05-09 14:33

What Really Made Geoffrey Hinton Into an AI Doomer

Will Knight

The AI pioneer is alarmed by how clever the technology he helped create has become. And it all started with a joke.

5/8/2023 11:32 PM
2023-05-08 23:33

Hollywood’s Screenwriters Are Right to Fear AI

Will Bedingfield

The Writers Guild of America’s demands for guardrails on artificial intelligence are a smart move—and the stakes are higher than ever.

5/8/2023 7:32 PM
2023-05-08 19:33

The Global Battle to Regulate AI Is Just Beginning

Morgan Meaker, Khari Johnson

Europe’s parliament is struggling to agree on new rules to govern AI—showing how policymakers everywhere have a lot to learn about the technology.

5/8/2023 2:32 PM
2023-05-08 14:33

AI Is Coming for Your Web Browser. Here’s How to Use It

David Nield

Microsoft Edge and other browsers have baked in powerful tools to help you write emails, generate images, and more.

5/7/2023 7:32 PM
2023-05-07 19:33

AI, the WGA Strike, and What Luddites Got Right

Angela Watercutter

English textile workers once destroyed the machines threatening to take their jobs. Screenwriters can’t kill AI, but they can protect themselves from it.

5/5/2023 9:32 PM
2023-05-05 21:33

Gary Marcus Used to Call AI Stupid—Now He Calls It Dangerous

Steven Levy

The former professor's calls for more control over AI have made him a media darling of the ChatGPT era. Some top researchers aren't impressed.

5/5/2023 9:32 PM
2023-05-05 21:33

MaMMUT: A simple vision-encoder text-decoder architecture for multimodal tasks

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by AJ Piergiovanni and Anelia Angelova, Research Scientists, Google Research Vision-language foundational models are built on the premise of a single pre-training followed by subsequent adaptation to multiple downstream tasks. Two main and disjoint training scenarios are popular: a CLIP-style contrastive learning and next-token prediction. Contrastive learning trains the model to predict if image-text pairs correctly match, effectively building visual and text representations for the corresponding image and text inputs, whereas next-token prediction predicts the most likely next text token in a sequence, thus learning to generate text, according to the required task. Contrastive learning enables image-text and text-image retrieval tasks, such as finding the image that best matches a certain description, and next-token learning enables text-generative tasks, such as Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering (VQA). While both approaches have demonstrated powerful results, when a model is pre-trained contrastively, it typically does not fare well on text-generative tasks and vice-versa. Furthermore, adaptation to other tasks is often done with complex or inefficient methods. For example, in order to extend a vision-language model to videos, some models need to do inference for each video frame separately. This limits the size of the videos that can be processed to only a few frames and does not fully take advantage of motion information available across frames. Motivated by this, we present “A Simple Architecture for Joint Learning for MultiModal Tasks”, called MaMMUT, which is able to train jointly for these competing objectives and which provides a foundation for many vision-language tasks either directly or via simple adaptation. MaMMUT is a compact, 2B-parameter multimodal model that trains across contrastive, text generative, and localization-aware objectives. It consists of a single image encoder and a text decoder, which allows for a direct reuse of both components. Furthermore, a straightforward adaptation to video-text tasks requires only using the image encoder once and can handle many more frames than prior work. In line with recent language models (e.g., PaLM, GLaM, GPT3), our architecture uses a decoder-only text model and can be thought of as a simple extension of language models. While modest in size, our model outperforms the state of the art or achieves competitive performance on image-text and text-image retrieval, video question answering (VideoQA), video captioning, open-vocabulary detection, and VQA. The MaMMUT model enables a wide range of tasks such as image-text/text-image retrieval (top left and top right), VQA (middle left), open-vocabulary detection (middle right), and VideoQA (bottom). Decoder-only model architecture cross attention, and trains simultaneously on both contrastive and text-generative types of losses. Comparatively, prior work is either not able to handle image-text retrieval tasks, or applies only some losses to only some parts of the model. To enable multimodal tasks and fully take advantage of the decoder-only model, we need to jointly train both contrastive losses and text-generative captioning-like losses. MaMMUT architecture (left) is a simple construct consisting of a single vision encoder and a single text decoder. Compared to other popular vision-language models — e.g., PaLI (middle) and ALBEF, CoCa (right) — it trains jointly and efficiently for multiple vision-language tasks, with both contrastive and text-generative losses, fully sharing the weights between the tasks. Decoder two-pass learning Decoder-only models for language learning show clear advantages in performance with smaller model size (almost half the parameters). The main challenge for applying them to multimodal settings is to unify the contrastive learning (which uses unconditional sequence-level representation) with captioning (which optimizes the likelihood of a token conditioned on the previous tokens). We propose a two-pass approach to jointly learn these two conflicting types of text representations within the decoder. During the first pass, we utilize cross attention and causal masking to learn the caption generation task — the text features can attend to the image features and predict the tokens in sequence. On the second pass, we disable the cross-attention and causal masking to learn the contrastive task. The text features will not see the image features but can attend bidirectionally to all text tokens at once to produce the final text-based representation. Completing this two-pass approach within the same decoder allows for accommodating both types of tasks that were previously hard to reconcile. While simple, we show that this model architecture is able to provide a foundation for multiple multimodal tasks. MaMMUT decoder-only two-pass learning enables both contrastive and generative learning paths by the same model. sparse video tubes for lightweight adaptation directly via the spatio-temporal information from the video. Furthermore, adapting the model to Open-Vocabulary Detection is done by simply training to detect bounding-boxes via an object-detection head. Adaptation of the MaMMUT architecture to video tasks (left) is simple and fully reuses the model. This is done by generating a video “tubes” feature representation, similar to image patches, that are projected to lower dimensional tokens and run through the vision encoder. Unlike prior approaches (right) that need to run multiple individual images through the vision encoder, we use it only once. Results Our model achieves excellent zero-shot results on image-text and text-image retrieval without any adaptation, outperforming all previous state-of-the-art models. The results on VQA are competitive with state-of-the-art results, which are achieved by much larger models. The PaLI model (17B parameters) and the Flamingo model (80B) have the best performance on the VQA2.0 dataset, but MaMMUT (2B) has the same accuracy as the 15B PaLI. MaMMUT outperforms the state of the art (SOTA) on Zero-Shot Image-Text (I2T) and Text-Image (T2I) retrieval on both MS-COCO (top) and Flickr (bottom) benchmarks. Performance on the VQA2.0 dataset is competitive but does not outperform large models such as Flamingo-80B and PalI-17B. Performance is evaluated in the more challenging open-ended text generation setting. MSRVTT-QA and MSVD-QA datasets. Note that we outperform much bigger models such as Flamingo, which is specifically designed for image+video pre-training and is pre-trained with both image-text and video-text data. MaMMUT outperforms the SOTA models on VideoQA tasks (MSRVTT-QA dataset, top, MSVD-QA dataset, bottom), outperforming much larger models, e.g., the 5B GIT2 or Flamingo, which uses 80B parameters and is pre-trained for both image-language and vision-language tasks. MAMMUT open-vocabulary detection results on the LVIS dataset compared to state-of-the-art methods. We report the average precisions for rare classes (APr) as is previously adopted in the literature. Key ingredients Ablation studies showing that fewer cross-attention connections (1-2) are better for retrieval tasks (top), whereas more connections favor text-generative tasks such as VQA (bottom). Conclusion Acknowledgements The work described is co-authored by: Weicheng Kuo, AJ Piergiovanni, Dahun Kim, Xiyang Luo, Ben Caine, Wei Li, Abhijit Ogale, Luowei Zhou, Andrew Dai, Zhifeng Chen, Claire Cui, and Anelia Angelova. We would like to thank Mojtaba Seyedhosseini, Vijay Vasudevan, Priya Goyal, Jiahui Yu, Zirui Wang, Yonghui Wu, Runze Li, Jie Mei, Radu Soricut, Qingqing Huang, Andy Ly, Nan Du, Yuxin Wu, Tom Duerig, Paul Natsev, Zoubin Ghahramani for their help and support.

5/5/2023 7:13 AM
2023-05-05 7:21

These ChatGPT Rivals Are Designed to Play With Your Emotions

Will Knight

Startups building chatbots tuned for emotionally engaged conversation say they can offer support, companionship—and even romance.

5/5/2023 12:35 AM
2023-05-05 0:37

LinkedIn Turns 20. Its Next Career Move: A Big AI Push

Paresh Dave

The social network has survived by rebuilding itself from the ground up several times. Its latest project aims to help users with ChatGPT-like “copilots.”

5/4/2023 7:32 PM
2023-05-04 19:33

Joe Biden Wants Hackers’ Help to Keep AI Chatbots In Check

Khari Johnson

The White House will support an event at the Defcon security conference this summer that challenges experts to uncover flaws in generative AI systems.

5/4/2023 5:32 PM
2023-05-04 17:33

IndoorSim-to-OutdoorReal: Learning to navigate outdoors without any outdoor experience

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Joanne Truong, Student Researcher, and Wenhao Yu, Research Scientist, Robotics at Google Teaching mobile robots to navigate in complex outdoor environments is critical to real-world applications, such as delivery or search and rescue. However, this is also a challenging problem as the robot needs to perceive its surroundings, and then explore to identify feasible paths towards the goal. Another common challenge is that the robot needs to overcome uneven terrains, such as stairs, curbs, or rockbed on a trail, while avoiding obstacles and pedestrians. In our prior work, we investigated the second challenge by teaching a quadruped robot to tackle challenging uneven obstacles and various outdoor terrains. In “IndoorSim-to-OutdoorReal: Learning to Navigate Outdoors without any Outdoor Experience”, we present our recent work to tackle the robotic challenge of reasoning about the perceived surroundings to identify a viable navigation path in outdoor environments. We introduce a learning-based indoor-to-outdoor transfer algorithm that uses deep reinforcement learning to train a navigation policy in simulated indoor environments, and successfully transfers that same policy to real outdoor environments. We also introduce Context-Maps (maps with environment observations created by a user), which are applied to our algorithm to enable efficient long-range navigation. We demonstrate that with this policy, robots can successfully navigate hundreds of meters in novel outdoor environments, around previously unseen outdoor obstacles (trees, bushes, buildings, pedestrians, etc.), and in different weather conditions (sunny, overcast, sunset). PointGoal navigation PointGoal Visual Navigation (PointNav) task. PointNav is a general formulation for navigation tasks and is one of the standard choices for indoor navigation tasks. However, due to the diverse visuals, uneven terrains and long distance goals in outdoor environments, training PointNav policies for outdoor environments is a challenging task. Indoor-to-outdoor transfer indoor environments were enabled by the development of fast, scalable simulators and the availability of large-scale datasets of photorealistic 3D scans of indoor environments. To leverage these successes, we develop an indoor-to-outdoor transfer technique that enables our robots to learn from simulated indoor environments and to be deployed in real outdoor environments. To overcome the differences between simulated indoor environments and real outdoor environments, we apply kinematic control and image augmentation techniques in our learning system. When using kinematic control, we assume the existence of a reliable low-level locomotion controller that can control the robot to precisely reach a new location. This assumption allows us to directly move the robot to the target location during simulation training through a forward Euler integration and relieves us from having to explicitly model the underlying robot dynamics in simulation, which drastically improves the throughput of simulation data generation. Prior work has shown that kinematic control can lead to better sim-to-real transfer compared to a dynamic control approach, where full robot dynamics are modeled and a low-level locomotion controller is required for moving the robot. Left Kinematic control; Right: Dynamic control We created an outdoor maze-like environment using objects found indoors for initial experiments, where we used Boston Dynamics' Spot robot for test navigation. We found that the robot could navigate around novel obstacles in the new outdoor environment. The Spot robot successfully navigates around obstacles found in indoor environments, with a policy trained entirely in simulation. However, when faced with unfamiliar outdoor obstacles not seen during training, such as a large slope, the robot was unable to navigate the slope. The robot is unable to navigate up slopes, as slopes are rare in indoor environments and the robot was not trained to tackle it. To enable the robot to walk up and down slopes, we apply an image augmentation technique during the simulation training. Specifically, we randomly tilt the simulated camera on the robot during training. It can be pointed up or down within 30 degrees. This augmentation effectively makes the robot perceive slopes even though the floor is level. Training on these perceived slopes enables the robot to navigate slopes in the real-world. By randomly tilting the camera angle during training in simulation, the robot is now able to walk up and down slopes. Since the robots were only trained in simulated indoor environments, in which they typically need to walk to a goal just a few meters away, we find that the learned network failed to process longer-range inputs — e.g., the policy failed to walk forward for 100 meters in an empty space. To enable the policy network to handle long-range inputs that are common for outdoor navigation, we normalize the goal vector by using the log of the goal distance. Context-Maps for complex long-range navigation Navigation policies without context of the environment do not handle complex long-range navigation goals. To enable the robot to take the context into consideration and purposefully plan an efficient path, we provide a Context-Map (a binary image that represents a top-down occupancy map of the region that the robot is within) as additional observations for the robot. An example Context-Map is given below, where the black region denotes areas occupied by obstacles and white region is walkable by the robot. The green and red circle denotes the start and goal location of the navigation task. Through the Context-Map, we can provide hints to the robot (e.g., the narrow opening in the route below) to help it plan an efficient navigation route. In our experiments, we create the Context-Map for each route guided by Google Maps satellite images. We denote this variant of PointNav with environmental context, as Context-Guided PointNav. Example of the Context-Map (right) for a navigation task (left). the robot still needs to rely on its onboard cameras to identify and adapt its path to pedestrians, which are absent on the map. In our experiments, a human operator quickly sketches the Context-Map from the satellite image, masking out the regions to be avoided. This Context-Map, together with other onboard sensory inputs, including depth images and relative position to the goal, are fed into a neural network with attention models (i.e., transformers), which are trained using DD-PPO, a distributed implementation of proximal policy optimization, in large-scale simulations. The Context-Guided PointNav architecture consists of a 3-layer convolutional neural network (CNN) to process depth images from the robot's camera, and a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to process the goal vector. The features are passed into a gated recurrent unit (GRU). We use an additional CNN encoder to process the context-map (top-down map). We compute the scaled dot product attention between the map and the depth image, and use a second GRU to process the attended features (Context Attn., Depth Attn.). The output of the policy are linear and angular velocities for the Spot robot to follow. Results Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Conclusion project page. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Sonia Chernova, Tingnan Zhang, April Zitkovich, Dhruv Batra, and Jie Tan for advising and contributing to the project. We would also like to thank Naoki Yokoyama, Nubby Lee, Diego Reyes, Ben Jyenis, and Gus Kouretas for help with the robot experiment setup.

5/4/2023 2:13 AM
2023-05-04 2:13

Here Comes the Bride, With AI-Generated Wedding Vows

Amanda Hoover

Something old, something new, something borrowed—and something spouted by ChatGPT.

5/1/2023 11:32 PM
2023-05-01 23:34

Google at ICLR 2023

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Catherine Armato, Program Manager, Google The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023) is being held this week as a hybrid event in Kigali, Rwanda. We are proud to be a Diamond Sponsor of ICLR 2023, a premier conference on deep learning, where Google researchers contribute at all levels. This year we are presenting over 100 papers and are actively involved in organizing and hosting a number of different events, including workshops and interactive sessions. If you’re registered for ICLR 2023, we hope you’ll visit the Google booth to learn more about the exciting work we’re doing across topics spanning representation and reinforcement learning, theory and optimization, social impact, safety and privacy, and applications from generative AI to speech and robotics. Continue below to find the many ways in which Google researchers are engaged at ICLR 2023, including workshops, papers, posters and talks (Google affiliations in bold). Board and Organizing Committee Shakir Mohamed, Tara Sainath Senior Program Chairs include: Been Kim Workshop Chairs include: Aisha Walcott-Bryant, Rose Yu Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Chairs include: Rosanne Liu Outstanding Paper awards Emergence of Maps in the Memories of Blind Navigation Agents Erik Wijmans, Manolis Savva, Irfan Essa, Stefan Lee, Ari S. Morcos, Dhruv Batra DreamFusion: Text-to-3D Using 2D Diffusion Ben Poole, Ajay Jain, Jonathan T. Barron, Ben Mildenhall Keynote speaker Learned Optimizers: Why They're the Future, Why They’re Hard, and What They Can Do Now Jascha Sohl-Dickstein Workshops Kaggle@ICLR 2023: ML Solutions in Africa Organizers include: Julia Elliott, Phil Culliton, Ray Harvey Julia Elliot, Walter Reade Reincarnating Reinforcement Learning (Reincarnating RL) Organizers include: Rishabh Agarwal, Ted Xiao, Max Schwarzer Sergey Levine Marc G. Bellemare, Sergey Levine Trustworthy and Reliable Large-Scale Machine Learning Models Organizers include: Sanmi Koyejo Nicholas Carlini Physics for Machine Learning (Physics4ML) Speakers include: Yasaman Bahri AI for Agent-Based Modelling Community (AI4ABM) Organizers include: Pablo Samuel Castro Mathematical and Empirical Understanding of Foundation Models (ME-FoMo) Organizers include: Mathilde Caron, Tengyu Ma, Hanie Sedghi Yasaman Bahri, Yann Dauphin Neurosymbolic Generative Models 2023 (NeSy-GeMs) Organizers include: Kevin Ellis Daniel Tarlow, Tuan Anh Le What Do We Need for Successful Domain Generalization? Panelists include: Boqing Gong The 4th Workshop on Practical ML for Developing Countries: Learning Under Limited/Low Resource Settings Keynote Speaker: Adji Bousso Dieng Machine Learning for Remote Sensing Speakers include: Abigail Annkah Multimodal Representation Learning (MRL): Perks and Pitfalls Organizers include: Petra Poklukar Arsha Nagrani Pitfalls of Limited Data and Computation for Trustworthy ML Organizers include: Prateek Jain Nicholas Carlini, Praneeth Netrapalli Sparsity in Neural Networks: On Practical Limitations and Tradeoffs Between Sustainability and Efficiency Organizers include: Trevor Gale, Utku Evci Aakanksha Chowdhery, Jeff Dean Time Series Representation Learning for Health Speakers include: Katherine Heller Deep Learning for Code (DL4C) Organizers include: Gabriel Orlanski Alex Polozov, Daniel Tarlow Affinity Workshops Tiny Papers Showcase Day (a DEI initiative) Organizers include: Rosanne Liu Papers Evolve Smoothly, Fit Consistently: Learning Smooth Latent Dynamics for Advection-Dominated Systems Zhong Yi Wan, Leonardo Zepeda-Nunez, Anudhyan Boral, Fei Sha Quantifying Memorization Across Neural Language Models Nicholas Carlini, Daphne Ippolito, Matthew Jagielski, Katherine Lee, Florian Tramer, Chiyuan Zhang Emergence of Maps in the Memories of Blind Navigation Agents (Outstanding Paper Award) Erik Wijmans, Manolis Savva, Irfan Essa, Stefan Lee, Ari S. Morcos, Dhruv Batra Offline Q-Learning on Diverse Multi-task Data Both Scales and Generalizes (see blog post) Aviral Kumar, Rishabh Agarwal, Xingyang Geng, George Tucker, Sergey Levine ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models (see blog post) Shunyu Yao*, Jeffrey Zhao, Dian Yu, Nan Du, Izhak Shafran, Karthik R. Narasimhan, Yuan Cao Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross-Attention Control Amir Hertz, Ron Mokady, Jay Tenenbaum, Kfir Aberman, Yael Pritch, Daniel Cohen-Or DreamFusion: Text-to-3D Using 2D Diffusion (Outstanding Paper Award) Ben Poole, Ajay Jain, Jonathan T. Barron, Ben Mildenhall A System for Morphology-Task Generalization via Unified Representation and Behavior Distillation Hiroki Furuta, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Shixiang Shane Gu Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning by Breaking the Replay Ratio Barrier Pierluca D'Oro, Max Schwarzer, Evgenii Nikishin, Pierre-Luc Bacon, Marc G Bellemare, Aaron Courville Dichotomy of Control: Separating What You Can Control from What You Cannot Sherry Yang, Dale Schuurmans, Pieter Abbeel, Ofir Nachum Fast and Precise: Adjusting Planning Horizon with Adaptive Subgoal Search Michał Zawalski, Michał Tyrolski, Konrad Czechowski, Tomasz Odrzygóźdź, Damian Stachura, Piotr Piekos, Yuhuai Wu, Łukasz Kucinski, Piotr Miłos The Trade-Off Between Universality and Label Efficiency of Representations from Contrastive Learning Zhenmei Shi, Jiefeng Chen, Kunyang Li, Jayaram Raghuram, Xi Wu, Yingyu Liang, Somesh Jha Sparsity-Constrained Optimal Transport Tianlin Liu*, Joan Puigcerver, Mathieu Blondel Unmasking the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: What's Encoded in a Winning Ticket's Mask? Mansheej Paul, Feng Chen, Brett W. Larsen, Jonathan Frankle, Surya Ganguli, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite Extreme Q-Learning: MaxEnt RL without Entropy Divyansh Garg, Joey Hejna, Matthieu Geist, Stefano Ermon Draft, Sketch, and Prove: Guiding Formal Theorem Provers with Informal Proofs Albert Qiaochu Jiang, Sean Welleck, Jin Peng Zhou, Timothee Lacroix, Jiacheng Liu, Wenda Li, Mateja Jamnik, Guillaume Lample, Yuhuai Wu SimPer: Simple Self-Supervised Learning of Periodic Targets Yuzhe Yang, Xin Liu, Jiang Wu, Silviu Borac, Dina Katabi, Ming-Zher Poh, Daniel McDuff Socratic Models: Composing Zero-Shot Multimodal Reasoning with Language Andy Zeng, Maria Attarian, Brian Ichter, Krzysztof Marcin Choromanski, Adrian Wong, Stefan Welker, Federico Tombari, Aveek Purohit, Michael S. Ryoo, Vikas Sindhwani, Johnny Lee, Vincent Vanhoucke, Pete Florence What Learning Algorithm Is In-Context Learning? Investigations with Linear Models Ekin Akyurek*, Dale Schuurmans, Jacob Andreas, Tengyu Ma*, Denny Zhou Preference Transformer: Modeling Human Preferences Using Transformers for RL Changyeon Kim, Jongjin Park, Jinwoo Shin, Honglak Lee, Pieter Abbeel, Kimin Lee Iterative Patch Selection for High-Resolution Image Recognition Benjamin Bergner, Christoph Lippert, Aravindh Mahendran Open-Vocabulary Object Detection upon Frozen Vision and Language Models Weicheng Kuo, Yin Cui, Xiuye Gu, AJ Piergiovanni, Anelia Angelova (Certified!!) Adversarial Robustness for Free! Nicholas Carlini, Florian Tramér, Krishnamurthy (Dj) Dvijotham, Leslie Rice, Mingjie Sun, J. Zico Kolter REPAIR: REnormalizing Permuted Activations for Interpolation Repair Keller Jordan, Hanie Sedghi, Olga Saukh, Rahim Entezari, Behnam Neyshabur Discrete Predictor-Corrector Diffusion Models for Image Synthesis José Lezama, Tim Salimans, Lu Jiang, Huiwen Chang, Jonathan Ho, Irfan Essa Feature Reconstruction From Outputs Can Mitigate Simplicity Bias in Neural Networks Sravanti Addepalli, Anshul Nasery, Praneeth Netrapalli, Venkatesh Babu R., Prateek Jain An Exact Poly-time Membership-Queries Algorithm for Extracting a Three-Layer ReLU Network Amit Daniely, Elad Granot Language Models Are Multilingual Chain-of-Thought Reasoners Freda Shi, Mirac Suzgun, Markus Freitag, Xuezhi Wang, Suraj Srivats, Soroush Vosoughi, Hyung Won Chung, Yi Tay, Sebastian Ruder, Denny Zhou, Dipanjan Das, Jason Wei Scaling Forward Gradient with Local Losses Mengye Ren*, Simon Kornblith, Renjie Liao, Geoffrey Hinton Treeformer: Dense Gradient Trees for Efficient Attention Computation Lovish Madaan, Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Himanshu Jain, Prateek Jain LilNetX: Lightweight Networks with EXtreme Model Compression and Structured Sparsification Sharath Girish, Kamal Gupta, Saurabh Singh, Abhinav Shrivastava DiffusER: Diffusion via Edit-Based Reconstruction Machel Reid, Vincent J. Hellendoorn, Graham Neubig Leveraging Unlabeled Data to Track Memorization Mahsa Forouzesh, Hanie Sedghi, Patrick Thiran A Mixture-of-Expert Approach to RL-Based Dialogue Management Yinlam Chow, Aza Tulepbergenov, Ofir Nachum, Dhawal Gupta, Moonkyung Ryu, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Craig Boutilier Easy Differentially Private Linear Regression Kareem Amin, Matthew Joseph, Monica Ribero, Sergei Vassilvitskii KwikBucks: Correlation Clustering with Cheap-Weak and Expensive-Strong Signals Sandeep Silwal*, Sara Ahmadian, Andrew Nystrom, Andrew McCallum, Deepak Ramachandran, Mehran Kazemi Massively Scaling Heteroscedastic Classifiers Mark Collier, Rodolphe Jenatton, Basil Mustafa, Neil Houlsby, Jesse Berent, Effrosyni Kokiopoulou The Lazy Neuron Phenomenon: On Emergence of Activation Sparsity in Transformers Zonglin Li, Chong You, Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Daliang Li, Ankit Singh Rawat, Sashank J. Reddi, Ke Ye, Felix Chern, Felix Yu, Ruiqi Guo, Sanjiv Kumar Compositional Semantic Parsing with Large Language Models Andrew Drozdov, Nathanael Scharli, Ekin Akyurek, Nathan Scales, Xinying Song, Xinyun Chen, Olivier Bousquet, Denny Zhou Extremely Simple Activation Shaping for Out-of-Distribution Detection Andrija Djurisic, Nebojsa Bozanic, Arjun Ashok, Rosanne Liu Long Range Language Modeling via Gated State Spaces Harsh Mehta, Ankit Gupta, Ashok Cutkosky, Behnam Neyshabur Investigating Multi-task Pretraining and Generalization in Reinforcement Learning Adrien Ali Taiga, Rishabh Agarwal, Jesse Farebrother, Aaron Courville, Marc G. Bellemare Learning Low Dimensional State Spaces with Overparameterized Recurrent Neural Nets Edo Cohen-Karlik, Itamar Menuhin-Gruman, Raja Giryes, Nadav Cohen, Amir Globerson Weighted Ensemble Self-Supervised Learning Yangjun Ruan*, Saurabh Singh, Warren Morningstar, Alexander A. Alemi, Sergey Ioffe, Ian Fischer, Joshua V. Dillon Calibrating Sequence Likelihood Improves Conditional Language Generation Yao Zhao, Misha Khalman, Rishabh Joshi, Shashi Narayan, Mohammad Saleh, Peter J. Liu SMART: Sentences as Basic Units for Text Evaluation Reinald Kim Amplayo, Peter J. Liu, Yao Zhao, Shashi Narayan Leveraging Importance Weights in Subset Selection Gui Citovsky, Giulia DeSalvo, Sanjiv Kumar, Srikumar Ramalingam, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Yunjuan Wang* Proto-Value Networks: Scaling Representation Learning with Auxiliary Tasks Jesse Farebrother, Joshua Greaves, Rishabh Agarwal, Charline Le Lan, Ross Goroshin, Pablo Samuel Castro, Marc G. Bellemare An Extensible Multi-modal Multi-task Object Dataset with Materials Trevor Standley, Ruohan Gao, Dawn Chen, Jiajun Wu, Silvio Savarese Measuring Forgetting of Memorized Training Examples Matthew Jagielski, Om Thakkar, Florian Tramér, Daphne Ippolito, Katherine Lee, Nicholas Carlini, Eric Wallace, Shuang Song, Abhradeep Thakurta, Nicolas Papernot, Chiyuan Zhang Bidirectional Language Models Are Also Few-Shot Learners Ajay Patel, Bryan Li, Mohammad Sadegh Rasooli, Noah Constant, Colin Raffel, Chris Callison-Burch Is Attention All That NeRF Needs? Mukund Varma T., Peihao Wang, Xuxi Chen, Tianlong Chen, Subhashini Venugopalan, Zhangyang Wang Automating Nearest Neighbor Search Configuration with Constrained Optimization Philip Sun, Ruiqi Guo, Sanjiv Kumar Static Prediction of Runtime Errors by Learning to Execute Programs with External Resource Descriptions David Bieber, Rishab Goel, Daniel Zheng, Hugo Larochelle, Daniel Tarlow Composing Ensembles of Pre-trained Models via Iterative Consensus Shuang Li, Yilun Du, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Antonio Torralba, Igor Mordatch Λ-DARTS: Mitigating Performance Collapse by Harmonizing Operation Selection Among Cells Sajad Movahedi, Melika Adabinejad, Ayyoob Imani, Arezou Keshavarz, Mostafa Dehghani, Azadeh Shakery, Babak N. Araabi Blurring Diffusion Models Emiel Hoogeboom, Tim Salimans Part-Based Models Improve Adversarial Robustness Chawin Sitawarin, Kornrapat Pongmala, Yizheng Chen, Nicholas Carlini, David Wagner Learning in Temporally Structured Environments Matt Jones, Tyler R. Scott, Mengye Ren, Gamaleldin ElSayed, Katherine Hermann, David Mayo, Michael C. Mozer SlotFormer: Unsupervised Visual Dynamics Simulation with Object-Centric Models Ziyi Wu, Nikita Dvornik, Klaus Greff, Thomas Kipf, Animesh Garg Robust Algorithms on Adaptive Inputs from Bounded Adversaries Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri, Sandeep Silwal, David P. Woodruff, Fred Zhang, Qiuyi (Richard) Zhang, Samson Zhou Agnostic Learning of General ReLU Activation Using Gradient Descent Pranjal Awasthi, Alex Tang, Aravindan Vijayaraghavan Analog Bits: Generating Discrete Data Using Diffusion Models with Self-Conditioning Ting Chen, Ruixiang Zhang, Geoffrey Hinton Any-Scale Balanced Samplers for Discrete Space Haoran Sun*, Bo Dai, Charles Sutton, Dale Schuurmans, Hanjun Dai Augmentation with Projection: Towards an Effective and Efficient Data Augmentation Paradigm for Distillation Ziqi Wang*, Yuexin Wu, Frederick Liu, Daogao Liu, Le Hou, Hongkun Yu, Jing Li, Heng Ji Beyond Lipschitz: Sharp Generalization and Excess Risk Bounds for Full-Batch GD Konstantinos E. Nikolakakis, Farzin Haddadpour, Amin Karbasi, Dionysios S. Kalogerias Causal Estimation for Text Data with (Apparent) Overlap Violations Lin Gui, Victor Veitch Contrastive Learning Can Find an Optimal Basis for Approximately View-Invariant Functions Daniel D. Johnson, Ayoub El Hanchi, Chris J. Maddison Differentially Private Adaptive Optimization with Delayed Preconditioners Tian Li, Manzil Zaheer, Ziyu Liu, Sashank Reddi, Brendan McMahan, Virginia Smith Distributionally Robust Post-hoc Classifiers Under Prior Shifts Jiaheng Wei*, Harikrishna Narasimhan, Ehsan Amid, Wen-Sheng Chu, Yang Liu, Abhishek Kumar Human Alignment of Neural Network Representations Lukas Muttenthaler, Jonas Dippel, Lorenz Linhardt, Robert A. Vandermeulen, Simon Kornblith Implicit Bias in Leaky ReLU Networks Trained on High-Dimensional Data Spencer Frei, Gal Vardi, Peter Bartlett, Nathan Srebro, Wei Hu Koopman Neural Operator Forecaster for Time-Series with Temporal Distributional Shifts Rui Wang*, Yihe Dong, Sercan Ö. Arik, Rose Yu Latent Variable Representation for Reinforcement Learning Tongzheng Ren, Chenjun Xiao, Tianjun Zhang, Na Li, Zhaoran Wang, Sujay Sanghavi, Dale Schuurmans, Bo Dai Least-to-Most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models Denny Zhou, Nathanael Scharli, Le Hou, Jason Wei, Nathan Scales, Xuezhi Wang, Dale Schuurmans, Claire Cui, Olivier Bousquet, Quoc Le, Ed Chi Mind's Eye: Grounded Language Model Reasoning Through Simulation Ruibo Liu, Jason Wei, Shixiang Shane Gu, Te-Yen Wu, Soroush Vosoughi, Claire Cui, Denny Zhou, Andrew M. Dai MOAT: Alternating Mobile Convolution and Attention Brings Strong Vision Models Chenglin Yang*, Siyuan Qiao, Qihang Yu, Xiaoding Yuan, Yukun Zhu, Alan Yuille, Hartwig Adam, Liang-Chieh Chen Novel View Synthesis with Diffusion Models Daniel Watson, William Chan, Ricardo Martin-Brualla, Jonathan Ho, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Mohammad Norouzi On Accelerated Perceptrons and Beyond Guanghui Wang, Rafael Hanashiro, Etash Guha, Jacob Abernethy On Compositional Uncertainty Quantification for Seq2seq Graph Parsing Zi Lin*, Du Phan, Panupong Pasupat, Jeremiah Liu, Jingbo Shang On the Robustness of Safe Reinforcement Learning Under Observational Perturbations Zuxin Liu, Zijian Guo, Zhepeng Cen, Huan Zhang, Jie Tan, Bo Li, Ding Zhao Online Low Rank Matrix Completion Prateek Jain, Soumyabrata Pal Out-of-Distribution Detection and Selective Generation for Conditional Language Models Jie Ren, Jiaming Luo, Yao Zhao, Kundan Krishna*, Mohammad Saleh, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Peter J. Liu PaLI: A Jointly-Scaled Multilingual Language-Image Model Xi Chen, Xiao Wang, Soravit Changpinyo, AJ Piergiovanni, Piotr Padlewski, Daniel Salz, Sebastian Goodman, Adam Grycner, Basil Mustafa, Lucas Beyer, Alexander Kolesnikov, Joan Puigcerver, Nan Ding, Keran Rong, Hassan Akbari, Gaurav Mishra, Linting Xue, Ashish V. Thapliyal, James Bradbury, Weicheng Kuo, Mojtaba Seyedhosseini, Chao Jia, Burcu Karagol Ayan, Carlos Riquelme Ruiz, Andreas Peter Steiner, Anelia Angelova, Xiaohua Zhai, Neil Houlsby, Radu Soricut Phenaki: Variable Length Video Generation from Open Domain Textual Descriptions Ruben Villegas, Mohammad Babaeizadeh, Pieter-Jan Kindermans, Hernan Moraldo, Han Zhang, Mohammad Taghi Saffar, Santiago Castro*, Julius Kunze*, Dumitru Erhan Promptagator: Few-Shot Dense Retrieval from 8 Examples Zhuyun Dai, Vincent Y. Zhao, Ji Ma, Yi Luan, Jianmo Ni, Jing Lu, Anton Bakalov, Kelvin Guu, Keith B. Hall, Ming-Wei Chang Pushing the Accuracy-Group Robustness Frontier with Introspective Self-Play Jeremiah Zhe Liu, Krishnamurthy Dj Dvijotham, Jihyeon Lee, Quan Yuan, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Deepak Ramachandran Re-Imagen: Retrieval-Augmented Text-to-Image Generator Wenhu Chen, Hexiang Hu, Chitwan Saharia, William W. Cohen Recitation-Augmented Language Models Zhiqing Sun, Xuezhi Wang, Yi Tay, Yiming Yang, Denny Zhou Regression with Label Differential Privacy Badih Ghazi, Pritish Kamath, Ravi Kumar, Ethan Leeman, Pasin Manurangsi, Avinash Varadarajan, Chiyuan Zhang Revisiting the Entropy Semiring for Neural Speech Recognition Oscar Chang, Dongseong Hwang, Olivier Siohan Robust Active Distillation Cenk Baykal, Khoa Trinh, Fotis Iliopoulos, Gaurav Menghani, Erik Vee Score-Based Continuous-Time Discrete Diffusion Models Haoran Sun*, Lijun Yu, Bo Dai, Dale Schuurmans, Hanjun Dai Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models Xuezhi Wang, Jason Wei, Dale Schuurmans, Quoc Le, Ed H. Chi, Sharan Narang, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Denny Zhou Self-Supervision Through Random Segments with Autoregressive Coding (RandSAC) Tianyu Hua, Yonglong Tian, Sucheng Ren, Michalis Raptis, Hang Zhao, Leonid Sigal Serving Graph Compression for Graph Neural Networks Si Si, Felix Yu, Ankit Singh Rawat, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Sanjiv Kumar Sequential Attention for Feature Selection Taisuke Yasuda*, MohammadHossein Bateni, Lin Chen, Matthew Fahrbach, Gang Fu, Vahab Mirrokni Sparse Upcycling: Training Mixture-of-Experts from Dense Checkpoints Aran Komatsuzaki*, Joan Puigcerver, James Lee-Thorp, Carlos Riquelme, Basil Mustafa, Joshua Ainslie, Yi Tay, Mostafa Dehghani, Neil Houlsby Spectral Decomposition Representation for Reinforcement Learning Tongzheng Ren, Tianjun Zhang, Lisa Lee, Joseph Gonzalez, Dale Schuurmans, Bo Dai Spotlight: Mobile UI Understanding Using Vision-Language Models with a Focus (see blog post) Gang Li, Yang Li Supervision Complexity and Its Role in Knowledge Distillation Hrayr Harutyunyan*, Ankit Singh Rawat, Aditya Krishna Menon, Seungyeon Kim, Sanjiv Kumar Teacher Guided Training: An Efficient Framework for Knowledge Transfer Manzil Zaheer, Ankit Singh Rawat, Seungyeon Kim, Chong You, Himanshu Jain, Andreas Veit, Rob Fergus, Sanjiv Kumar TEMPERA: Test-Time Prompt Editing via Reinforcement Learning Tianjun Zhang, Xuezhi Wang, Denny Zhou, Dale Schuurmans, Joseph E. Gonzalez UL2: Unifying Language Learning Paradigms Yi Tay, Mostafa Dehghani, Vinh Q. Tran, Xavier Garcia, Jason Wei, Xuezhi Wang, Hyung Won Chung, Dara Bahri, Tal Schuster, Steven Zheng, Denny Zhou, Neil Houlsby, Donald Metzler * Work done while at Google

5/1/2023 3:53 PM
2023-05-01 15:53

How ChatGPT and Other LLMs Work—and Where They Could Go Next

David Nield

Large language models like AI chatbots seem to be everywhere. If you understand them better, you can use them better.

4/30/2023 7:32 PM
2023-04-30 19:33

An ML-based approach to better characterize lung diseases

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Babak Behsaz, Software Engineer, and Andrew Carroll, Product Lead, Genomics The combination of the environment an individual experiences and their genetic predispositions determines the majority of their risk for various diseases. Large national efforts, such as the UK Biobank, have created large, public resources to better understand the links between environment, genetics, and disease. This has the potential to help individuals better understand how to stay healthy, clinicians to treat illnesses, and scientists to develop new medicines. One challenge in this process is how we make sense of the vast amount of clinical measurements — the UK Biobank has many petabytes of imaging, metabolic tests, and medical records spanning 500,000 individuals. To best use this data, we need to be able to represent the information present as succinct, informative labels about meaningful diseases and traits, a process called phenotyping. That is where we can use the ability of ML models to pick up on subtle intricate patterns in large amounts of data. We’ve previously demonstrated the ability to use ML models to quickly phenotype at scale for retinal diseases. Nonetheless, these models were trained using labels from clinician judgment, and access to clinical-grade labels is a limiting factor due to the time and expense needed to create them. In “Inference of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with deep learning on raw spirograms identifies new genetic loci and improves risk models”, published in Nature Genetics, we’re excited to highlight a method for training accurate ML models for genetic discovery of diseases, even when using noisy and unreliable labels. We demonstrate the ability to train ML models that can phenotype directly from raw clinical measurement and unreliable medical record information. This reduced reliance on medical domain experts for labeling greatly expands the range of applications for our technique to a panoply of diseases and has the potential to improve their prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. We showcase this method with ML models that can better characterize lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Additionally, we show the usefulness of these models by demonstrating a better ability to identify genetic variants associated with COPD, improved understanding of the biology behind the disease, and successful prediction of outcomes associated with COPD. ML for deeper understanding of exhalation third leading cause of worldwide death in 2019, in which airway inflammation and impeded airflow can progressively reduce lung function. Lung function for COPD and other diseases is measured by recording an individual’s exhalation volume over time (the record is called a spirogram; see an example below). Although there are guidelines (called GOLD) for determining COPD status from exhalation, these use only a few, specific data points in the curve and apply fixed thresholds to those values. Much of the rich data from these spirograms is discarded in this analysis of lung function. We reasoned that ML models trained to classify spirograms would be able to use the rich data present more completely and result in more accurate and comprehensive measures of lung function and disease, similar to what we have seen in other classification tasks like mammography or histology. We trained ML models to predict whether an individual has COPD using the full spirograms as inputs. Spirometry and COPD status overview. Spirograms from lung function test showing a forced expiratory volume-time spirogram (left), a forced expiratory flow-time spirogram (middle), and an interpolated forced expiratory flow-volume spirogram (right). The profile of individuals w/o COPD is different. supervised learning, requires samples to be associated with labels. Determining those labels can require the effort of very time-constrained experts. For this work, to show that we do not necessarily need medically graded labels, we decided to use a variety of widely available sources of medical record information to create those labels without medical expert review. These labels are less reliable and noisy for two reasons. First, there are gaps in the medical records of individuals because they use multiple health services. Second, COPD is often undiagnosed, meaning many with the disease will not be labeled as having it even if we compile the complete medical records. Nonetheless, we trained a model to predict these noisy labels from the spirogram curves and treat the model predictions as a quantitative COPD liability or risk score. Noisy COPD status labels were derived using various medical record sources (clinical data). A COPD liability model is then trained to predict COPD status from raw flow-volume spirograms. Predicting COPD outcomes FEV1/FVC, which compares specific points on the spirogram curve with a simple mathematical ratio. We observed an improvement in the ability to predict these outcomes as seen in the precision-recall curves below. Precision-recall curves for COPD status and outcomes for our ML model (green) compared to traditional measures. Confidence intervals are shown by lighter shading. Survival analysis of a cohort of UK Biobank individuals stratified by their COPD model’s predicted risk quartile. The decrease of the curve indicates individuals in the cohort dying over time. For example, p100 represents the 25% of the cohort with greatest predicted risk, while p50 represents the 2nd quartile. Identifying the genetic links with COPD genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify the genetic links with COPD and genetic predisposition. A GWAS measures the strength of the statistical association between a given genetic variant — a change in a specific position of DNA — and the observations (e.g., COPD) across a cohort of cases and controls. Genetic associations discovered in this manner can inform drug development that modifies the activity or products of a gene, as well as expand our understanding of the biology for a disease. We showed with our ML-phenotyping method that not only do we rediscover almost all known COPD variants found by manual phenotyping, but we also find many novel genetic variants significantly associated with COPD. In addition, we see good agreement on the effect sizes for the variants discovered by both our ML approach and the manual one (R2=0.93), which provides strong evidence for validity of the newly found variants. Left: A plot comparing the statistical power of genetic discovery using the labels for our ML model (y-axis) with the statistical power of the manual labels from a traditional study (x-axis). A value above the y = x line indicates greater statistical power in our method. Green points indicate significant findings in our method that are not found using the traditional approach. Orange points are significant in the traditional approach but not ours. Blue points are significant in both. Right: Estimates of the association effect between our method (y-axis) and traditional method (x-axis). Note that the relative values between studies are comparable but the absolute numbers are not. paper). Conclusion Acknowledgments This work is the combined output of multiple contributors and institutions. We thank all contributors: Justin Cosentino, Babak Alipanahi, Zachary R. McCaw, Cory Y. McLean, Farhad Hormozdiari (Google), Davin Hill (Northeastern University), Tae-Hwi Schwantes-An and Dongbing Lai (Indiana University), Brian D. Hobbs and Michael H. Cho (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School). We also thank Ted Yun and Nick Furlotte for reviewing the manuscript, Greg Corrado and Shravya Shetty for support, and Howard Yang, Kavita Kulkarni, and Tammi Huynh for helping with publication logistics.

4/28/2023 5:53 AM
2023-04-28 6:02

NSA Cybersecurity Director Says ‘Buckle Up’ for Generative AI

Lily Hay Newman

The security issues raised by ChatGPT and similar tech are just beginning to emerge, but Rob Joyce says it's time to prepare for what comes next.

4/28/2023 1:12 AM
2023-04-28 1:13

Meet ChatGPT’s Right-Wing Alter Ego

Will Knight

A programmer is building chatbots with opposing political views to make a point about biased AI. He’s also planning a centrist bot to bridge the divide.

4/28/2023 12:36 AM
2023-04-28 0:37

6 Tips for Using ChatGPT to Brainstorm Better

Reece Rogers

Artificial intelligence can be a font of inspiration. Here’s how to use OpenAI’s AI chatbot the next time you’re spitballing ideas.

4/27/2023 8:33 PM
2023-04-27 20:34

Brace Yourself for the 2024 Deepfake Election

Thor Benson

No matter what happens with generative AI, its disruptive forces are already beginning to play a role in the fast-approaching US presidential race.

4/27/2023 7:32 PM
2023-04-27 19:34

Robust and efficient medical imaging with self-supervision

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Shekoofeh Azizi, Senior Research Scientist, and Laura Culp, Senior Research Engineer, Google Research Despite recent progress in the field of medical artificial intelligence (AI), most existing models are narrow, single-task systems that require large quantities of labeled data to train. Moreover, these models cannot be easily reused in new clinical contexts as they often require the collection, de-identification and annotation of site-specific data for every new deployment environment, which is both laborious and expensive. This problem of data-efficient generalization (a model’s ability to generalize to new settings using minimal new data) continues to be a key translational challenge for medical machine learning (ML) models and has in turn, prevented their broad uptake in real world healthcare settings. The emergence of foundation models offers a significant opportunity to rethink development of medical AI to make it more performant, safer, and equitable. These models are trained using data at scale, often by self-supervised learning. This process results in generalist models that can rapidly be adapted to new tasks and environments with less need for supervised data. With foundation models, it may be possible to safely and efficiently deploy models across various clinical contexts and environments. In “Robust and Efficient MEDical Imaging with Self-supervision” (REMEDIS), to be published in Nature Biomedical Engineering, we introduce a unified large-scale self-supervised learning framework for building foundation medical imaging models. This strategy combines large scale supervised transfer learning with self-supervised learning and requires minimal task-specific customization. REMEDIS shows significant improvement in data-efficient generalization across medical imaging tasks and modalities with a 3–100x reduction in site-specific data for adapting models to new clinical contexts and environments. Building on this, we are excited to announce Medical AI Research Foundations (hosted by PhysioNet), an expansion of the public release of chest X-ray Foundations in 2022. Medical AI Research Foundations is a collection of open-source non-diagnostic models (starting with REMEDIS models), APIs, and resources to help researchers and developers accelerate medical AI research. Large scale self-supervision for medical imaging Imagenet 21k or JFT) using the Big Transfer (BiT) method. The second step involves intermediate self-supervised learning, which does not require any labels and instead, trains a model to learn medical data representations independently of labels. The specific approach used for pre-training and learning representations is SimCLR. The method works by maximizing agreement between differently augmented views of the same training example via a contrastive loss in a hidden layer of a feed-forward neural network with multilayer perceptron (MLP) outputs. However, REMEDIS is equally compatible with other contrastive self-supervised learning methods. This training method is applicable for healthcare environments as many hospitals acquire raw data (images) as a routine practice. While processes would have to be implemented to make this data usable within models (i.e., patient consent prior to gathering the data, de-identification, etc.), the costly, time-consuming, and difficult task of labeling that data could be avoided using REMEDIS. REMEDIS leverages large-scale supervised learning using natural images and self-supervised learning using unlabeled medical data to create strong foundation models for medical imaging. ResNet-50 (1×) and ResNet-152 (2×) as the backbone encoder networks. After pre-training, the model was fine-tuned using labeled task-specific medical data and evaluated for in-distribution task performance. In addition, to evaluate the data-efficient generalization, the model was also optionally fine-tuned using small amounts of out-of-distribution (OOD) data. REMEDIS starts with representations initialized using large-scale natural image pretraining following the Big Transfer (BiT) method. We then adapt the model to the medical domain using intermediate contrastive self-supervised learning without using any labeled medical data. Finally, we fine-tune the model to specific downstream medical imaging tasks. We evaluate the ML model both in an in-distribution (ID) setting and in an out-of-distribution (OOD) setting to establish the data-efficient generalization performance of the model. Evaluation and results dermatology, retinal imaging, chest X-ray interpretation, pathology and mammography. We further introduce the notion of data-efficient generalization, capturing the model’s ability to generalize to new deployment distributions with a significantly reduced need for expert annotated data from the new clinical setting. In-distribution performance is measured as (1) improvement in zero-shot generalization to OOD settings (assessing performance in an OOD evaluation set, with zero access to training data from the OOD dataset) and (2) significant reduction in the need for annotated data from the OOD settings to reach performance equivalent to clinical experts (or threshold demonstrating clinical utility). REMEDIS exhibits significantly improved in-distribution performance with up to 11.5% relative improvement in diagnostic accuracy over a strongly supervised baseline. More importantly, our strategy leads to data-efficient generalization of medical imaging models, matching strong supervised baselines resulting in a 3–100x reduction in the need for retraining data. While SimCLR is the primary self-supervised learning approach used in the study, we also show that REMEDIS is compatible with other approaches, such as MoCo-V2, RELIC and Barlow Twins. Furthermore, the approach works across model architecture sizes. REMEDIS outperformed the supervised baseline pre-trained on JFT-300M for various medical tasks and demonstrated improved data-efficient generalization, reducing data needs by 3–100x for adapting models to new clinical settings. This could potentially translate to significant reduction in clinician hours saved annotating data and cost of developing robust medical imaging systems. REMEDIS is compatible with MoCo-V2, RELIC and Barlow Twins as alternate self-supervised learning strategies. All the REMEDIS variants lead to data-efficient generalization improvements over the strong supervised baseline for dermatology condition classification (T1), diabetic macular edema classification (T2), and chest X-ray condition classification (T3). The gray shaded area indicates the performance of the strong supervised baseline pre-trained on JFT. Medical AI Research Foundations Medical AI Research Foundations, an expansion of the public release of chest X-ray Foundations in 2022. Medical AI Research Foundations is a repository of open-source medical foundation models hosted by PhysioNet. This expands the previous API-based approach to also encompass non-diagnostic models, to help researchers and developers accelerate their medical AI research. We believe that REMEDIS and the release of the Medical AI Research Foundations are a step toward building medical models that can generalize across healthcare settings and tasks. We are seeding Medical AI Research Foundations with REMEDIS models for chest X-ray and pathology (with related code). Whereas the existing chest X-ray Foundation approach focuses on providing frozen embeddings for application-specific fine tuning from a model trained on several large private datasets, the REMEDIS models (trained on public datasets) enable users to fine-tune end-to-end for their application, and to run on local devices. We recommend users test different approaches based on their unique needs for their desired application. We expect to add more models and resources for training medical foundation models such as datasets and benchmarks in the future. We also welcome the medical AI research community to contribute to this. Conclusion Google’s medical imaging research projects, such as dermatology, mammography and radiology among others. We’re using a similar self-supervised learning approach with our non-imaging foundation model efforts, such as Med-PaLM and Med-PaLM 2. With REMEDIS, we demonstrated the potential of foundation models for medical imaging applications. Such models hold exciting possibilities in medical applications with the opportunity of multimodal representation learning. The practice of medicine is inherently multimodal and incorporates information from images, electronic health records, sensors, wearables, genomics and more. We believe ML systems that leverage these data at scale using self-supervised learning with careful consideration of privacy, safety, fairness and ethics will help lay the groundwork for the next generation of learning health systems that scale world-class healthcare to everyone. Acknowledgements This work involved extensive collaborative efforts from a multidisciplinary team of researchers, software engineers, clinicians, and cross-functional contributors across Google Health AI and Google Brain. In particular, we would like to thank our first co-author Jan Freyberg and our lead senior authors of these projects, Vivek Natarajan, Alan Karthikesalingam, Mohammad Norouzi and Neil Houlsby for their invaluable contributions and support. We also thank Lauren Winer, Sami Lachgar, Yun Liu and Karan Singhal for their feedback on this post and Tom Small for support in creating the visuals. Finally, we also thank the PhysioNet team for their support on hosting Medical AI Research Foundations. Users with questions can reach out to medical-ai-research-foundations at

4/27/2023 5:14 AM
2023-04-27 5:22

Noah Raford Can Help You Prepare for a Not-So-Nice Future


We spoke with a futurist to understand the difference between predicting what's coming down the pike and instead being ready for it emotionally.

4/26/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-26 19:34

How Microsoft's Bing Chatbot Came to Be—and Where It's Going Next

Paresh Dave

The AI-powered chat interface transformed the second-place search engine into a trendsetter. Now the company is integrating ads and working on accuracy.

4/26/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-26 19:34

LayerNAS: Neural architecture search in polynomial complexity

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Yicheng Fan and Dana Alon, Software Engineers, Google Research Every byte and every operation matters when trying to build a faster model, especially if the model is to run on-device. Neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms design sophisticated model architectures by searching through a larger model-space than what is possible manually. Different NAS algorithms, such as MNasNet and TuNAS, have been proposed and have discovered several efficient model architectures, including MobileNetV3, EfficientNet. Here we present LayerNAS, an approach that reformulates the multi-objective NAS problem within the framework of combinatorial optimization to greatly reduce the complexity, which results in an order of magnitude reduction in the number of model candidates that must be searched, less computation required for multi-trial searches, and the discovery of model architectures that perform better overall. Using a search space built on backbones taken from MobileNetV2 and MobileNetV3, we find models with top-1 accuracy on ImageNet up to 4.9% better than current state-of-the-art alternatives. Problem formulation Make up your burger with different options available for each layer, each of which has different costs and provides different benefits. MobileNet, the NAS algorithm can select between a different number of options — filters, strides, or kernel sizes, etc. — for the convolution layer. Method An optimal model can be constructed using one of the model candidates generated from searching the previous layer and applying those search options to the current layer. If we set a FLOP constraint on the current layer, we can set constraints on the previous layer by reducing the FLOPs of the current layer. Under these conditions it is possible to search linearly, from layer 1 to layer n knowing that when searching for the best option for layer i, a change in any previous layer will not improve the performance of the model. We can then bucket candidates by their cost, so that only a limited number of candidates are stored per layer. If two models have the same FLOPs, but one has better accuracy, we only keep the better one, and assume this won’t affect the architecture of following layers. Whereas the search space of a full treatment would expand exponentially with layers since the full range of options are available at each layer, our layerwise cost-based approach allows us to significantly reduce the search space, while being able to rigorously reason over the polynomial complexity of the algorithm. Our experimental evaluation shows that within these constraints we are able to discover top-performance models. NAS as a combinatorial optimization problem combinatorial optimization problem. I.e., for layer i, we can compute the cost and reward after training with a given component Si . This implies the following combinatorial problem: How can we get the best reward if we select one choice per layer within a cost budget? This problem can be solved with many different methods, one of the most straightforward of which is to use dynamic programming, as described in the following pseudo code: while True: # select a candidate to search in Layer i candidate = select_candidate(layeri) if searchable(candidate): # Use the layerwise structural information to generate the children. children = generate_children(candidate) reward = train(children) bucket = bucketize(children) if memorial_table[i][bucket] < reward: memorial_table[i][bucket] = children move to next layer Pseudocode of LayerNAS. Illustration of the LayerNAS approach for the example of trying to create the best burger within a budget of $7–$9. We have four options for the first layer, which results in four burger candidates. By applying four options on the second layer, we have 16 candidates in total. We then bucket them into ranges from $1–$2, $3–$4, $5–$6, and $7–$8, and only keep the most delicious burger within each of the buckets, i.e., four candidates. Then, for those four candidates, we build 16 candidates using the pre-selected options for the first two layers and four options for each candidate for the third layer. We bucket them again, select the burgers within the budget range, and keep the best one. Experimental results Quality: What is the most accurate model that the algorithm can find? Stability: How stable is the selection of a good model? Can high-accuracy models be consistently discovered in consecutive trials of the algorithm? Efficiency: How long does it take for the algorithm to find a high-accuracy model? We evaluate our algorithm on the standard benchmark NATS-Bench using 100 NAS runs, and we compare against other NAS algorithms, previously described in the NATS-Bench paper: random search, regularized evolution, and proximal policy optimization. Below, we visualize the differences between these search algorithms for the metrics described above. For each comparison, we record the average accuracy and variation in accuracy (variation is noted by a shaded region corresponding to the 25% to 75% interquartile range). NATS-Bench size search defines a 5-layer CNN model, where each layer can choose from eight different options, each with different channels on the convolution layers. Our goal is to find the best model with 50% of the FLOPs required by the largest model. LayerNAS performance stands apart because it formulates the problem in a different way, separating the cost and reward to avoid searching a significant number of irrelevant model architectures. We found that model candidates with fewer channels in earlier layers tend to yield better performance, which explains how LayerNAS discovers better models much faster than other algorithms, as it avoids spending time on models outside the desired cost range. Note that the accuracy curve drops slightly after searching longer due to the lack of correlation between validation accuracy and test accuracy, i.e., some model architectures with higher validation accuracy have a lower test accuracy in NATS-Bench size search. Top: NATS-Bench size search test accuracy on Cifar10; Middle: On Cifar100; Bottom: On ImageNet16-120. Average on 100 runs compared with random search (random), Regularized Evolution (evolution), and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). paper for details. Comparison on models under different #MAdds. Conclusion Acknowledgements We would like to thank Jingyue Shen, Keshav Kumar, Daiyi Peng, Mingxing Tan, Esteban Real, Peter Young, Weijun Wang, Qifei Wang, Xuanyi Dong, Xin Wang, Yingjie Miao, Yun Long, Zhuo Wang, Da-Cheng Juan, Deqiang Chen, Fotis Iliopoulos, Han-Byul Kim, Rino Lee, Andrew Howard, Erik Vee, Rina Panigrahy, Ravi Kumar and Andrew Tomkins for their contribution, collaboration and advice.

4/26/2023 7:54 AM
2023-04-26 7:54

LayerNAS: Neural Architecture Search in Polynomial Complexity

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Yicheng Fan and Dana Alon, Software Engineers, Google Research Every byte and every operation matters when trying to build a faster model, especially if the model is to run on-device. Neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms design sophisticated model architectures by searching through a larger model-space than what is possible manually. Different NAS algorithms, such as MNasNet and TuNAS, have been proposed and have discovered several efficient model architectures, including MobileNetV3, EfficientNet. Here we present LayerNAS, an approach that reformulates the multi-objective NAS problem within the framework of combinatorial optimization to greatly reduce the complexity, which results in an order of magnitude reduction in the number of model candidates that must be searched, less computation required for multi-trial searches, and the discovery of model architectures that perform better overall. Using a search space built on backbones taken from MobileNetV2 and MobileNetV3, we find models with top-1 accuracy on ImageNet up to 4.9% better than current state-of-the-art alternatives. Problem formulation Make up your burger with different options available for each layer, each of which has different costs and provides different benefits. MobileNet, the NAS algorithm can select between a different number of options — filters, strides, or kernel sizes, etc. — for the convolution layer. Method An optimal model can be constructed using one of the model candidates generated from searching the previous layer and applying those search options to the current layer. If we set a FLOP constraint on the current layer, we can set constraints on the previous layer by reducing the FLOPs of the current layer. Under these conditions it is possible to search linearly, from layer 1 to layer n knowing that when searching for the best option for layer i, a change in any previous layer will not improve the performance of the model. We can then bucket candidates by their cost, so that only a limited number of candidates are stored per layer. If two models have the same FLOPs, but one has better accuracy, we only keep the better one, and assume this won’t affect the architecture of following layers. Whereas the search space of a full treatment would expand exponentially with layers since the full range of options are available at each layer, our layerwise cost-based approach allows us to significantly reduce the search space, while being able to rigorously reason over the polynomial complexity of the algorithm. Our experimental evaluation shows that within these constraints we are able to discover top-performance models. NAS as a combinatorial optimization problem combinatorial optimization problem. I.e., for layer i, we can compute the cost and reward after training with a given component Si . This implies the following combinatorial problem: How can we get the best reward if we select one choice per layer within a cost budget? This problem can be solved with many different methods, one of the most straightforward of which is to use dynamic programming, as described in the following pseudo code: while True: # select a candidate to search in Layer i candidate = select_candidate(layeri) if searchable(candidate): # Use the layerwise structural information to generate the children. children = generate_children(candidate) reward = train(children) bucket = bucketize(children) if memorial_table[i][bucket] < reward: memorial_table[i][bucket] = children move to next layer Pseudocode of LayerNAS. Illustration of the LayerNAS approach for the example of trying to create the best burger within a budget of $7–$9. We have four options for the first layer, which results in four burger candidates. By applying four options on the second layer, we have 16 candidates in total. We then bucket them into ranges from $1–$2, $3–$4, $5–$6, and $7–$8, and only keep the most delicious burger within each of the buckets, i.e., four candidates. Then, for those four candidates, we build 16 candidates using the pre-selected options for the first two layers and four options for each candidate for the third layer. We bucket them again, select the burgers within the budget range, and keep the best one. Experimental results Quality: What is the most accurate model that the algorithm can find? Stability: How stable is the selection of a good model? Can high-accuracy models be consistently discovered in consecutive trials of the algorithm? Efficiency: How long does it take for the algorithm to find a high-accuracy model? We evaluate our algorithm on the standard benchmark NATS-Bench using 100 NAS runs, and we compare against other NAS algorithms, previously described in the NATS-Bench paper: random search, regularized evolution, and proximal policy optimization. Below, we visualize the differences between these search algorithms for the metrics described above. For each comparison, we record the average accuracy and variation in accuracy (variation is noted by a shaded region corresponding to the 25% to 75% interquartile range). NATS-Bench size search defines a 5-layer CNN model, where each layer can choose from eight different options, each with different channels on the convolution layers. Our goal is to find the best model with 50% of the FLOPs required by the largest model. LayerNAS performance stands apart because it formulates the problem in a different way, separating the cost and reward to avoid searching a significant number of irrelevant model architectures. We found that model candidates with fewer channels in earlier layers tend to yield better performance, which explains how LayerNAS discovers better models much faster than other algorithms, as it avoids spending time on models outside the desired cost range. Note that the accuracy curve drops slightly after searching longer due to the lack of correlation between validation accuracy and test accuracy, i.e., some model architectures with higher validation accuracy have a lower test accuracy in NATS-Bench size search. Top: NATS-Bench size search test accuracy on Cifar10; Middle: On Cifar100; Bottom: On ImageNet16-120. Average on 100 runs compared with random search (random), Regularized Evolution (evolution), and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). paper for details. Comparison on models under different #MAdds. Conclusion Acknowledgements We would like to thank Jingyue Shen, Keshav Kumar, Daiyi Peng, Mingxing Tan, Esteban Real, Peter Young, Weijun Wang, Qifei Wang, Xuanyi Dong, Xin Wang, Yingjie Miao, Yun Long, Zhuo Wang, Da-Cheng Juan, Deqiang Chen, Fotis Iliopoulos, Han-Byul Kim, Rino Lee, Andrew Howard, Erik Vee, Rina Panigrahy, Ravi Kumar and Andrew Tomkins for their contribution, collaboration and advice.

4/26/2023 2:34 AM
2023-04-26 2:42

New ways to manage your data in ChatGPT


You can now turn off chat history and easily choose whether your conversations will be used to train our models.

4/26/2023 1:13 AM
2023-04-26 1:14

The Andy Warhol Copyright Case That Could Transform Generative AI

Madeline Ashby

The US Supreme Court’s upcoming decision could shift the interpretation of fair use law—and all the people, and tools, that turn to it for protection.

4/25/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-25 19:34

AI Isn't Going to Reinvent the Alphabet Anytime Soon

Geoffrey Bunting

AI doesn't understand how humans read well enough to design type on its own. But it can help typographers make their work more accessible.

4/24/2023 8:53 PM
2023-04-24 20:54

ChatGPT Can Help Doctors—and Hurt Patients

Khari Johnson

The chatbot is tempting physicians with its ability to spout medical information, but researchers warn against trusting AI with tough ethical decisions.

4/24/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-24 19:34

Google at CHI 2023

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Malaya Jules, Program Manager, Google This week, the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023) is being held in Hamburg, Germany. We are proud to be a Hero Sponsor of CHI 2023, a premier conference on human-computer interaction, where Google researchers contribute at all levels. This year we are presenting over 30 papers and are actively involved in organizing and hosting a number of different events across workshops, courses, and interactive sessions. If you’re registered for CHI 2023, we hope you’ll visit the Google booth to learn more about the exciting work across various topics, including language interactions, causal inference, question answering and more. Take a look below to learn more about the Google research being presented at CHI 2023 (Google affiliations in bold). Board and Organizing Committee Tesh Goyal Case Studies Chairs include: Frank Bentley Keynotes Chairs include: Elizabeth Churchill Best Paper Award Infrastructuring Care: How Trans and Non-Binary People Meet Health and Well-Being Needs through Technology Lauren Wilcox, Renee Shelby, Rajesh Veeraraghavan, Oliver Haimson, Gabriela Erickson, Michael Turken, Beka Gulotta Accepted papers NewsComp: Facilitating Diverse News Reading through Comparative Annotation Md Momen Bhuiyan, Sang Won Lee, Nitesh Goyal, Tanushree Mitra WordGesture-GAN: Modeling Word-Gesture Movement with Generative Adversarial Network (Honorable Mention) Jeremy Chu, Dongsheng An, Yan Ma, Wenzhe Cui, Shumin Zhai, Xianfeng David Gu, Xiaojun Bi “The less I type, the better”: How AI Language Models can Enhance or Impede Communication for AAC Users Stephanie Valencia, Richard Cave, Krystal Kallarackal, Katie Seaver, Michael Terry, Shaun Kane A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding User Trust after Voice Assistant Failures (Honorable Mention) Amanda Baughan*, Xuezhi Wang, Ariel Liu, Allison Mercurio, Jilin Chen, Xiao Ma "There's so much responsibility on users right now:" Expert Advice for Staying Safer From Hate and Harassment Miranda Wei, Sunny Consolvo, Patrick Gage Kelley, Tadayoshi Kohno, Franziska Roesner, Kurt Thomas ThingShare: Ad-Hoc Digital Copies of Physical Objects for Sharing Things in Video Meetings Erzhen Hu, Jens Emil Sloth Grønbæk, Wen Ying, Ruofei Du, Seongkook Heo Understanding Digital-Safety Experiences of Youth in the U.S. Diana Freed, Natalie N. Bazarova, Sunny Consolvo, Eunice Han, Patrick Gage Kelley, Kurt Thomas, Dan Cosley Slide Gestalt: Automatic Structure Extraction in Slide Decks for Non-Visual Access Yi-Hao Peng*, Peggy Chi, Anjuli Kannan, Meredith Ringel Morris, Irfan Essa Using Logs Data to Identify When Engineers Experience Flow or Focused Work Adam Brown, Sarah D'Angelo, Ben Holtz, Ciera Jaspan, Collin Green Enabling Conversational Interaction with Mobile UI Using Large Language Models Bryan Wang*, Gang Li, Yang Li Practicing Information Sensibility: How Gen Z Engages with Online Information (Honorable Mention) Amelia Hassoun, Ian Beacock, Sunny Consolvo, Beth Goldberg, Patrick Gage Kelley, Daniel M. Russell How Bold Can We Be? The Impact of Adjusting Font Grade on Readability in Light and Dark Polarities Hilary Palmen, Michael Gilbert, Dave Crossland Investigating How Practitioners Use Human-AI Guidelines: A Case Study on the People + AI Guidebook (Honorable Mention) Nur Yildirim*, Mahima Pushkarna, Nitesh Goyal, Martin Wattenberg, Fernanda Viegas From Plane Crashes to Algorithmic Harm: Applicability of Safety Engineering Frameworks for Responsible ML Shalaleh Rismani, Renee Shelby, Andrew Smart, Edgar W. Jatho, Joshua A. Kroll, AJung Moon, Negar Rostamzadeh Designing Responsible AI: Adaptations of UX Practice to Meet Responsible AI Challenges Qiaosi Wang*, Michael Madaio, Shaun Kane, Shivani Kapania, Michael Terry, Lauren Wilcox “It is currently hodgepodge”: Examining AI/ML Practitioners’ Challenges during Co-production of Responsible AI Values Rama Adithya Varanasi, Nitesh Goyal A Hunt for the Snark: Annotator Diversity in Data Practices (Honorable Mention) Shivani Kapania, Alex S. Taylor, Ding Wang Visual Captions: Augmenting Verbal Communication with On-the-Fly Visuals Xingyu "Bruce" Liu, Vladimir Kirilyuk, Xiuxiu Yuan, Alex Olwal, Peggy Chi, Xiang "Anthony" Chen, Ruofei Du Infrastructuring Care: How Trans and Non-Binary People Meet Health and Well-Being Needs through Technology (Best Paper Award) Lauren Wilcox, Renee Shelby, Rajesh Veeraraghavan, Oliver Haimson, Gabriela Erickson, Michael Turken, Beka Gulotta Kaleidoscope: Semantically-Grounded, Context-Specific ML Model Evaluation Harini Suresh, Divya Shanmugam, Tiffany Chen, Annie G. Bryan, Alexander D'Amour, John Guttag, Arvind Satyanarayan Rapsai: Accelerating Machine Learning Prototyping of Multimedia Applications through Visual Programming (Honorable Mention; see blog post) Ruofei Du, Na Li, Jing Jin, Michelle Carney, Scott Miles, Maria Kleiner, Xiuxiu Yuan, Yinda Zhang, Anuva Kulkarni, Xingyu "Bruce" Liu, Ahmed Sabie, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Abhishek Kar, Ping Yu, Ram Iyengar, Adarsh Kowdle, Alex Olwal Exploring Users' Perceptions and Expectations of Shapes for Dialog Designs Xinghui "Erica" Yan, Julia Feldman, Frank Bentley, Mohammed Khwaja, Michael Gilbert Exploring the Future of Design Tooling: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Tools for User Experience Professionals Tiffany Knearem, Mohammed Khwaja, Yuling Gao, Frank Bentley, Clara E. Kliman-Silver SpeakFaster Observer: Long-Term Instrumentation of Eye-Gaze Typing for Measuring AAC Communication Shanqing Cai, Subhashini Venugopalan, Katrin Tomanek, Shaun Kane, Meredith Ringel Morris, Richard Cave, Robert MacDonald, Jon Campbell, Blair Casey, Emily Kornman, Daniel E. Vance, Jay Beavers Designerly Tele-Experiences: A New Approach to Remote Yet Still Situated Co-design Ferran Altarriba Bertran, Alexandra Pometko, Muskan Gupta, Lauren Wilcox, Reeta Banerjee, Katherine Isbister “I Just Wanted to Triple Check . . . They Were All Vaccinated”: Supporting Risk Negotiation in the Context of COVID-19 Margaret E. Morris, Jennifer Brown, Paula Nurius, Savanna Yee, Jennifer C. Mankoff, Sunny Consolvo Expectation vs Reality in Users’ Willingness to Delegate to Digital Assistants Ekaterina Svikhnushina*, Marcel Schellenberg, Anna K. Niedbala, Iva Barisic, Jeremy N. Miles Interactive Visual Exploration of Knowledge Graphs with Embedding-Based Guidance Chao-Wen Hsuan Yuan, Tzu-Wei Yu, Jia-Yu Pan, Wen-Chieh Lin Measuring the Impact of Explanation Bias: A Study of Natural Language Justifications for Recommender Systems Krisztian Balog, Filip Radlinski, Andrey Petrov Modeling and Improving Text Stability in Live Captions Xingyu "Bruce" Liu, Jun Zhang, Leonardo Ferrer, Susan Xu, Vikas Bahirwani, Boris Smus, Alex Olwal, Ruofei Du Programming without a Programming Language: Challenges and Opportunities for Designing Developer Tools for Prompt Programming Alexander J. Fiannaca, Chinmay Kulkarni, Carrie J. Cai, Michael Terry PromptInfuser: Bringing User Interface Mock-ups to Life with Large Language Models Savvas Petridis, Michael Terry, Carrie J. Cai Prototypes, Platforms and Protocols: Identifying Common Issues with Remote, Unmoderated Studies and Their Impact on Research Participants Steven Schirra, Sasha Volkov, Frank Bentley, Shraddhaa Narasimha Human-Centered Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Current & Future Trends Mohammad Tahaei, Marios Constantinides, Daniele Quercia, Sean Kennedy, Michael Muller, Simone Stumpf, Q. Vera Liao, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Lora Aroyo, Jess Holbrook, Ewa Luger, Michael Madaio, Ilana Golbin Blumenfeld, Maria De-Arteaga, Jessica Vitak, Alexandra Olteanu Interactive sessions Experiencing Rapid Prototyping of Machine Learning Based Multimedia Applications in Rapsai (see blog post) Ruofei Du, Na Li, Jing Jin, Michelle Carney, Xiuxiu Yuan, Ram Iyengar, Ping Yu, Adarsh Kowdle, Alex Olwal Workshops The Second Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants Organizers include: Minsuk Chang Combating Toxicity, Harassment, and Abuse in Online Social Spaces: A Workshop at CHI 2023 Organizers include: Nitesh Goyal The Future of Computational Approaches for Understanding and Adapting User Interfaces Keynote Speaker: Yang Li The EmpathiCH Workshop: Unraveling Empathy-Centric Design Panelists include: Cindy Bennett Workshop on Trust and Reliance in AI-Human Teams (TRAIT) Keynote Speakers: Carrie J. Cai, Michael Terry Aaron Springer, Michael Terry Socially Assistive Robots as Decision Makers: Transparency, Motivations, and Intentions Organizers include: Maja Matarić Courses Part I; Part II) Daniel M. Russell, Q. Vera Liao, Chinmay Kulkarni, Elena L. Glassman, Nikolas Martelaro * Work done while at Google

4/24/2023 10:54 AM
2023-04-24 10:54

Visual Blocks for ML: Accelerating machine learning prototyping with interactive tools

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Ruofei Du, Interactive Perception & Graphics Lead, Google Augmented Reality, and Na Li, Tech Lead Manager, Google CoreML Recent deep learning advances have enabled a plethora of high-performance, real-time multimedia applications based on machine learning (ML), such as human body segmentation for video and teleconferencing, depth estimation for 3D reconstruction, hand and body tracking for interaction, and audio processing for remote communication. However, developing and iterating on these ML-based multimedia prototypes can be challenging and costly. It usually involves a cross-functional team of ML practitioners who fine-tune the models, evaluate robustness, characterize strengths and weaknesses, inspect performance in the end-use context, and develop the applications. Moreover, models are frequently updated and require repeated integration efforts before evaluation can occur, which makes the workflow ill-suited to design and experiment. In “Rapsai: Accelerating Machine Learning Prototyping of Multimedia Applications through Visual Programming”, presented at CHI 2023, we describe a visual programming platform for rapid and iterative development of end-to-end ML-based multimedia applications. Visual Blocks for ML, formerly called Rapsai, provides a no-code graph building experience through its node-graph editor. Users can create and connect different components (nodes) to rapidly build an ML pipeline, and see the results in real-time without writing any code. We demonstrate how this platform enables a better model evaluation experience through interactive characterization and visualization of ML model performance and interactive data augmentation and comparison. Sign up to be notified when Visual Blocks for ML is publicly available. Visual Blocks uses a node-graph editor that facilitates rapid prototyping of ML-based multimedia applications. Formative study: Design goals for rapid ML prototyping LIME, VAC-CNN, EnsembleMatrix), we conducted a formative study (i.e., the process of gathering feedback from potential users early in the design process of a technology product or system) using a conceptual mock-up interface. Study participants included seven computer vision researchers, audio ML researchers, and engineers across three ML teams. The formative study used a conceptual mock-up interface to gather early insights. The input used to evaluate models typically differs from in-the-wild input with actual users in terms of resolution, aspect ratio, or sampling rate. Participants could not quickly and interactively alter the input data or tune the model. Researchers optimize the model with quantitative metrics on a fixed set of data, but real-world performance requires human reviewers to evaluate in the application context. It is difficult to compare versions of the model, and cumbersome to share the best version with other team members to try it. Once the model is selected, it can be time-consuming for a team to make a bespoke prototype that showcases the model. Ultimately, the model is just part of a larger real-time pipeline, in which participants desire to examine intermediate results to understand the bottleneck. These identified challenges informed the development of the Visual Blocks system, which included six design goals: (1) develop a visual programming platform for rapidly building ML prototypes, (2) support real-time multimedia user input in-the-wild, (3) provide interactive data augmentation, (4) compare model outputs with side-by-side results, (5) share visualizations with minimum effort, and (6) provide off-the-shelf models and datasets. Node-graph editor for visually programming ML pipelines TensorFlow.js and TensorFlow Lite for ML capabilities and three.js for graphics rendering. The interface enables users to rapidly build and interact with ML models using three coordinated views: (1) a Nodes Library that contains over 30 nodes (e.g., Image Processing, Body Segmentation, Image Comparison) and a search bar for filtering, (2) a Node-graph Editor that allows users to build and adjust a multimedia pipeline by dragging and adding nodes from the Nodes Library, and (3) a Preview Panel that visualizes the pipeline’s input and output, alters the input and intermediate results, and visually compares different models. The visual programming interface allows users to quickly develop and evaluate ML models by composing and previewing node-graphs with real-time results. Iterative design, development, and evaluation of unique rapid prototyping capabilities Support for various types of input data (image, video, audio) and output modalities (graphics, sound). A library of pre-trained ML models for common tasks (body segmentation, landmark detection, portrait depth estimation) and custom model import options. Interactive data augmentation and manipulation with drag-and-drop operations and parameter sliders. Side-by-side comparison of multiple models and inspection of their outputs at different stages of the pipeline. Quick publishing and sharing of multimedia pipelines directly to the web. Evaluation: Four case studies portrait depth with relighting effects, scene depth with visual effects, alpha matting for virtual conferences, and audio denoising for communication. The system streamlining comparison of two Portrait Depth models, including customized visualization and effects. “It gives me intuition about which data augmentation operations that my model is more sensitive [to], then I can go back to my training pipeline, maybe increase the amount of data augmentation for those specific steps that are making my model more sensitive.” (Participant 13) “It’s a fair amount of work to add some background noise, I have a script, but then every time I have to find that script and modify it. I’ve always done this in a one-off way. It’s simple but also very time consuming. This is very convenient.” (Participant 15) The system allows researchers to compare multiple Portrait Depth models at different noise levels, helping ML practitioners identify the strengths and weaknesses of each. Likert scale, participants reported Visual Blocks to be more transparent about how it arrives at its final results than Colab (Visual Blocks 6.13 ± 0.88 vs. Colab 5.0 ± 0.88, 𝑝 < .005) and more collaborative with users to come up with the outputs (Visual Blocks 5.73 ± 1.23 vs. Colab 4.15 ± 1.43, 𝑝 < .005). Although Colab assisted users in thinking through the task and controlling the pipeline more effectively through programming, Users reported that they were able to complete tasks in Visual Blocks in just a few minutes that could normally take up to an hour or more. For example, after watching a 4-minute tutorial video, all participants were able to build a custom pipeline in Visual Blocks from scratch within 15 minutes (10.72 ± 2.14). Participants usually spent less than five minutes (3.98 ± 1.95) getting the initial results, then were trying out different input and output for the pipeline. User ratings between Rapsai (initial prototype of Visual Blocks) and Colab across five dimensions. our paper showed that Visual Blocks helped participants accelerate their workflow, make more informed decisions about model selection and tuning, analyze strengths and weaknesses of different models, and holistically evaluate model behavior with real-world input. Conclusions and future directions Acknowledgements This work is a collaboration across multiple teams at Google. Key contributors to the project include Ruofei Du, Na Li, Jing Jin, Michelle Carney, Xiuxiu Yuan, Kristen Wright, Mark Sherwood, Jason Mayes, Lin Chen, Jun Jiang, Scott Miles, Maria Kleiner, Yinda Zhang, Anuva Kulkarni, Xingyu "Bruce" Liu, Ahmed Sabie, Sergio Escolano, Abhishek Kar, Ping Yu, Ram Iyengar, Adarsh Kowdle, and Alex Olwal. We would like to extend our thanks to Jun Zhang and Satya Amarapalli for a few early-stage prototypes, and Sarah Heimlich for serving as a 20% program manager, Sean Fanello, Danhang Tang, Stephanie Debats, Walter Korman, Anne Menini, Joe Moran, Eric Turner, and Shahram Izadi for providing initial feedback for the manuscript and the blog post. We would also like to thank our CHI 2023 reviewers for their insightful feedback.

4/22/2023 8:38 AM
2023-04-22 8:38

Visual Blocks for ML: Accelerating machine learning prototyping with interactive tools

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Ruofei Du, Interactive Perception & Graphics Lead, Google Augmented Reality, and Na Li, Tech Lead Manager, Google CoreML Recent deep learning advances have enabled a plethora of high-performance, real-time multimedia applications based on machine learning (ML), such as human body segmentation for video and teleconferencing, depth estimation for 3D reconstruction, hand and body tracking for interaction, and audio processing for remote communication. However, developing and iterating on these ML-based multimedia prototypes can be challenging and costly. It usually involves a cross-functional team of ML practitioners who fine-tune the models, evaluate robustness, characterize strengths and weaknesses, inspect performance in the end-use context, and develop the applications. Moreover, models are frequently updated and require repeated integration efforts before evaluation can occur, which makes the workflow ill-suited to design and experiment. In “Rapsai: Accelerating Machine Learning Prototyping of Multimedia Applications through Visual Programming”, presented at CHI 2023, we describe a visual programming platform for rapid and iterative development of end-to-end ML-based multimedia applications. Visual Blocks for ML, formerly called Rapsai, provides a no-code graph building experience through its node-graph editor. Users can create and connect different components (nodes) to rapidly build an ML pipeline, and see the results in real-time without writing any code. We demonstrate how this platform enables a better model evaluation experience through interactive characterization and visualization of ML model performance and interactive data augmentation and comparison. Sign up to be notified when Visual Blocks for ML is publicly available. Visual Blocks uses a node-graph editor that facilitates rapid prototyping of ML-based multimedia applications. Formative study: Design goals for rapid ML prototyping LIME, VAC-CNN, EnsembleMatrix), we conducted a formative study (i.e., the process of gathering feedback from potential users early in the design process of a technology product or system) using a conceptual mock-up interface. Study participants included seven computer vision researchers, audio ML researchers, and engineers across three ML teams. The formative study used a conceptual mock-up interface to gather early insights. The input used to evaluate models typically differs from in-the-wild input with actual users in terms of resolution, aspect ratio, or sampling rate. Participants could not quickly and interactively alter the input data or tune the model. Researchers optimize the model with quantitative metrics on a fixed set of data, but real-world performance requires human reviewers to evaluate in the application context. It is difficult to compare versions of the model, and cumbersome to share the best version with other team members to try it. Once the model is selected, it can be time-consuming for a team to make a bespoke prototype that showcases the model. Ultimately, the model is just part of a larger real-time pipeline, in which participants desire to examine intermediate results to understand the bottleneck. These identified challenges informed the development of the Visual Blocks system, which included six design goals: (1) develop a visual programming platform for rapidly building ML prototypes, (2) support real-time multimedia user input in-the-wild, (3) provide interactive data augmentation, (4) compare model outputs with side-by-side results, (5) share visualizations with minimum effort, and (6) provide off-the-shelf models and datasets. Node-graph editor for visually programming ML pipelines TensorFlow.js and TensorFlow Lite for ML capabilities and three.js for graphics rendering. The interface enables users to rapidly build and interact with ML models using three coordinated views: (1) a Nodes Library that contains over 30 nodes (e.g., Image Processing, Body Segmentation, Image Comparison) and a search bar for filtering, (2) a Node-graph Editor that allows users to build and adjust a multimedia pipeline by dragging and adding nodes from the Nodes Library, and (3) a Preview Panel that visualizes the pipeline’s input and output, alters the input and intermediate results, and visually compares different models. The visual programming interface allows users to quickly develop and evaluate ML models by composing and previewing node-graphs with real-time results. Iterative design, development, and evaluation of unique rapid prototyping capabilities Support for various types of input data (image, video, audio) and output modalities (graphics, sound). A library of pre-trained ML models for common tasks (body segmentation, landmark detection, portrait depth estimation) and custom model import options. Interactive data augmentation and manipulation with drag-and-drop operations and parameter sliders. Side-by-side comparison of multiple models and inspection of their outputs at different stages of the pipeline. Quick publishing and sharing of multimedia pipelines directly to the web. Evaluation: Four case studies portrait depth with relighting effects, scene depth with visual effects, alpha matting for virtual conferences, and audio denoising for communication. The system streamlining comparison of two Portrait Depth models, including customized visualization and effects. “It gives me intuition about which data augmentation operations that my model is more sensitive [to], then I can go back to my training pipeline, maybe increase the amount of data augmentation for those specific steps that are making my model more sensitive.” (Participant 13) “It’s a fair amount of work to add some background noise, I have a script, but then every time I have to find that script and modify it. I’ve always done this in a one-off way. It’s simple but also very time consuming. This is very convenient.” (Participant 15) The system allows researchers to compare multiple Portrait Depth models at different noise levels, helping ML practitioners identify the strengths and weaknesses of each. Likert scale, participants reported Visual Blocks to be more transparent about how it arrives at its final results than Colab (Visual Blocks 6.13 ± 0.88 vs. Colab 5.0 ± 0.88, 𝑝 < .005) and more collaborative with users to come up with the outputs (Visual Blocks 5.73 ± 1.23 vs. Colab 4.15 ± 1.43, 𝑝 < .005). Although Colab assisted users in thinking through the task and controlling the pipeline more effectively through programming, Users reported that they were able to complete tasks in Visual Blocks in just a few minutes that could normally take up to an hour or more. For example, after watching a 4-minute tutorial video, all participants were able to build a custom pipeline in Visual Blocks from scratch within 15 minutes (10.72 ± 2.14). Participants usually spent less than five minutes (3.98 ± 1.95) getting the initial results, then were trying out different input and output for the pipeline. User ratings between Rapsai (initial prototype of Visual Blocks) and Colab across five dimensions. our paper showed that Visual Blocks helped participants accelerate their workflow, make more informed decisions about model selection and tuning, analyze strengths and weaknesses of different models, and holistically evaluate model behavior with real-world input. Conclusions and future directions Acknowledgements This work is a collaboration across multiple teams at Google. Key contributors to the project include Ruofei Du, Na Li, Jing Jin, Michelle Carney, Xiuxiu Yuan, Kristen Wright, Mark Sherwood, Jason Mayes, Lin Chen, Jun Jiang, Scott Miles, Maria Kleiner, Yinda Zhang, Anuva Kulkarni, Xingyu "Bruce" Liu, Ahmed Sabie, Sergio Escolano, Abhishek Kar, Ping Yu, Ram Iyengar, Adarsh Kowdle, and Alex Olwal. We would like to extend our thanks to Jun Zhang and Satya Amarapalli for a few early-stage prototypes, and Sarah Heimlich for serving as a 20% program manager, Sean Fanello, Danhang Tang, Stephanie Debats, Walter Korman, Anne Menini, Joe Moran, Eric Turner, and Shahram Izadi for providing initial feedback for the manuscript and the blog post. We would also like to thank our CHI 2023 reviewers for their insightful feedback.

4/22/2023 3:54 AM
2023-04-22 4:02

How the Streaming Era Turned Music Into Sludge

Morgan Meaker

The launch of the iTunes Store 20 years ago laid the groundwork for platforms to transform songs into generic background noise.

4/21/2023 9:13 PM
2023-04-21 21:14

Who Will You Be After ChatGPT Takes Your Job?

Stephen Thomas

Generative AI is coming for white-collar roles. If your sense of worth comes from work—what’s left to hold on to?

4/21/2023 9:13 PM
2023-04-21 21:14

11 Smart Prompts to Do More With Google Bard

David Nield

Engineer better tasks for your AI chatbot with these tricks.

4/21/2023 8:13 PM
2023-04-21 20:14

Stack Overflow Will Charge AI Giants for Training Data

Paresh Dave

The programmer Q&A site joins Reddit in demanding compensation when its data is used to train algorithms and ChatGPT-style bots

4/21/2023 5:33 AM
2023-04-21 5:35

Recent advances in deep long-horizon forecasting

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Rajat Sen and Abhimanyu Das, Research Scientists, Google Research Time-series forecasting is an important research area that is critical to several scientific and industrial applications, like retail supply chain optimization, energy and traffic prediction, and weather forecasting. In retail use cases, for example, it has been observed that improving demand forecasting accuracy can meaningfully reduce inventory costs and increase revenue. Modern time-series applications can involve forecasting hundreds of thousands of correlated time-series (e.g., demands of different products for a retailer) over long horizons (e.g., a quarter or year away at daily granularity). As such, time-series forecasting models need to satisfy the following key criterias: Ability to handle auxiliary features or covariates: Most use-cases can benefit tremendously from effectively using covariates, for instance, in retail forecasting, holidays and product specific attributes or promotions can affect demand. Suitable for different data modalities: It should be able to handle sparse count data, e.g., intermittent demand for a product with low volume of sales while also being able to model robust continuous seasonal patterns in traffic forecasting. A number of neural network–based solutions have been able to show good performance on benchmarks and also support the above criterion. However, these methods are typically slow to train and can be expensive for inference, especially for longer horizons. In “Long-term Forecasting with TiDE: Time-series Dense Encoder”, we present an all multilayer perceptron (MLP) encoder-decoder architecture for time-series forecasting that achieves superior performance on long horizon time-series forecasting benchmarks when compared to transformer-based solutions, while being 5–10x faster. Then in “On the benefits of maximum likelihood estimation for Regression and Forecasting”, we demonstrate that using a carefully designed training loss function based on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) can be effective in handling different data modalities. These two works are complementary and can be applied as a part of the same model. In fact, they will be available soon in Google Cloud AI’s Vertex AutoML Forecasting. TiDE: A simple MLP architecture for fast and accurate forecasting outperforming traditional statistical methods, especially for large multivariate datasets. After the success of transformers in natural language processing (NLP), there have been several works evaluating variants of the Transformer architecture for long horizon (the amount of time into the future) forecasting, such as FEDformer and PatchTST. However, other work has suggested that even linear models can outperform these transformer variants on time-series benchmarks. Nonetheless, simple linear models are not expressive enough to handle auxiliary features (e.g., holiday features and promotions for retail demand forecasting) and non-linear dependencies on the past. We present a scalable MLP-based encoder-decoder model for fast and accurate multi-step forecasting. Our model encodes the past of a time-series and all available features using an MLP encoder. Subsequently, the encoding is combined with future features using an MLP decoder to yield future predictions. The architecture is illustrated below. TiDE model architecture for multi-step forecasting. mean squared error (MSE). On the right, we show that at the same time our model can have much faster inference latency than PatchTST. Left: MSE on the test set of a popular traffic forecasting benchmark. Right: inference time of TiDE and PatchTST as a function of the look-back length. Probabilistic loss functions mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), weighted absolute percentage error (WAPE), etc. In such scenarios, the standard approach is to use the same target metric as the loss function while training. In “On the benefits of maximum likelihood estimation for Regression and Forecasting”, accepted at ICLR, we show that this approach might not always be the best. Instead, we advocate using the maximum likelihood loss for a carefully chosen family of distributions (discussed more below) that can capture inductive biases of the dataset during training. In other words, instead of directly outputting point predictions that minimize the target metric, the forecasting neural network predicts the parameters of a distribution in the chosen family that best explains the target data. At inference time, we can predict the statistic from the learned predictive distribution that minimizes the target metric of interest (e.g., the mean minimizes the MSE target metric while the median minimizes the WAPE). Further, we can also easily obtain uncertainty estimates of our forecasts, i.e., we can provide quantile forecasts by estimating the quantiles of the predictive distribution. In several use cases, accurate quantiles are vital, for instance, in demand forecasting a retailer might want to stock for the 90th percentile to guard against worst-case scenarios and avoid lost revenue. The choice of the distribution family is crucial in such cases. For example, in the context of sparse count data, we might want to have a distribution family that can put more probability on zero, which is commonly known as zero-inflation. We propose a mixture of different distributions with learned mixture weights that can adapt to different data modalities. In the paper, we show that using a mixture of zero and multiple negative binomial distributions works well in a variety of settings as it can adapt to sparsity, multiple modalities, count data, and data with sub-exponential tails. A mixture of zero and two negative binomial distributions. The weights of the three components, a1, a2 and a3, can be learned during training. M5 forecasting competition dataset and show that this simple change can lead to a 6% gain and outperform other benchmarks in the competition metric, weighted root mean squared scaled error (WRMSSE). M5 Forecasting WRMSSE Vertex AutoML 0.639 +/- 0.007 Vertex AutoML with probabilistic loss 0.581 +/- 0.007 DeepAR 0.789 +/- 0.025 FEDFormer 0.804 +/- 0.033 Conclusion Acknowledgements This work is the result of a collaboration between several individuals across Google Research and Google Cloud, including (in alphabetical order): Pranjal Awasthi, Dawei Jia, Weihao Kong, Andrew Leach, Shaan Mathur, Petros Mol, Shuxin Nie, Ananda Theertha Suresh, and Rose Yu.

4/21/2023 4:54 AM
2023-04-21 4:54

Workers Are Worried About Their Bosses Embracing AI

Will Knight

A survey by the Pew Research Center found that most employees expect hiring, firing, and workplace assessment to be transformed by algorithms.

4/21/2023 12:37 AM
2023-04-21 0:38

What’s AGI, and Why Are AI Experts Skeptical?

Reece Rogers

ChatGPT and other bots have revived conversations on artificial general intelligence. Scientists say algorithms won’t surpass you any time soon.

4/20/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-20 19:34

Responsible AI at Google Research: Technology, AI, Society and Culture

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Lauren Wilcox, Senior Staff Research Scientist, on behalf of the Technology, AI, Society, and Culture Team Google sees AI as a foundational and transformational technology, with recent advances in generative AI technologies, such as LaMDA, PaLM, Imagen, Parti, MusicLM, and similar machine learning (ML) models, some of which are now being incorporated into our products. This transformative potential requires us to be responsible not only in how we advance our technology, but also in how we envision which technologies to build, and how we assess the social impact AI and ML-enabled technologies have on the world. This endeavor necessitates fundamental and applied research with an interdisciplinary lens that engages with — and accounts for — the social, cultural, economic, and other contextual dimensions that shape the development and deployment of AI systems. We must also understand the range of possible impacts that ongoing use of such technologies may have on vulnerable communities and broader social systems. Our team, Technology, AI, Society, and Culture (TASC), is addressing this critical need. Research on the societal impacts of AI is complex and multi-faceted; no one disciplinary or methodological perspective can alone provide the diverse insights needed to grapple with the social and cultural implications of ML technologies. TASC thus leverages the strengths of an interdisciplinary team, with backgrounds ranging from computer science to social science, digital media and urban science. We use a multi-method approach with qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods to critically examine and shape the social and technical processes that underpin and surround AI technologies. We focus on participatory, culturally-inclusive, and intersectional equity-oriented research that brings to the foreground impacted communities. Our work advances Responsible AI (RAI) in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, health, and general purpose ML models and applications. Below, we share examples of our approach to Responsible AI and where we are headed in 2023. A visual diagram of the various social, technical, and equity-oriented research areas that TASC studies to progress Responsible AI in a way that respects the complex relationships between AI and society. Theme 1: Culture, communities, & AI community-engaged, and culturally-inclusive approaches. Toward this aim, we see communities as experts in their context, recognizing their deep knowledge of how technologies can and should impact their own lives. Our research champions the importance of embedding cross-cultural considerations throughout the ML development pipeline. Community engagement enables us to shift how we incorporate knowledge of what’s most important throughout this pipeline, from dataset curation to evaluation. This also enables us to understand and account for the ways in which technologies fail and how specific communities might experience harm. Based on this understanding we have created responsible AI evaluation strategies that are effective in recognizing and mitigating biases along multiple dimensions. Our work in this area is vital to ensuring that Google's technologies are safe for, work for, and are useful to a diverse set of stakeholders around the world. For example, our research on user attitudes towards AI, responsible interaction design, and fairness evaluations with a focus on the global south demonstrated the cross-cultural differences in the impact of AI and contributed resources that enable culturally-situated evaluations. We are also building cross-disciplinary research communities to examine the relationship between AI, culture, and society, through our recent and upcoming workshops on Cultures in AI/AI in Culture, Ethical Considerations in Creative Applications of Computer Vision, and Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP. Our recent research has also sought out perspectives of particular communities who are known to be less represented in ML development and applications. For example, we have investigated gender bias, both in natural language and in contexts such as gender-inclusive health, drawing on our research to develop more accurate evaluations of bias so that anyone developing these technologies can identify and mitigate harms for people with queer and non-binary identities. Theme 2: Enabling Responsible AI throughout the development lifecycle Data Cards, Model Cards and the Model Card Toolkit, we released the Data Cards Playbook, providing developers with methods and tools to document appropriate uses and essential facts related to a dataset. Because ML models are often trained and evaluated on human-annotated data, we also advance human-centric research on data annotation. We have developed frameworks to document annotation processes and methods to account for rater disagreement and rater diversity. These methods enable ML practitioners to better ensure diversity in annotation of datasets used to train models, by identifying current barriers and re-envisioning data work practices. Future directions NLP language models may perpetuate bias against people with disabilities, extending this research to address other marginalized communities and cultures and including image, video, and other multimodal models. Such models may contain tropes and stereotypes about particular groups or may erase the experiences of specific individuals or communities. Our efforts to identify sources of bias within ML models will lead to better detection of these representational harms and will support the creation of more fair and inclusive systems. TASC is about studying all the touchpoints between AI and people — from individuals and communities, to cultures and society. For AI to be culturally-inclusive, equitable, accessible, and reflective of the needs of impacted communities, we must take on these challenges with inter- and multidisciplinary research that centers the needs of impacted communities. Our research studies will continue to explore the interactions between society and AI, furthering the discovery of new ways to develop and evaluate AI in order for us to develop more robust and culturally-situated AI technologies. Acknowledgements We would like to thank everyone on the team that contributed to this blog post. In alphabetical order by last name: Cynthia Bennett, Eric Corbett, Aida Mostafazadeh Davani, Emily Denton, Sunipa Dev, Fernando Diaz, Mark Díaz, Shaun Kane, Shivani Kapania, Michael Madaio, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Rida Qadri, Renee Shelby, Ding Wang, and Andrew Zaldivar. Also, we would like to thank Toju Duke and Marian Croak for their valuable feedback and suggestions.

4/20/2023 6:14 AM
2023-04-20 6:22

Responsible AI at Google Research: Technology, AI, Society and Culture

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Lauren Wilcox, Senior Staff Research Scientist, on behalf of the Technology, AI, Society and Culture Team Google sees AI as a foundational and transformational technology, with recent advances in generative AI technologies, such as LaMDA, PaLM, Imagen, Parti, MusicLM, and similar machine learning (ML) models, some of which are now being incorporated into our products. This transformative potential requires us to be responsible not only in how we advance our technology, but also in how we envision which technologies to build, and how we assess the social impact AI and ML-enabled technologies have on the world. This endeavor necessitates fundamental and applied research with an interdisciplinary lens that engages with — and accounts for — the social, cultural, economic, and other contextual dimensions that shape the development and deployment of AI systems. We must also understand the range of possible impacts that ongoing use of such technologies may have on vulnerable communities and broader social systems. Our team, Technology, AI, Society, and Culture (TASC), is addressing this critical need. Research on the societal impacts of AI is complex and multi-faceted; no one disciplinary or methodological perspective can alone provide the diverse insights needed to grapple with the social and cultural implications of ML technologies. TASC thus leverages the strengths of an interdisciplinary team, with backgrounds ranging from computer science to social science, digital media and urban science. We use a multi-method approach with qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods to critically examine and shape the social and technical processes that underpin and surround AI technologies. We focus on participatory, culturally-inclusive, and intersectional equity-oriented research that brings to the foreground impacted communities. Our work advances Responsible AI (RAI) in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, health, and general purpose ML models and applications. Below, we share examples of our approach to Responsible AI and where we are headed in 2023. A visual diagram of the various social, technical, and equity-oriented research areas that TASC studies to progress Responsible AI in a way that respects the complex relationships between AI and society. Theme 1: Culture, communities, & AI community-engaged, and culturally-inclusive approaches. Toward this aim, we see communities as experts in their context, recognizing their deep knowledge of how technologies can and should impact their own lives. Our research champions the importance of embedding cross-cultural considerations throughout the ML development pipeline. Community engagement enables us to shift how we incorporate knowledge of what’s most important throughout this pipeline, from dataset curation to evaluation. This also enables us to understand and account for the ways in which technologies fail and how specific communities might experience harm. Based on this understanding we have created responsible AI evaluation strategies that are effective in recognizing and mitigating biases along multiple dimensions. Our work in this area is vital to ensuring that Google's technologies are safe for, work for, and are useful to a diverse set of stakeholders around the world. For example, our research on user attitudes towards AI, responsible interaction design, and fairness evaluations with a focus on the global south demonstrated the cross-cultural differences in the impact of AI and contributed resources that enable culturally-situated evaluations. We are also building cross-disciplinary research communities to examine the relationship between AI, culture, and society, through our recent and upcoming workshops on Cultures in AI/AI in Culture, Ethical Considerations in Creative Applications of Computer Vision, and Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP. Our recent research has also sought out perspectives of particular communities who are known to be less represented in ML development and applications. For example, we have investigated gender bias, both in natural language and in contexts such as gender-inclusive health, drawing on our research to develop more accurate evaluations of bias so that anyone developing these technologies can identify and mitigate harms for people with queer and non-binary identities. Theme 2: Enabling Responsible AI throughout the development lifecycle Data Cards, Model Cards and the Model Card Toolkit, we released the Data Cards Playbook, providing developers with methods and tools to document appropriate uses and essential facts related to a dataset. Because ML models are often trained and evaluated on human-annotated data, we also advance human-centric research on data annotation. We have developed frameworks to document annotation processes and methods to account for rater disagreement and rater diversity. These methods enable ML practitioners to better ensure diversity in annotation of datasets used to train models, by identifying current barriers and re-envisioning data work practices. Future directions NLP language models may perpetuate bias against people with disabilities, extending this research to address other marginalized communities and cultures and including image, video, and other multimodal models. Such models may contain tropes and stereotypes about particular groups or may erase the experiences of specific individuals or communities. Our efforts to identify sources of bias within ML models will lead to better detection of these representational harms and will support the creation of more fair and inclusive systems. TASC is about studying all the touchpoints between AI and people — from individuals and communities, to cultures and society. For AI to be culturally-inclusive, equitable, accessible, and reflective of the needs of impacted communities, we must take on these challenges with inter- and multidisciplinary research that centers the needs of impacted communities. Our research studies will continue to explore the interactions between society and AI, furthering the discovery of new ways to develop and evaluate AI in order for us to develop more robust and culturally-situated AI technologies. Acknowledgements We would like to thank everyone on the team that contributed to this blog post. In alphabetical order by last name: Cynthia Bennett, Eric Corbett, Aida Mostafazadeh Davani, Emily Denton, Sunipa Dev, Fernando Diaz, Mark Díaz, Shaun Kane, Shivani Kapania, Michael Madaio, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Rida Qadri, Renee Shelby, Ding Wang, and Andrew Zaldivar. Also, we would like to thank Toju Duke and Marian Croak for their valuable feedback and suggestions.

4/20/2023 3:34 AM
2023-04-20 3:42

Max Levchin on How AI Will—and Won’t—Shape the Way You Pay


We sat down with the CEO of Affirm to talk about the “buy now, pay later” model and just what makes him an “unabashed techno-utopian.”

4/19/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-19 19:34

'Mrs. Davis' Gets AI Right—Because It's a Comedy

Marah Eakin

Damon Lindelof’s new Peacock series is about a tech-averse nun on a quest for the Holy Grail. And that’s the least zany thing about it.

4/19/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-19 19:34

How ChatGPT—and Bots Like It—Can Spread Malware

David Nield

Generative AI is a tool, which means it can be used by cybercriminals, too. Here’s how to protect yourself.

4/19/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-19 19:34

Differentially private heatmaps

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Badih Ghazi, Staff Research Scientist, and Nachiappan Valliappan, Staff Software Engineer, Google Research Recently, differential privacy (DP) has emerged as a mathematically robust notion of user privacy for data aggregation and machine learning (ML), with practical deployments including the 2022 US Census and in industry. Over the last few years, we have open-sourced libraries for privacy-preserving analytics and ML and have been constantly enhancing their capabilities. Meanwhile, new algorithms have been developed by the research community for several analytic tasks involving private aggregation of data. One such important data aggregation method is the heatmap. Heatmaps are popular for visualizing aggregated data in two or more dimensions. They are widely used in many fields including computer vision, image processing, spatial data analysis, bioinformatics, and more. Protecting the privacy of user data is critical for many applications of heatmaps. For example, heatmaps for gene microdata are based on private data from individuals. Similarly, a heatmap of popular locations in a geographic area are based on user location check-ins that need to be kept private. Motivated by such applications, in “Differentially Private Heatmaps” (presented at AAAI 2023), we describe an efficient DP algorithm for computing heatmaps with provable guarantees and evaluate it empirically. At the core of our DP algorithm for heatmaps is a solution to the basic problem of how to privately aggregate sparse input vectors (i.e., input vectors with a small number of non-zero coordinates) with a small error as measured by the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD). Using a hierarchical partitioning procedure, our algorithm views each input vector, as well as the output heatmap, as a probability distribution over a number of items equal to the dimension of the data. For the problem of sparse aggregation under EMD, we give an efficient algorithm with error asymptotically close to the best possible. Algorithm description the post-processing property of DP. This property ensures that any transformation of the output of a DP algorithm remains differentially private. Our main contribution is a new privatization algorithm for the aggregated distribution, which we will describe next. The EMD measure, which is a distance-like measure of dissimilarity between two probability distributions originally proposed for computer vision tasks, is well-suited for heatmaps since it takes the underlying metric space into account and considers "neighboring" bins. EMD is used in a variety of applications including deep learning, spatial analysis, human mobility, image retrieval, face recognition, visual tracking, shape matching, and more. To achieve DP, we need to add noise to the aggregated distribution. We would also like to preserve statistics at different scales of the grid to minimize the EMD error. So, we create a hierarchical partitioning of the grid, add noise at each level, and then recombine into the final DP aggregated distribution. In particular, the algorithm has the following steps: Quadtree construction: Our hierarchical partitioning procedure first divides the grid into four cells, then divides each cell into four subcells; it recursively continues this process until each cell is a single pixel. This procedure creates a quadtree over the subcells where the root represents the entire grid and each leaf represents a pixel. The algorithm then calculates the total probability mass for each tree node (obtained by adding up the aggregated distribution’s probabilities of all leaves in the subtree rooted at this node). This step is illustrated below. In the first step, we take the (non-private) aggregated distribution (top left) and repeatedly divide it to create a quadtree. Then, we compute the total probability mass is each cell (bottom). Noise addition: To each tree node’s mass we then add Laplace noise calibrated to the use case. Truncation: To help reduce the final amount of noise in our DP aggregated distribution, the algorithm traverses the tree starting from the root and, at each level, it discards all but the top w nodes with highest (noisy) masses together with their descendants. Reconstruction: Finally, the algorithm solves a linear program to recover the aggregated distribution. This linear program is inspired by the sparse recovery literature where the noisy masses are viewed as (noisy) measurements of the data. In step 2, noise is added to each cell’s probability mass. Then in step 3, only top-w cells are kept (green) whereas the remaining cells are truncated (red). Finally, in the last step, we write a linear program on these top cells to reconstruct the aggregation distribution, which is now differentially private. Experimental results Laplace mechanism, where we add Laplace noise to each cell, zero out any negative cells, and produce the heatmap from this noisy aggregate. We also consider a “thresholding” variant of this baseline that is more suited to sparse data: only keep top t% of the cell values (based on the probability mass in each cell) after noising while zeroing out the rest. To evaluate the quality of an output heatmap compared to the true heatmap, we use Pearson coefficient, KL-divergence, and EMD. Note that when the heatmaps are more similar, the first metric increases but the latter two decrease. The locations dataset is obtained by combining two datasets, Gowalla and Brightkite, both of which contain check-ins by users of location-based social networks. We pre-processed this dataset to consider only check-ins in the continental US resulting in a final dataset consisting of ~500,000 check-ins by ~20,000 users. Considering the top cells (from an initial partitioning of the entire space into a 300 x 300 grid) that have check-ins from at least 200 unique users, we partition each such cell into subgrids with a resolution of ∆ × ∆ and assign each check-in to one of these subgrids. In the first set of experiments, we fix ∆ = 256. We test the performance of our algorithm for different values of ε (the privacy parameter, where smaller ε means stronger DP guarantees), ranging from 0.1 to 10, by running our algorithms together with the baseline and its variants on all cells, randomly sampling a set of 200 users in each trial, and then computing the distance metrics between the true heatmap and the DP heatmap. The average of these metrics is presented below. Our algorithm (the red line) performs better than all versions of the baseline across all metrics, with improvements that are especially significant when ε is not too large or small (i.e., 0.2 ≤ ε ≤ 5). Metrics averaged over 60 runs when varying ε for the location dataset. Shaded areas indicate 95% confidence interval. n of users. By fixing a single cell (with > 500 users) and ε, we vary n from 50 to 500 users. As predicted by theory, our algorithms and the baseline perform better as n increases. However, the behavior of the thresholding variants of the baseline are less predictable. We also run another experiment where we fix a single cell and ε, and vary the resolution ∆ from 64 to 256. In agreement with theory, our algorithm’s performance remains nearly constant for the entire range of ∆. However, the baseline suffers across all metrics as ∆ increases while the thresholding variants occasionally improve as ∆ increases. Effect of the number of users and grid resolution on EMD. Salicon image saliency dataset (SALICON). This dataset is a collection of saliency annotations on the Microsoft Common Objects in Context image database. We downsized the images to a fixed resolution of 320 × 240 and each [user, image] pair consists of a sequence of coordinates in the image where the user looked. We repeat the experiments described previously on 38 randomly sampled images (with ≥ 50 users each) from SALICON. As we can see from the examples below, the heatmap obtained by our algorithm is very close to the ground truth. Example visualization of different algorithms for two different natural images from SALICON for ε = 10 and n = 50 users. The algorithms from left to right are: original heatmap (no privacy), baseline, and ours. Conclusion shuffle model. This does not apply to the more stringent local DP model, and it remains an interesting open question to devise practical local DP heatmap/EMD aggregation algorithms for “moderate” number of users and privacy parameters. Acknowledgments This work was done jointly with Junfeng He, Kai Kohlhoff, Ravi Kumar, Pasin Manurangsi, and Vidhya Navalpakkam.

4/19/2023 5:14 AM
2023-04-19 5:14

9 Resources to Make the Most of Generative AI

David Nield

Boost your knowledge and your skills with this transformational tech.

4/18/2023 9:13 PM
2023-04-18 21:15

Some Glimpse AGI in ChatGPT. Others Call It a Mirage

Will Knight

A new generation of AI algorithms can feel like they’re reaching artificial general intelligence—but it’s not clear how to measure that.

4/18/2023 7:13 PM
2023-04-18 19:15

AI-Generated Music Is About to Flood Streaming Platforms

Amanda Hoover

There are already countless songs on Spotify, Apple Music, and SoundCloud. And as tunes become easier to create, anyone can add to the copyright din.

4/17/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-17 19:35

OpenAI’s CEO Says the Age of Giant AI Models Is Already Over

Will Knight

Sam Altman says the research strategy that birthed ChatGPT is played out and future strides in artificial intelligence will require new ideas.

4/17/2023 7:33 PM
2023-04-17 19:35

The Elusive Dream of Fully Autonomous Construction Vehicles

Khari Johnson

Robot excavators and other equipment held big promise for heavy equipment makers—like self-driving cars, the technology has proven difficult to perfect.

4/16/2023 7:13 PM
2023-04-16 19:15

Beyond automatic differentiation

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Matthew Streeter, Software Engineer, Google Research Derivatives play a central role in optimization and machine learning. By locally approximating a training loss, derivatives guide an optimizer toward lower values of the loss. Automatic differentiation frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and JAX are an essential part of modern machine learning, making it feasible to use gradient-based optimizers to train very complex models. But are derivatives all we need? By themselves, derivatives only tell us how a function behaves on an infinitesimal scale. To use derivatives effectively, we often need to know more than that. For example, to choose a learning rate for gradient descent, we need to know something about how the loss function behaves over a small but finite window. A finite-scale analogue of automatic differentiation, if it existed, could help us make such choices more effectively and thereby speed up training. In our new paper "Automatically Bounding The Taylor Remainder Series: Tighter Bounds and New Applications", we present an algorithm called AutoBound that computes polynomial upper and lower bounds on a given function, which are valid over a user-specified interval. We then begin to explore AutoBound's applications. Notably, we present a meta-optimizer called SafeRate that uses the upper bounds computed by AutoBound to derive learning rates that are guaranteed to monotonically reduce a given loss function, without the need for time-consuming hyperparameter tuning. We are also making AutoBound available as an open-source library. The AutoBound algorithm f and a reference point x0, AutoBound computes polynomial upper and lower bounds on f that hold over a user-specified interval called a trust region. Like Taylor polynomials, the bounding polynomials are equal to f at x0. The bounds become tighter as the trust region shrinks, and approach the corresponding Taylor polynomial as the trust region width approaches zero. Automatically-derived quadratic upper and lower bounds on a one-dimensional function f, centered at x0=0.5. The upper and lower bounds are valid over a user-specified trust region, and become tighter as the trust region shrinks. Taylor mode automatic differentiation, and is equivalent to it in the special case where the trust region has a width of zero. To derive the AutoBound algorithm, there were two main challenges we had to address: We had to derive polynomial upper and lower bounds for various elementary functions, given an arbitrary reference point and arbitrary trust region. We had to come up with an analogue of the chain rule for combining these bounds. Bounds for elementary functions optimal polynomial upper and lower bounds in closed form. In this context, "optimal" means the bounds are as tight as possible, among all polynomials where only the maximum-degree coefficient differs from the Taylor series. Our theory applies to elementary functions, such as exp and log, and common neural network activation functions, such as ReLU and Swish. It builds upon and generalizes earlier work that applied only to quadratic bounds, and only for an unbounded trust region. Optimal quadratic upper and lower bounds on the exponential function, centered at x0=0.5 and valid over the interval [0, 2]. A new chain rule f(x) = g(h(x)) and suppose we already have polynomial upper and lower bounds on g and h. How do we compute bounds on f? single polynomial whose highest-degree coefficient is an interval rather than a scalar. We can then plug the bound for h into the bound for g, and convert the result back to a polynomial of the same form using interval arithmetic. Under suitable assumptions about the trust region over which the bound on g holds, it can be shown that this procedure yields the desired bound on f. The interval polynomial chain rule applied to the functions h(x) = sqrt(x) and g(y) = exp(y), with x0=0.25 and trust region [0, 0.5]. Propagating bounds forward-mode automatic differentiation. Forward propagation of interval polynomial bounds for the function f(x) = exp(sqrt(x)). We first compute (trivial) bounds on x, then use the chain rule to compute bounds on sqrt(x) and exp(sqrt(x)). f(x), AutoBound requires memory proportional to the dimension of x. For this reason, practical applications apply AutoBound to functions with a small number of inputs. However, as we will see, this does not prevent us from using AutoBound for neural network optimization. Automatically deriving optimizers, and other applications Minimizing a one-dimensional logistic regression loss using quadratic upper bounds derived automatically by AutoBound. majorization-minimization (MM) optimizers. Applied to one-dimensional logistic regression, AutoBound rederives an MM optimizer first published in 2009. Applied to more complex problems, AutoBound derives novel MM optimizers that would be difficult to derive by hand. We can use a similar idea to take an existing optimizer such as Adam and convert it to a hyperparameter-free optimizer that is guaranteed to monotonically reduce the loss (in the full-batch setting). The resulting optimizer uses the same update direction as the original optimizer, but modifies the learning rate by minimizing a one-dimensional quadratic upper bound derived by AutoBound. We refer to the resulting meta-optimizer as SafeRate. Performance of SafeRate when used to train a single-hidden-layer neural network on a subset of the MNIST dataset, in the full-batch setting. wall time for each step by a small factor (about 2x in the example above). In addition to the applications just discussed, AutoBound can be used for verified numerical integration and to automatically prove sharper versions of Jensen's inequality, a fundamental mathematical inequality used frequently in statistics and other fields. Improvement over classical bounds Taylor remainder term automatically is not a new idea. A classical technique produces degree k polynomial bounds on a function f that are valid over a trust region [a, b] by first computing an expression for the kth derivative of f (using automatic differentiation), then evaluating this expression over [a,b] using interval arithmetic. Quadratic upper and lower bounds on the loss of a multi-layer perceptron with two hidden layers, as a function of the initial learning rate. The bounds derived by AutoBound are much tighter than those obtained using interval arithmetic evaluation of the second derivative. Looking forward JAX. To get started, visit our GitHub repo. Acknowledgements This post is based on joint work with Josh Dillon. We thank Alex Alemi and Sergey Ioffe for valuable feedback on an earlier draft of the post.

4/14/2023 11:15 PM
2023-04-14 23:15

Robotic deep RL at scale: Sorting waste and recyclables with a fleet of robots

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Sergey Levine, Research Scientist, and Alexander Herzog, Staff Research Software Engineer, Google Research, Brain Team Reinforcement learning (RL) can enable robots to learn complex behaviors through trial-and-error interaction, getting better and better over time. Several of our prior works explored how RL can enable intricate robotic skills, such as robotic grasping, multi-task learning, and even playing table tennis. Although robotic RL has come a long way, we still don't see RL-enabled robots in everyday settings. The real world is complex, diverse, and changes over time, presenting a major challenge for robotic systems. However, we believe that RL should offer us an excellent tool for tackling precisely these challenges: by continually practicing, getting better, and learning on the job, robots should be able to adapt to the world as it changes around them. In “Deep RL at Scale: Sorting Waste in Office Buildings with a Fleet of Mobile Manipulators”, we discuss how we studied this problem through a recent large-scale experiment, where we deployed a fleet of 23 RL-enabled robots over two years in Google office buildings to sort waste and recycling. Our robotic system combines scalable deep RL from real-world data with bootstrapping from training in simulation and auxiliary object perception inputs to boost generalization, while retaining the benefits of end-to-end training, which we validate with 4,800 evaluation trials across 240 waste station configurations. Problem setup This task is not as easy as it looks. Just being able to pick up the vast variety of objects that people deposit into waste bins presents a major learning challenge. Robots also have to identify the appropriate bin for each object and sort them as quickly and efficiently as possible. In the real world, the robots can encounter a variety of situations with unique objects, like the examples from real office buildings below: Learning from diverse experience sim-to-real transfer to provide some initial bin sorting strategies, (3) “robot classrooms” where the robots continually practice at a set of representative waste stations, and (4) the real deployment setting, where robots practice in real office buildings with real trash. A diagram of RL at scale. We bootstrap policies from data generated with a script (top-left). We then train a sim-to-real model and generate additional data in simulation (top-right). At each deployment cycle, we add data collected in our classrooms (bottom-right). We further deploy and collect data in office buildings (bottom-left). QT-Opt, which we previously applied to learn bin grasping in laboratory settings, as well as a range of other skills. In simulation, we bootstrap from simple scripted policies and use RL, with a CycleGAN-based transfer method that uses RetinaGAN to make the simulated images appear more life-like. From here, it’s off to the classroom. While real-world office buildings can provide the most representative experience, the throughput in terms of data collection is limited — some days there will be a lot of trash to sort, some days not so much. Our robots collect a large portion of their experience in “robot classrooms.” In the classroom shown below, 20 robots practice the waste sorting task: While these robots are training in the classrooms, other robots are simultaneously learning on the job in 3 office buildings, with 30 waste stations: Sorting performance Our paper provides further insights on the technical design, ablations studying various design decisions, and more detailed statistics on the experiments. Conclusion and future work larger and more powerful models will be needed to improve their performance and extend them to a broader range of tasks. Other sources of experience, including from other tasks, other robots, and even Internet videos may serve to further supplement the bootstrapping experience that we obtained from simulation and classrooms. These are exciting problems to tackle in the future. Please see the full paper here, and the supplementary video materials on the project webpage. Acknowledgements This research was conducted by multiple researchers at Robotics at Google and Everyday Robots, with contributions from Alexander Herzog, Kanishka Rao, Karol Hausman, Yao Lu, Paul Wohlhart, Mengyuan Yan, Jessica Lin, Montserrat Gonzalez Arenas, Ted Xiao, Daniel Kappler, Daniel Ho, Jarek Rettinghouse, Yevgen Chebotar, Kuang-Huei Lee, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Ryan Julian, Adrian Li, Chuyuan Kelly Fu, Bob Wei, Sangeetha Ramesh, Khem Holden, Kim Kleiven, David Rendleman, Sean Kirmani, Jeff Bingham, Jon Weisz, Ying Xu, Wenlong Lu, Matthew Bennice, Cody Fong, David Do, Jessica Lam, Yunfei Bai, Benjie Holson, Michael Quinlan, Noah Brown, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Julian Ibarz, Peter Pastor, Sergey Levine and the entire Everyday Robots team.

4/14/2023 4:36 AM
2023-04-14 4:37

The Hacking of ChatGPT Is Just Getting Started

Matt Burgess

Security researchers are jailbreaking large language models to get around safety rules. Things could get much worse.

4/14/2023 12:39 AM
2023-04-14 0:40

Ukraine’s Quest for Homegrown AI Drones to Take On Russia

Will Knight

he country’s digital minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, says software has been crucial to the war effort and that smarter drones will boost Ukraine's defenses.

4/14/2023 12:15 AM
2023-04-14 0:16

Amazon Is Joining the Generative AI Race

Will Knight

The ecommerce giant doesn’t have a ChatGPT rival, but it wants to sell you the tools you need to build one.

4/13/2023 9:15 PM
2023-04-13 21:17

Robot Lawyers Are About to Flood the Courts

Keith Porcaro

It’s time to reform the US legal system.

4/13/2023 8:15 PM
2023-04-13 20:17

This Podcast Is Not Hosted By AI Voice Clones. We Swear


This week on Gadget Lab, we use a set of software tools to create robo versions of our real voices and see how they stack up.

4/13/2023 8:15 PM
2023-04-13 20:17

UniPi: Learning universal policies via text-guided video generation

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Sherry Yang, Research Scientist, and Yilun Du, Student Researcher, Google Research, Brain Team Building models that solve a diverse set of tasks has become a dominant paradigm in the domains of vision and language. In natural language processing, large pre-trained models, such as PaLM, GPT-3 and Gopher, have demonstrated remarkable zero-shot learning of new language tasks. Similarly, in computer vision, models like CLIP and Flamingo have shown robust performance on zero-shot classification and object recognition. A natural next step is to use such tools to construct agents that can complete different decision-making tasks across many environments. However, training such agents faces the inherent challenge of environmental diversity, since different environments operate with distinct state action spaces (e.g., the joint space and continuous controls in MuJoCo are fundamentally different from the image space and discrete actions in Atari). This environmental diversity hampers knowledge sharing, learning, and generalization across tasks and environments. Furthermore, it is difficult to construct reward functions across environments, as different tasks generally have different notions of success. In “Learning Universal Policies via Text-Guided Video Generation”, we propose a Universal Policy (UniPi) that addresses environmental diversity and reward specification challenges. UniPi leverages text for expressing task descriptions and video (i.e., image sequences) as a universal interface for conveying action and observation behavior in different environments. Given an input image frame paired with text describing a current goal (i.e., the next high-level step), UniPi uses a novel video generator (trajectory planner) to generate video with snippets of what an agent’s trajectory should look like to achieve that goal. The generated video is fed into an inverse dynamics model that extracts underlying low-level control actions, which are then executed in simulation or by a real robot agent. We demonstrate that UniPi enables the use of language and video as a universal control interface for generalizing to novel goals and tasks across diverse environments. Video policies generated by UniPi. UniPi may be applied to downstream multi-task settings that require combinatorial language generalization, long-horizon planning, or internet-scale knowledge. In the bottom example, UniPi takes the image of the white robot arm from the internet and generates video snippets according to the text description of the goal. UniPi implementation temporal super resolution, 3) flexible behavior synthesis, and 4) task-specific action adaptation. We explain the implementation and benefit of each component in detail below. Video generation through tiling Imagen typically generate videos where the underlying environment state changes significantly throughout the duration. To construct an accurate trajectory planner, it is important that the environment remains consistent across all time points. We enforce environment consistency in conditional video synthesis by providing the observed image as additional context when denoising each frame in the synthesized video. To achieve context conditioning, UniPi directly concatenates each intermediate frame sampled from noise with the conditioned observed image across sampling steps, which serves as a strong signal to maintain the underlying environment state across time. Text-conditional video generation enables UniPi to train general purpose policies on a wide range of data sources (simulated, real robots and YouTube). Hierarchical planning Planning methods often circumvent this issue by leveraging a natural hierarchy in planning. Specifically, planning methods first construct coarse plans (the intermediate key frames spread out across time) operating on low-dimensional states and actions, which are then refined into plans in the underlying state and action spaces. Similar to planning, our conditional video generation procedure exhibits a natural temporal hierarchy. UniPi first generates videos at a coarse level by sparsely sampling videos (“abstractions”) of desired agent behavior along the time axis. UniPi then refines the videos to represent valid behavior in the environment by super-resolving videos across time. Meanwhile, coarse-to-fine super-resolution further improves consistency via interpolation between frames. Given an input observation and text instruction, we plan a set of images representing agent behavior. Images are converted to actions using an inverse dynamics model. Flexible behavioral modulation Dirac delta distribution on a particular image to guide a plan towards a particular set of states. To train the text-conditioned video generation model, we utilize the video diffusion algorithm, where pre-trained language features from the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) are encoded. Task-specific action adaptation closed-loop control. Capabilities and evaluation of UniPi Transformer BC, Trajectory Transformer (TT), and Diffuser. UniPi generalizes well to both seen and novel combinations of language prompts in Place (e.g., “place X in Y”) and Relation (e.g., “place X to the left of Y”) tasks. Generated videos for unseen language goals at test time. Multi-environment transfer UniPi generalizes well to new environments when trained on a set of different multi-task environments. Generated video plans on different new test tasks in the multitask setting. Real world transfer Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) and Fréchet Video Distance (FVD) metrics. We used Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training scores (CLIPScores) to measure the language-image alignment. We demonstrate that pre-trained UniPi achieves significantly higher FID and FVD scores and a better CLIPScore compared to UniPi without pre-training, suggesting that pre-training on non-robot data helps with generating plans for robots. We report the CLIPScore, FID, and VID scores for UniPi trained on Bridge data, with and without pre-training: Model (24x40) CLIPScore ↑ FID ↓ FVD ↓ No pre-training 24.43 ± 0.04 17.75 ± 0.56 288.02 ± 10.45 Pre-trained 24.54 ± 0.03 14.54 ± 0.57 264.66 ± 13.64 Using existing internet data improves video plan predictions under all metrics considered. The future of large-scale generative models for decision making Acknowledgements We’d like to thank all remaining authors of the paper including Bo Dai, Hanjun Dai, Ofir Nachum, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Dale Schuurmans, and Pieter Abbeel. We would like to thank George Tucker, Douglas Eck, and Vincent Vanhoucke for the feedback on this post and on the original paper.

4/13/2023 5:17 AM
2023-04-13 5:17

AI Can Clone Your Favorite Podcast Host’s Voice

Boone Ashworth

The virtual speech isn’t terribly convincing yet—but it will be soon.

4/12/2023 7:35 PM
2023-04-12 19:37

Developing an aging clock using deep learning on retinal images

Google AI
Google AI

Posted by Sara Ahadi, Research Fellow, Applied Science, and Andrew Carroll, Product Lead, Genomics Aging is a process that is characterized by physiological and molecular changes that increase an individual's risk of developing diseases and eventually dying. Being able to measure and estimate the biological signatures of aging can help researchers identify preventive measures to reduce disease risk and impact. Researchers have developed “aging clocks” based on markers such as blood proteins or DNA methylation to measure individuals’ biological age, which is distinct from one’s chronological age. These aging clocks help predict the risk of age-related diseases. But because protein and methylation markers require a blood draw, non-invasive ways to find similar measures could make aging information more accessible. Perhaps surprisingly, the features on our retinas reflect a lot about us. Images of the retina, which has vascular connections to the brain, are a valuable source of biological and physiological information. Its features have been linked to several aging-related diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, previous work from Google has shown that retinal images can be used to predict age, risk of cardiovascular disease, or even sex or smoking status. Could we extend those findings to aging, and maybe in the process identify a new, useful biomarker for human disease? In a new paper “Longitudinal fundus imaging and its genome-wide association analysis provide evidence for a human retinal aging clock”, we show that deep learning models can accurately predict biological age from a retinal image and reveal insights that better predict age-related disease in individuals. We discuss how the model's insights can improve our understanding of how genetic factors influence aging. Furthermore, we’re releasing the code modifications for these models, which build on ML frameworks for analyzing retina images that we have previously publicly released. Predicting chronological age from retinal images competition by Kaggle and academic publications, including prior Google work with diabetic retinopathy. We evaluated the resulting model performance both on a held-out set of 50,000 retinal images and on a separate UKBiobank dataset containing approximately 120,000 images. The model predictions, named eyeAge, strongly correspond with the true chronological age of individuals (shown below; Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.87). This is the first time that retinal images have been used to create such an accurate aging clock. Left: A retinal image showing the macula (dark spot in the middle), optic disc (bright spot at the right), and blood vessels (dark red lines extending from the optic disc). Right: Comparison of an individual’s true chronological age with the retina model predictions, “eyeAge”. Analyzing the predicted and real age gap chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and myocardial infarction and other biomarkers of health like systolic blood pressure. We observed that a predicted age higher than the chronological age, correlates with disease and biomarkers of health in these cases. For example, we showed a statistically significant (p=0.0028) correlation between eyeAge and all-cause mortality — that is a higher eyeAge was associated with a greater chance of death during the study. Revealing genetic factors for aging large UKBiobank study. Importantly, an individual’s germline genetics (the variants inherited from your parents) are fixed at birth, making this measure independent of age. This analysis generated a list of genes associated with accelerated biological aging (labeled in the figure below). The top identified gene from our genome-wide association study is ALKAL2, and interestingly the corresponding gene in fruit flies had previously been shown to be involved in extending life span in flies. Our collaborator, Professor Pankaj Kapahi from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, found in laboratory experiments that reducing the expression of the gene in flies resulted in improved vision, providing an indication of ALKAL2 influence on the aging of the visual system. Manhattan plot representing significant genes associated with gap between chronological age and eyeAge. Significant genes displayed as points above the dotted threshold line. Applications Conclusion code modifications used for these models which build on ML frameworks for analyzing retina images that we have previously publicly released. It is our hope that this work will help scientists create better processes to identify disease and disease risk early, and lead to more effective drug and lifestyle interventions to promote healthy aging. Acknowledgments This work is the outcome of the combined efforts of multiple groups. We thank all contributors: Sara Ahadi, Boris Babenko, Cory McLean, Drew Bryant, Orion Pritchard, Avinash Varadarajan, Marc Berndl and Ali Bashir (Google Research), Kenneth Wilson, Enrique Carrera and Pankaj Kapahi (Buck Institute of Aging Research), and Ricardo Lamy and Jay Stewart (University of California, San Francisco). We would also like to thank Michelle Dimon and John Platt for reviewing the manuscript, and Preeti Singh for helping with publication logistics.

4/12/2023 2:57 AM
2023-04-12 3:05

Announcing OpenAI’s Bug Bounty Program


This initiative is essential to our commitment to develop safe and advanced AI. As we create technology and services that are secure, reliable, and trustworthy, we need your help.

4/12/2023 1:16 AM
2023-04-12 1:17

Your ChatGPT Relationship Status Shouldn’t Be Complicated

Michal Luria

The way people talk to each other is influenced by their social roles. But ChatGPT is blurring the lines of communication.

4/11/2023 9:15 PM
2023-04-11 21:17